# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI. #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License. #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. #
# #
# Date: 12-05-2020 #
# Author(s): Lorenzo Pellegrini, Antonio Carta #
# E-mail: contact@continualai.org #
# Website: avalanche.continualai.org #
This module contains the implementation of the ``ClassificationDataset``,
which is the dataset used for supervised continual learning benchmarks.
ClassificationDatasets are ``AvalancheDatasets`` that manage class and task
labels automatically. Concatenation and subsampling operations are optimized
to be used frequently, as is common in replay strategies.
import warnings
from collections import defaultdict, deque
import torch
from torch.utils.data import Dataset
from torch.utils.data.dataset import Subset, ConcatDataset, TensorDataset
from .data import make_avalanche_dataset, AvalancheDataset
from .transform_groups import TransformGroups, DefaultTransformGroups
from .data_attribute import DataAttribute
from .dataset_utils import (
from .flat_data import ConstantSequence
from .dataset_definitions import (
from typing import (
from typing_extensions import Protocol
T_co = TypeVar("T_co", covariant=True)
TAvalancheDataset = TypeVar("TAvalancheDataset", bound="AvalancheDataset")
TTargetType = Union[int]
# Info: https://mypy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/protocols.html#callback-protocols
class XComposedTransformDef(Protocol):
def __call__(self, *input_values: Any) -> Any:
class XTransformDef(Protocol):
def __call__(self, input_value: Any) -> Any:
class YTransformDef(Protocol):
def __call__(self, input_value: Any) -> Any:
XTransform = Optional[Union[XTransformDef, XComposedTransformDef]]
YTransform = Optional[YTransformDef]
TransformGroupDef = Union[None, XTransform, Tuple[XTransform, YTransform]]
class _ClassificationAttributesMixin:
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def task_pattern_indices(self):
"""A dictionary mapping task ids to their sample indices."""
return self.targets_task_labels.val_to_idx
def task_set(self):
"""Returns the datasets's ``TaskSet``, which is a mapping <task-id,
return TaskSet(self)
class ClassificationDataset(AvalancheDataset, _ClassificationAttributesMixin):
def subset(self, indices):
data = super().subset(indices)
return data.with_transforms(self._transform_groups.current_group)
def concat(self, other):
data = super().concat(other)
return data.with_transforms(self._transform_groups.current_group)
def __hash__(self):
return id(self)
SupportedDataset = Union[
[docs]def make_classification_dataset(
dataset: SupportedDataset,
transform: XTransform = None,
target_transform: YTransform = None,
transform_groups: Dict[str, TransformGroupDef] = None,
initial_transform_group: str = None,
task_labels: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None,
targets: Sequence[TTargetType] = None,
collate_fn: Callable[[List], Any] = None
"""Avalanche Classification Dataset.
Supervised continual learning benchmarks in Avalanche return instances of
this dataset, but it can also be used in a completely standalone manner.
This dataset applies input/target transformations, it supports
slicing and advanced indexing and it also contains useful fields as
`targets`, which contains the pattern labels, and `targets_task_labels`,
which contains the pattern task labels. The `task_set` field can be used to
obtain a the subset of patterns labeled with a given task label.
This dataset can also be used to apply several advanced operations involving
transformations. For instance, it allows the user to add and replace
transformations, freeze them so that they can't be changed, etc.
This dataset also allows the user to keep distinct transformations groups.
Simply put, a transformation group is a pair of transform+target_transform
(exactly as in torchvision datasets). This dataset natively supports keeping
two transformation groups: the first, 'train', contains transformations
applied to training patterns. Those transformations usually involve some
kind of data augmentation. The second one is 'eval', that will contain
transformations applied to test patterns. Having both groups can be
useful when, for instance, in need to test on the training data (as this
process usually involves removing data augmentation operations). Switching
between transformations can be easily achieved by using the
:func:`train` and :func:`eval` methods.
Moreover, arbitrary transformation groups can be added and used. For more
info see the constructor and the :func:`with_transforms` method.
This dataset will try to inherit the task labels from the input
dataset. If none are available and none are given via the `task_labels`
parameter, each pattern will be assigned a default task label 0.
Creates a ``AvalancheDataset`` instance.
:param dataset: The dataset to decorate. Beware that
AvalancheDataset will not overwrite transformations already
applied by this dataset.
:param transform: A function/transform that takes the X value of a
pattern from the original dataset and returns a transformed version.
:param target_transform: A function/transform that takes in the target
and transforms it.
:param transform_groups: A dictionary containing the transform groups.
Transform groups are used to quickly switch between training and
eval (test) transformations. This becomes useful when in need to
test on the training dataset as test transformations usually don't
contain random augmentations. ``AvalancheDataset`` natively supports
the 'train' and 'eval' groups by calling the ``train()`` and
``eval()`` methods. When using custom groups one can use the
``with_transforms(group_name)`` method instead. Defaults to None,
which means that the current transforms will be used to
handle both 'train' and 'eval' groups (just like in standard
``torchvision`` datasets).
:param initial_transform_group: The name of the initial transform group
to be used. Defaults to None, which means that the current group of
the input dataset will be used (if an AvalancheDataset). If the
input dataset is not an AvalancheDataset, then 'train' will be
:param task_labels: The task label of each instance. Must be a sequence
of ints, one for each instance in the dataset. Alternatively can be
a single int value, in which case that value will be used as the
task label for all the instances. Defaults to None, which means that
the dataset will try to obtain the task labels from the original
dataset. If no task labels could be found, a default task label
0 will be applied to all instances.
:param targets: The label of each pattern. Defaults to None, which
means that the targets will be retrieved from the dataset (if
:param collate_fn: The function to use when slicing to merge single
patterns.This function is the function
used in the data loading process, too. If None
the constructor will check if a
`collate_fn` field exists in the dataset. If no such field exists,
the default collate function will be used.
transform_gs = _init_transform_groups(
targets = _init_targets(dataset, targets)
task_labels = _init_task_labels(dataset, task_labels)
das = []
if targets is not None:
if task_labels is not None:
if len(das) == 0:
das = None
data = ClassificationDataset(
if initial_transform_group is not None:
return data.with_transforms(initial_transform_group)
return data
def _init_transform_groups(
if transform_groups is not None and (
transform is not None or target_transform is not None
raise ValueError(
"transform_groups can't be used with transform"
"and target_transform values"
if transform_groups is not None:
if initial_transform_group is None:
# Detect from the input dataset. If not an AvalancheDataset then
# use 'train' as the initial transform group
if (
isinstance(dataset, ClassificationDataset)
and dataset._transform_groups is not None
initial_transform_group = dataset._transform_groups.current_group
initial_transform_group = "train"
if transform_groups is None:
if target_transform is None and transform is None:
tgs = None
tgs = TransformGroups(
"train": (transform, target_transform),
"eval": (transform, target_transform),
tgs = TransformGroups(
transform_groups, current_group=initial_transform_group
return tgs
def _check_groups_dict_format(groups_dict):
# The original groups_dict must be convertible to native Python dict
groups_dict = dict(groups_dict)
# Check if the format of the groups is correct
for map_key in groups_dict:
if not isinstance(map_key, str):
raise ValueError(
"Every group must be identified by a string."
'Wrong key was: "' + str(map_key) + '"'
if "test" in groups_dict:
'A transformation group named "test" has been found. Beware '
"that by default AvalancheDataset supports test transformations"
' through the "eval" group. Consider using that one!'
def _init_targets(dataset, targets, check_shape=True):
if targets is not None:
# User defined targets always take precedence
if isinstance(targets, int):
targets = ConstantSequence(targets, len(dataset))
elif len(targets) != len(dataset) and check_shape:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid amount of target labels. It must be equal to the "
"number of patterns in the dataset. Got {}, expected "
"{}!".format(len(targets), len(dataset))
return DataAttribute(targets, "targets")
if isinstance(dataset, ClassificationDataset):
return None # targets are initialized automatically
targets = _traverse_supported_dataset(dataset, _select_targets)
if isinstance(targets, torch.Tensor):
targets = targets.tolist()
if targets is None:
return None
return DataAttribute(targets, "targets")
def _init_task_labels(dataset, task_labels, check_shape=True):
"""A task label for each pattern in the dataset."""
if task_labels is not None:
# task_labels has priority over the dataset fields
if isinstance(task_labels, int):
task_labels = ConstantSequence(task_labels, len(dataset))
elif len(task_labels) != len(dataset) and check_shape:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid amount of task labels. It must be equal to the "
"number of patterns in the dataset. Got {}, expected "
"{}!".format(len(task_labels), len(dataset))
tls = SubSequence(task_labels, converter=int)
if isinstance(dataset, ClassificationDataset):
tls = None
task_labels = _traverse_supported_dataset(
dataset, _select_task_labels
tls = SubSequence(task_labels, converter=int)
if tls is None:
return None
return DataAttribute(tls, "targets_task_labels", use_in_getitem=True)
[docs]def classification_subset(
dataset: SupportedDataset,
indices: Sequence[int] = None,
class_mapping: Sequence[int] = None,
transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
target_transform: Callable[[int], int] = None,
transform_groups: Dict[str, Tuple[XTransform, YTransform]] = None,
initial_transform_group: str = None,
task_labels: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None,
targets: Sequence[TTargetType] = None,
collate_fn: Callable[[List], Any] = None
"""Creates an ``AvalancheSubset`` instance.
For simple subset operations you should use the method
Use this constructor only if you need to redefine transformation or
class/task labels.
A Dataset that behaves like a PyTorch :class:`torch.utils.data.Subset`.
This Dataset also supports transformations, slicing, advanced indexing,
the targets field, class mapping and all the other goodies listed in
:param dataset: The whole dataset.
:param indices: Indices in the whole set selected for subset. Can
be None, which means that the whole dataset will be returned.
:param class_mapping: A list that, for each possible target (Y) value,
contains its corresponding remapped value. Can be None.
Beware that setting this parameter will force the final
dataset type to be CLASSIFICATION or UNDEFINED.
:param transform: A function/transform that takes the X value of a
pattern from the original dataset and returns a transformed version.
:param target_transform: A function/transform that takes in the target
and transforms it.
:param transform_groups: A dictionary containing the transform groups.
Transform groups are used to quickly switch between training and
eval (test) transformations. This becomes useful when in need to
test on the training dataset as test transformations usually don't
contain random augmentations. ``AvalancheDataset`` natively supports
the 'train' and 'eval' groups by calling the ``train()`` and
``eval()`` methods. When using custom groups one can use the
``with_transforms(group_name)`` method instead. Defaults to None,
which means that the current transforms will be used to
handle both 'train' and 'eval' groups (just like in standard
``torchvision`` datasets).
:param initial_transform_group: The name of the initial transform group
to be used. Defaults to None, which means that the current group of
the input dataset will be used (if an AvalancheDataset). If the
input dataset is not an AvalancheDataset, then 'train' will be
:param task_labels: The task label for each instance. Must be a sequence
of ints, one for each instance in the dataset. This can either be a
list of task labels for the original dataset or the list of task
labels for the instances of the subset (an automatic detection will
be made). In the unfortunate case in which the original dataset and
the subset contain the same amount of instances, then this parameter
is considered to contain the task labels of the subset.
Alternatively can be a single int value, in which case
that value will be used as the task label for all the instances.
Defaults to None, which means that the dataset will try to
obtain the task labels from the original dataset. If no task labels
could be found, a default task label 0 will be applied to all
:param targets: The label of each pattern. Defaults to None, which
means that the targets will be retrieved from the dataset (if
possible). This can either be a list of target labels for the
original dataset or the list of target labels for the instances of
the subset (an automatic detection will be made). In the unfortunate
case in which the original dataset and the subset contain the same
amount of instances, then this parameter is considered to contain
the target labels of the subset.
:param collate_fn: The function to use when slicing to merge single
patterns. This function is the function
used in the data loading process, too. If None,
the constructor will check if a
`collate_fn` field exists in the dataset. If no such field exists,
the default collate function will be used.
if isinstance(dataset, ClassificationDataset):
if (
class_mapping is None
and transform is None
and target_transform is None
and transform_groups is None
and initial_transform_group is None
and task_labels is None
and targets is None
and collate_fn is None
return dataset.subset(indices)
targets = _init_targets(dataset, targets, check_shape=False)
task_labels = _init_task_labels(dataset, task_labels, check_shape=False)
transform_gs = _init_transform_groups(
if initial_transform_group is not None and isinstance(
dataset, AvalancheDataset
dataset = dataset.with_transforms(initial_transform_group)
if class_mapping is not None: # update targets
if targets is None:
tgs = [class_mapping[el] for el in dataset.targets]
tgs = [class_mapping[el] for el in targets]
targets = DataAttribute(tgs, "targets")
if class_mapping is not None:
frozen_transform_groups = DefaultTransformGroups(
(None, lambda x: class_mapping[x])
frozen_transform_groups = None
das = []
if targets is not None:
if task_labels is not None:
# special treatment for task labels depending on length for
# backward compatibility
if len(task_labels) != len(dataset):
# task labels are already subsampled
dataset = ClassificationDataset(
# now add task labels
return ClassificationDataset(
data_attributes=[dataset.targets, task_labels])
if len(das) == 0:
das = None
return ClassificationDataset(
[docs]def make_tensor_classification_dataset(
*dataset_tensors: Sequence,
transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
target_transform: Callable[[int], int] = None,
transform_groups: Dict[str, Tuple[XTransform, YTransform]] = None,
initial_transform_group: str = "train",
task_labels: Union[int, Sequence[int]] = None,
targets: Union[Sequence[TTargetType], int] = None,
collate_fn: Callable[[List], Any] = None
"""Creates a ``AvalancheTensorDataset`` instance.
A Dataset that wraps existing ndarrays, Tensors, lists... to provide
basic Dataset functionalities. Very similar to TensorDataset from PyTorch,
this Dataset also supports transformations, slicing, advanced indexing,
the targets field and all the other goodies listed in
:param dataset_tensors: Sequences, Tensors or ndarrays representing the
content of the dataset.
:param transform: A function/transform that takes in a single element
from the first tensor and returns a transformed version.
:param target_transform: A function/transform that takes a single
element of the second tensor and transforms it.
:param transform_groups: A dictionary containing the transform groups.
Transform groups are used to quickly switch between training and
eval (test) transformations. This becomes useful when in need to
test on the training dataset as test transformations usually don't
contain random augmentations. ``AvalancheDataset`` natively supports
the 'train' and 'eval' groups by calling the ``train()`` and
``eval()`` methods. When using custom groups one can use the
``with_transforms(group_name)`` method instead. Defaults to None,
which means that the current transforms will be used to
handle both 'train' and 'eval' groups (just like in standard
``torchvision`` datasets).
:param initial_transform_group: The name of the transform group
to be used. Defaults to 'train'.
:param task_labels: The task labels for each pattern. Must be a sequence
of ints, one for each pattern in the dataset. Alternatively can be a
single int value, in which case that value will be used as the task
label for all the instances. Defaults to None, which means that a
default task label 0 will be applied to all patterns.
:param targets: The label of each pattern. Defaults to None, which
means that the targets will be retrieved from the second tensor of
the dataset. Otherwise, it can be a sequence of values containing
as many elements as the number of patterns.
:param collate_fn: The function to use when slicing to merge single
patterns. In the future this function may become the function
used in the data loading process, too.
if len(dataset_tensors) < 1:
raise ValueError("At least one sequence must be passed")
if targets is None:
targets = dataset_tensors[1]
elif isinstance(targets, int):
targets = dataset_tensors[targets]
tts = []
for tt in dataset_tensors: # TorchTensor requires a pytorch tensor
if not hasattr(tt, 'size'):
tt = torch.tensor(tt)
dataset = _TensorClassificationDataset(*tts)
transform_gs = _init_transform_groups(
targets = _init_targets(dataset, targets)
task_labels = _init_task_labels(dataset, task_labels)
if initial_transform_group is not None and isinstance(
dataset, AvalancheDataset
dataset = dataset.with_transforms(initial_transform_group)
return ClassificationDataset(
data_attributes=[targets, task_labels],
class _TensorClassificationDataset(TensorDataset):
"""we want class labels to be integers, not tensors."""
def __getitem__(self, item):
elem = list(super().__getitem__(item))
elem[1] = elem[1].item()
return tuple(elem)
[docs]def concat_classification_datasets(
datasets: List[SupportedDataset],
transform: Callable[[Any], Any] = None,
target_transform: Callable[[int], int] = None,
transform_groups: Dict[str, Tuple[XTransform, YTransform]] = None,
initial_transform_group: str = None,
task_labels: Union[int, Sequence[int], Sequence[Sequence[int]]] = None,
targets: Union[
Sequence[TTargetType], Sequence[Sequence[TTargetType]]
] = None,
collate_fn: Callable[[List], Any] = None
"""Creates a ``AvalancheConcatDataset`` instance.
For simple subset operations you should use the method
`dataset.concat(other)` or
`concat_datasets` from `avalanche.benchmarks.utils.utils`.
Use this constructor only if you need to redefine transformation or
class/task labels.
A Dataset that behaves like a PyTorch
:class:`torch.utils.data.ConcatDataset`. However, this Dataset also supports
transformations, slicing, advanced indexing and the targets field and all
the other goodies listed in :class:`AvalancheDataset`.
This dataset guarantees that the operations involving the transformations
and transformations groups are consistent across the concatenated dataset
(if they are subclasses of :class:`AvalancheDataset`).
:param datasets: A collection of datasets.
:param transform: A function/transform that takes the X value of a
pattern from the original dataset and returns a transformed version.
:param target_transform: A function/transform that takes in the target
and transforms it.
:param transform_groups: A dictionary containing the transform groups.
Transform groups are used to quickly switch between training and
eval (test) transformations. This becomes useful when in need to
test on the training dataset as test transformations usually don't
contain random augmentations. ``AvalancheDataset`` natively supports
the 'train' and 'eval' groups by calling the ``train()`` and
``eval()`` methods. When using custom groups one can use the
``with_transforms(group_name)`` method instead. Defaults to None,
which means that the current transforms will be used to
handle both 'train' and 'eval' groups (just like in standard
``torchvision`` datasets).
:param initial_transform_group: The name of the initial transform group
to be used. Defaults to None, which means that if all
AvalancheDatasets in the input datasets list agree on a common
group (the "current group" is the same for all datasets), then that
group will be used as the initial one. If the list of input datasets
does not contain an AvalancheDataset or if the AvalancheDatasets
do not agree on a common group, then 'train' will be used.
:param targets: The label of each pattern. Can either be a sequence of
labels or, alternatively, a sequence containing sequences of labels
(one for each dataset to be concatenated). Defaults to None, which
means that the targets will be retrieved from the datasets (if
:param task_labels: The task labels for each pattern. Must be a sequence
of ints, one for each pattern in the dataset. Alternatively, task
labels can be expressed as a sequence containing sequences of ints
(one for each dataset to be concatenated) or even a single int,
in which case that value will be used as the task label for all
instances. Defaults to None, which means that the dataset will try
to obtain the task labels from the original datasets. If no task
labels could be found for a dataset, a default task label 0 will
be applied to all patterns of that dataset.
:param collate_fn: The function to use when slicing to merge single
patterns. In the future this function may become the function
used in the data loading process, too. If None, the constructor
will check if a `collate_fn` field exists in the first dataset. If
no such field exists, the default collate function will be used.
Beware that the chosen collate function will be applied to all
the concatenated datasets even if a different collate is defined
in different datasets.
dds = []
for dd in datasets:
if not isinstance(dd, AvalancheDataset):
dd = make_classification_dataset(
if (
transform is None
and target_transform is None
and transform_groups is None
and initial_transform_group is None
and task_labels is None
and targets is None
and collate_fn is None
and len(datasets) > 0
d0 = datasets[0]
if isinstance(d0, ClassificationDataset):
for d1 in datasets[1:]:
d0 = d0.concat(d1)
return d0
das = []
if len(dds) > 0:
transform_groups = _init_transform_groups(
if initial_transform_group is None:
uniform_group = None
for d_set in datasets:
if isinstance(d_set, AvalancheDataset):
if uniform_group is None:
uniform_group = d_set._transform_groups.current_group
if (
!= d_set._transform_groups.current_group
uniform_group = None
if uniform_group is None:
initial_transform_group = "train"
initial_transform_group = uniform_group
totlen = sum([len(d) for d in datasets])
if (
task_labels is not None
): # User defined targets always take precedence
if isinstance(task_labels, int):
task_labels = ConstantSequence(task_labels, totlen)
elif len(task_labels) != totlen:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid amount of target labels. It must be equal to the "
"number of patterns in the dataset. Got {}, expected "
"{}!".format(len(task_labels), totlen)
task_labels, "targets_task_labels", use_in_getitem=True
if targets is not None: # User defined targets always take precedence
if isinstance(targets, int):
targets = ConstantSequence(targets, totlen)
elif len(targets) != totlen:
raise ValueError(
"Invalid amount of target labels. It must be equal to the "
"number of patterns in the dataset. Got {}, expected "
"{}!".format(len(targets), totlen)
das.append(DataAttribute(targets, "targets"))
if len(das) == 0:
das = None
data = ClassificationDataset(
dds, transform_groups=transform_groups, data_attributes=das
return data.with_transforms(initial_transform_group)
def _select_targets(dataset, indices):
if hasattr(dataset, "targets"):
# Standard supported dataset
found_targets = dataset.targets
elif hasattr(dataset, "tensors"):
# Support for PyTorch TensorDataset
if len(dataset.tensors) < 2:
raise ValueError(
"Tensor dataset has not enough tensors: "
"at least 2 are required."
found_targets = dataset.tensors[1]
raise ValueError(
"Unsupported dataset: must have a valid targets field "
"or has to be a Tensor Dataset with at least 2 "
if indices is not None:
found_targets = SubSequence(found_targets, indices=indices)
return found_targets
def _select_task_labels(dataset, indices):
found_task_labels = None
if hasattr(dataset, "targets_task_labels"):
found_task_labels = dataset.targets_task_labels
if found_task_labels is None:
if isinstance(dataset, (Subset, ConcatDataset)):
return None # Continue traversing
if found_task_labels is None:
if indices is None:
return ConstantSequence(0, len(dataset))
return ConstantSequence(0, len(indices))
if indices is not None:
found_task_labels = SubSequence(found_task_labels, indices=indices)
return found_task_labels
def _traverse_supported_dataset(
dataset, values_selector: Callable[[Dataset, List[int]], List], indices=None
) -> List:
initial_error = None
result = values_selector(dataset, indices)
if result is not None:
return result
except BaseException as e:
initial_error = e
if isinstance(dataset, Subset):
if indices is None:
indices = range(len(dataset))
indices = [dataset.indices[x] for x in indices]
return list(
dataset.dataset, values_selector, indices
if isinstance(dataset, ConcatDataset):
result = []
if indices is None:
for c_dataset in dataset.datasets:
result += list(
c_dataset, values_selector, indices
return result
datasets_to_indexes = defaultdict(list)
indexes_to_dataset = []
datasets_len = []
recursion_result = []
all_size = 0
for c_dataset in dataset.datasets:
len_dataset = len(c_dataset)
all_size += len_dataset
for subset_idx in indices:
dataset_idx, pattern_idx = find_list_from_index(
subset_idx, datasets_len, all_size
for dataset_idx, c_dataset in enumerate(dataset.datasets):
result = []
for idx in range(len(indices)):
dataset_idx = indexes_to_dataset[idx]
return result
if initial_error is not None:
raise initial_error
raise ValueError("Error: can't find the needed data in the given dataset")
[docs]class TaskSet(Mapping):
"""A lazy mapping for <task-label -> task dataset>.
Given an `AvalancheClassificationDataset`, this class provides an
iterator that splits the data into task subsets, returning tuples
`<task_id, task_dataset>`.
.. code-block:: python
tset = TaskSet(data)
for tid, tdata in tset:
print(f"task {tid} has {len(tdata)} examples.")
[docs] def __init__(self, data: AvalancheDataset):
:param data: original data
self.data = data
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.data.targets_task_labels.uniques)
def __getitem__(self, task_label):
tl_idx = self.data.targets_task_labels.val_to_idx[task_label]
return classification_subset(self.data, tl_idx)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.data.targets_task_labels.uniques)
__all__ = [