# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI. #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License. #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. #
# #
# Date: 14-12-2020 #
# Author(s): Lorenzo Pellegrini #
# E-mail: contact@continualai.org #
# Website: www.continualai.org #
from typing import Dict, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, List
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_definitions import Metric, PluginMetric
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_results import MetricValue, MetricResult
from avalanche.evaluation.metrics import TaskAwareAccuracy, Mean
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_utils import (
from avalanche.training.templates import SupervisedTemplate
[docs]class Forgetting(Metric[Union[float, None, Dict[int, float]]]):
The standalone Forgetting metric.
This metric returns the forgetting relative to a specific key.
Alternatively, this metric returns a dict in which each key is associated
to the forgetting.
Forgetting is computed as the difference between the first value recorded
for a specific key and the last value recorded for that key.
The value associated to a key can be update with the `update` method.
At initialization, this metric returns an empty dictionary.
[docs] def __init__(self):
Creates an instance of the standalone Forgetting metric
self.initial: Dict[int, float] = dict()
The initial value for each key.
self.last: Dict[int, float] = dict()
The last value detected for each key
def update_initial(self, k, v):
self.initial[k] = v
def update_last(self, k, v):
self.last[k] = v
def update(self, k, v, initial=False):
if initial:
self.update_initial(k, v)
self.update_last(k, v)
def result(self, k=None) -> Union[float, None, Dict[int, float]]:
Forgetting is returned only for keys encountered twice.
:param k: the key for which returning forgetting. If k has not
updated at least twice it returns None. If k is None,
forgetting will be returned for all keys encountered at least
:return: the difference between the first and last value encountered
for k, if k is not None. It returns None if k has not been updated
at least twice. If k is None, returns a dictionary
containing keys whose value has been updated at least twice. The
associated value is the difference between the first and last
value recorded for that key.
forgetting = {}
if k is not None:
if k in self.initial and k in self.last:
return self.initial[k] - self.last[k]
return None
ik = set(self.initial.keys())
both_keys = list(ik.intersection(set(self.last.keys())))
for k in both_keys:
forgetting[k] = self.initial[k] - self.last[k]
return forgetting
def reset_last(self) -> None:
self.last: Dict[int, float] = dict()
def reset(self) -> None:
self.initial: Dict[int, float] = dict()
self.last: Dict[int, float] = dict()
class GenericExperienceForgetting(PluginMetric[Dict[int, float]]):
The GenericExperienceForgetting metric, describing the change in
a metric detected for a certain experience. The user should
subclass this and provide the desired metric.
In particular, the user should override:
* __init__ by calling `super` and instantiating the `self.current_metric`
property as a valid avalanche metric
* `metric_update`, to update `current_metric`
* `metric_result` to get the result from `current_metric`.
* `__str__` to define the experience forgetting name.
This plugin metric, computed separately for each experience,
is the difference between the metric result obtained after
first training on a experience and the metric result obtained
on the same experience at the end of successive experiences.
This metric is computed during the eval phase only.
def __init__(self):
Creates an instance of the GenericExperienceForgetting metric.
self.forgetting = Forgetting()
The general metric to compute forgetting
self._current_metric = None
The metric the user should override
self.eval_exp_id = None
The current evaluation experience id
self.train_exp_id = None
The last encountered training experience id
def reset(self) -> None:
Resets the metric.
Beware that this will also reset the initial metric of each
:return: None.
def reset_last(self) -> None:
Resets the last metric value.
This will preserve the initial metric value of each experience.
To be used at the beginning of each eval experience.
:return: None.
def update(self, k, v, initial=False):
Update forgetting metric.
See `Forgetting` for more detailed information.
:param k: key to update
:param v: value associated to k
:param initial: update initial value. If False, update
last value.
self.forgetting.update(k, v, initial=initial)
def result(self, k=None) -> Union[float, None, Dict[int, float]]:
See `Forgetting` documentation for more detailed information.
k: optional key from which compute forgetting.
return self.forgetting.result(k=k)
def before_training_exp(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> None:
self.train_exp_id = strategy.experience.current_experience
def before_eval(self, strategy) -> None:
def before_eval_exp(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> None:
def after_eval_iteration(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> None:
self.eval_exp_id = strategy.experience.current_experience
def after_eval_exp(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> MetricResult:
# update experience on which training just ended
if self.train_exp_id == self.eval_exp_id:
self.eval_exp_id, self.metric_result(strategy), initial=True
# update other experiences
# if experience has not been encountered in training
# its value will not be considered in forgetting
self.update(self.eval_exp_id, self.metric_result(strategy))
return self._package_result(strategy)
def _package_result(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> MetricResult:
# this checks if the evaluation experience has been
# already encountered at training time
# before the last training.
# If not, forgetting should not be returned.
forgetting = self.result(k=self.eval_exp_id)
if forgetting is not None:
metric_name = get_metric_name(self, strategy, add_experience=True)
plot_x_position = strategy.clock.train_iterations
metric_values = [
MetricValue(self, metric_name, forgetting, plot_x_position)
return metric_values
def metric_update(self, strategy):
raise NotImplementedError
def metric_result(self, strategy):
raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class ExperienceForgetting(GenericExperienceForgetting):
The ExperienceForgetting metric, describing the accuracy loss
detected for a certain experience.
This plugin metric, computed separately for each experience,
is the difference between the accuracy result obtained after
first training on a experience and the accuracy result obtained
on the same experience at the end of successive experiences.
This metric is computed during the eval phase only.
[docs] def __init__(self):
Creates an instance of the ExperienceForgetting metric.
self._current_metric = TaskAwareAccuracy()
The average accuracy over the current evaluation experience
def metric_update(self, strategy):
self._current_metric.update(strategy.mb_y, strategy.mb_output, 0)
def metric_result(self, strategy):
return self._current_metric.result(0)[0]
def __str__(self):
return "ExperienceForgetting"
class GenericStreamForgetting(GenericExperienceForgetting):
The GenericStreamForgetting metric, describing the average evaluation
change in the desired metric detected over all experiences observed
during training.
In particular, the user should override:
* __init__ by calling `super` and instantiating the `self.current_metric`
property as a valid avalanche metric
* `metric_update`, to update `current_metric`
* `metric_result` to get the result from `current_metric`.
* `__str__` to define the experience forgetting name.
This plugin metric, computed over all observed experiences during training,
is the average over the difference between the metric result obtained
after first training on a experience and the metric result obtained
on the same experience at the end of successive experiences.
This metric is computed during the eval phase only.
def __init__(self):
Creates an instance of the GenericStreamForgetting metric.
self.stream_forgetting = Mean()
The average forgetting over all experiences
def reset(self) -> None:
Resets the forgetting metrics.
Beware that this will also reset the initial metric value of each
:return: None.
def exp_update(self, k, v, initial=False):
Update forgetting metric.
See `Forgetting` for more detailed information.
:param k: key to update
:param v: value associated to k
:param initial: update initial value. If False, update
last value.
super().update(k, v, initial=initial)
def exp_result(self, k=None) -> Union[float, None, Dict[int, float]]:
Result for experience defined by a key.
See `Forgetting` documentation for more detailed information.
k: optional key from which compute forgetting.
return super().result(k)
def result(self, k=None) -> Union[float, None, Dict[int, float]]:
The average forgetting over all experience.
k: optional key from which compute forgetting.
return self.stream_forgetting.result()
def before_eval(self, strategy) -> None:
def after_eval_exp(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> None:
# update experience on which training just ended
if self.train_exp_id == self.eval_exp_id:
self.eval_exp_id, self.metric_result(strategy), initial=True
# update other experiences
# if experience has not been encountered in training
# its value will not be considered in forgetting
self.exp_update(self.eval_exp_id, self.metric_result(strategy))
# this checks if the evaluation experience has been
# already encountered at training time
# before the last training.
# If not, forgetting should not be returned.
exp_forgetting = self.exp_result(k=self.eval_exp_id)
if exp_forgetting is not None:
self.stream_forgetting.update(exp_forgetting, weight=1)
def after_eval(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> "MetricResult":
return self._package_result(strategy)
def _package_result(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> MetricResult:
metric_value = self.result()
phase_name, _ = phase_and_task(strategy)
stream = stream_type(strategy.experience)
metric_name = "{}/{}_phase/{}_stream".format(
str(self), phase_name, stream
plot_x_position = strategy.clock.train_iterations
return [MetricValue(self, metric_name, metric_value, plot_x_position)]
def metric_update(self, strategy):
raise NotImplementedError
def metric_result(self, strategy):
raise NotImplementedError
def __str__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class StreamForgetting(GenericStreamForgetting):
The StreamForgetting metric, describing the average evaluation accuracy loss
detected over all experiences observed during training.
This plugin metric, computed over all observed experiences during training,
is the average over the difference between the accuracy result obtained
after first training on a experience and the accuracy result obtained
on the same experience at the end of successive experiences.
This metric is computed during the eval phase only.
[docs] def __init__(self):
Creates an instance of the StreamForgetting metric.
self._current_metric = TaskAwareAccuracy()
The average accuracy over the current evaluation experience
def metric_update(self, strategy):
self._current_metric.update(strategy.mb_y, strategy.mb_output, 0)
def metric_result(self, strategy):
return self._current_metric.result(0)[0]
def __str__(self):
return "StreamForgetting"
[docs]def forgetting_metrics(*, experience=False, stream=False) -> List[PluginMetric]:
Helper method that can be used to obtain the desired set of
plugin metrics.
:param experience: If True, will return a metric able to log
the forgetting on each evaluation experience.
:param stream: If True, will return a metric able to log
the forgetting averaged over the evaluation stream experiences,
which have been observed during training.
:return: A list of plugin metrics.
metrics = []
if experience:
if stream:
return metrics
def forgetting_to_bwt(f):
Convert forgetting to backward transfer.
BWT = -1 * forgetting
if f is None:
return f
if isinstance(f, dict):
bwt = {k: -1 * v for k, v in f.items()}
elif isinstance(f, float):
bwt = -1 * f
raise ValueError(
"Forgetting data type not recognized when converting"
"to backward transfer."
return bwt
[docs]class BWT(Forgetting):
The standalone Backward Transfer metric.
This metric returns the backward transfer relative to a specific key.
Alternatively, this metric returns a dict in which each key is associated
to the backward transfer.
Backward transfer is computed as the difference between the last value
recorded for a specific key and the first value recorded for that key.
The value associated to a key can be update with the `update` method.
At initialization, this metric returns an empty dictionary.
def result(self, k=None) -> Union[float, None, Dict[int, float]]:
Backward Transfer is returned only for keys encountered twice.
Backward Transfer is the negative forgetting.
:param k: the key for which returning backward transfer. If k has not
updated at least twice it returns None. If k is None,
backward transfer will be returned for all keys encountered at
least twice.
:return: the difference between the last value encountered for k
and its first value, if k is not None.
It returns None if k has not been updated
at least twice. If k is None, returns a dictionary
containing keys whose value has been updated at least twice. The
associated value is the difference between the last and first
value recorded for that key.
forgetting = super().result(k)
bwt = forgetting_to_bwt(forgetting)
return bwt
[docs]class ExperienceBWT(ExperienceForgetting):
The Experience Backward Transfer metric.
This plugin metric, computed separately for each experience,
is the difference between the last accuracy result obtained on a certain
experience and the accuracy result obtained when first training on that
This metric is computed during the eval phase only.
def result(self, k=None) -> Union[float, None, Dict[int, float]]:
See `Forgetting` documentation for more detailed information.
k: optional key from which compute forgetting.
forgetting = super().result(k)
return forgetting_to_bwt(forgetting)
def __str__(self):
return "ExperienceBWT"
[docs]class StreamBWT(StreamForgetting):
The StreamBWT metric, emitting the average BWT across all experiences
encountered during training.
This plugin metric, computed over all observed experiences during training,
is the average over the difference between the last accuracy result
obtained on an experience and the accuracy result obtained when first
training on that experience.
This metric is computed during the eval phase only.
def exp_result(self, k=None) -> Union[float, None, Dict[int, float]]:
Result for experience defined by a key.
See `BWT` documentation for more detailed information.
k: optional key from which compute backward transfer.
forgetting = super().exp_result(k)
return forgetting_to_bwt(forgetting)
def __str__(self):
return "StreamBWT"
[docs]def bwt_metrics(*, experience=False, stream=False) -> List[PluginMetric]:
Helper method that can be used to obtain the desired set of
plugin metrics.
:param experience: If True, will return a metric able to log
the backward transfer on each evaluation experience.
:param stream: If True, will return a metric able to log
the backward transfer averaged over the evaluation stream experiences
which have been observed during training.
:return: A list of plugin metrics.
metrics = []
if experience:
if stream:
return metrics
__all__ = [