- class avalanche.benchmarks.scenarios.EagerCLStream(name: str, exps: List[CLExperience], benchmark=None, set_stream_info: bool = True)[source]
A CL stream which is a named list of experiences.
Eager streams are indexable and sliceable, like python lists.
NOTE: streams should not be used by training strategies since they provide access to past, current, and future data.
- __init__(name: str, exps: List[CLExperience], benchmark=None, set_stream_info: bool = True)[source]
Create a CL stream given a list of experiences.
origin_stream and current_experience are set for each experience in exps.
- Parameters
name – name of the stream.
exps – list of experiences.
benchmark – a reference to the benchmark.
set_stream_info – if True, set the origin_stream and current_experience identifier for each experience. If False, the attributes are left unchanged.
(name, exps[, benchmark, ...])Create a CL stream given a list of experiences.