# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI. #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License. #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. #
# #
# Date: 1-05-2020 #
# Author(s): Eli Verwimp #
# E-mail: contact@continualai.org #
# Website: www.continualai.org #
This module provides acces to pytorchcv models. A general wrapper is available
through get_model. For VGG, Resnet, DenseNet and Pyramidnet direct wrappers are
Models pretrained on e.g. Imagenet don't necessairly have the same structure
as those used typically used for smaller datasets like Cifar10. So be carefull
when adapting pretrained models for different datasets.
Not all options (e.g. growth rate for densenet, alpha in pyramidnet,
bottlenecks...) are available through the direct wrappers. If a more specific
models is required, it can be loaded through the general method.
Currently this module only wraps to pytorchcv models.
from pytorchcv.model_provider import get_model as ptcv_get_model
from torch.nn import Module
def vgg(depth: int, batch_normalization=False, pretrained=False) -> Module:
Wrapper for VGG net of verious depths availble in the pytorchcv package.
VGG is only availabe for imagenet.
:param depth: Depth of the model, one of (11, 13, 16, 19)
:param batch_normalization: include batch normalizaion layers
:param pretrained: loads model pretrained on imagnet
available_depths = [11, 13, 16, 19]
if depth not in available_depths:
raise ValueError(
f"Depth {depth} not available, " f"availble depths are {available_depths}"
name = f"vgg{depth}"
if batch_normalization:
name = f"bn_{name}"
return ptcv_get_model(name, pretrained=pretrained)
def resnet(dataset: str, depth: int, pretrained=False) -> Module:
Wrapper for (basic) renset available in the pytorchcv package. More variants
are availble through the general wrapper.
:param dataset: One of cifar10, cifar100, svhn, imagenet.
:param depth: depth of the architecture, one of (10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 26, 34,
50, 101, 152, 200) for imagenet,
(20, 56, 110, 1001, 1202) for the other datasets.
:param pretrained: loads model pretrained on `dataset`.
if dataset in ["cifar10", "cifar100", "svhn"]:
available_depths = [20, 56, 110, 1001, 1202]
model_name = f"resnet{depth}_{dataset}"
elif dataset == "imagenet":
available_depths = [10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 26, 34, 50, 101, 152, 200]
model_name = f"resnet{depth}"
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized dataset {dataset}")
if depth not in available_depths:
raise ValueError(
f"Depth {depth} not available for dataset {dataset}, "
f"availble depths are {available_depths}"
model = ptcv_get_model(model_name, pretrained=pretrained)
return model
def densenet(dataset: str, depth: int, pretrained=False) -> Module:
Wrapper for densenet available in the pytorchcv package.
:param dataset: One of cifar10, cifar100, svhn, imagenet.
:param depth: The depth of the densnet. For imagenet depths
(121, 161, 169, 201) are supported. The other datasets
support dephts (40, 100).
:param pretrained: load model pretrained on `dataset`..
if dataset in ["cifar10", "cifar100", "svhn"]:
available_depths = [40, 100]
# other growth rates are available through the general method.
growth_rate = 12
model_name = f"densenet{depth}_k{growth_rate}_{dataset}"
elif dataset == "imagenet":
available_depths = [121, 161, 169, 201]
model_name = f"densenet{depth}"
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized dataset {dataset}")
if depth not in available_depths:
raise ValueError(
f"Depth {depth} not available for dataset {dataset}, "
f"availble depths are {available_depths}"
model = ptcv_get_model(model_name, pretrained=pretrained)
return model
def pyramidnet(dataset: str, depth: int, pretrained=False) -> Module:
Wrapper for pyramidnet available in the pytorchcv package.
:param dataset: One of cifar10, cifar100, svhn, imagenet.
:param depth: The depth of the pyramidnet. For imagenet 101 is supported.
The other datasets support dephts (110, 164, 200, 236, 272).
:param pretrained: load model pretrained on `dataset`..
if dataset in ["cifar10", "cifar100", "svhn"]:
available_depths = [110, 164, 200, 236, 272]
alpha = {110: 48, 164: 270, 200: 240, 236: 220, 272: 200}.get(depth)
if depth < 200:
model_name = f"pyramidnet{depth}_a{alpha}_{dataset}"
# These models have batch normalization
model_name = f"pyramidnet{depth}_a{alpha}_bn_{dataset}"
elif dataset == "imagenet":
available_depths = [101]
alpha = 360
model_name = f"pyramidnet{depth}_a{alpha}"
raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized dataset {dataset}")
if depth not in available_depths:
raise ValueError(
f"Depth {depth} not available for dataset {dataset}, "
f"availble depths are {available_depths}"
model = ptcv_get_model(model_name, pretrained=pretrained)
return model
[docs]def get_model(name: str, pretrained=False):
This a direct wrapper to the model getter of `pytorchcv`. For available
models see: https://github.com/osmr/imgclsmob
return ptcv_get_model(name, pretrained=pretrained)
__all__ = ["get_model", "resnet", "densenet", "vgg", "pyramidnet"]