from typing import Dict
import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.functional import normalize
from torch.nn.modules import Module
from import get_last_fc_layer, swap_last_fc_layer
from import SupervisedPlugin
from import ClassBalancedBuffer
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.data_loader import ReplayDataLoader
[docs]class CoPEPlugin(SupervisedPlugin):
"""Continual Prototype Evolution plugin.
Each class has a prototype for nearest-neighbor classification.
The prototypes are updated continually with an exponentially moving average,
using class-balanced replay to keep the prototypes up-to-date.
The embedding space is optimized using the PseudoPrototypicalProxy-loss,
exploiting both prototypes and batch information.
This plugin doesn't use task identities in training or eval
(data incremental) and is designed for online learning (1 epoch per task).
[docs] def __init__(
:param mem_size: max number of input samples in the replay memory.
:param n_classes: total number of classes that will be encountered. This
is used to output predictions for all classes, with zero probability
for unseen classes.
:param p_size: The prototype size, which equals the feature size of the
last layer.
:param alpha: The momentum for the exponentially moving average of the
:param T: The softmax temperature, used as a concentration parameter.
:param max_it_cnt: How many processing iterations per batch (experience)
self.n_classes = n_classes
self.it_cnt = 0
self.max_it_cnt = max_it_cnt
# Operational memory: replay memory
self.mem_size = mem_size # replay memory size
self.storage_policy = ClassBalancedBuffer(
max_size=self.mem_size, adaptive_size=True
# Operational memory: Prototypical memory
# Scales with nb classes * feature size
self.p_mem: Dict[int, Tensor] = {}
self.p_size = p_size # Prototype size determined on runtime
self.tmp_p_mem = {} # Intermediate to process batch for multiple times
self.alpha = alpha
self.p_init_adaptive = False # Only create proto when class seen
# PPP-loss
self.T = T
self.ppp_loss = PPPloss(self.p_mem, T=self.T)
self.initialized = False
def before_training(self, strategy, **kwargs):
"""Enforce using the PPP-loss and add a NN-classifier."""
if not self.initialized:
strategy._criterion = self.ppp_loss
print("Using the Pseudo-Prototypical-Proxy loss for CoPE.")
# Normalize representation of last layer
get_last_fc_layer(strategy.model)[1], L2Normalization()
# Static prototype init
# Create prototypes for all classes at once
if not self.p_init_adaptive and len(self.p_mem) == 0:
torch.arange(0, self.n_classes).to(strategy.device)
self.initialized = True
def before_training_exp(self, strategy, num_workers=0, shuffle=True, **kwargs):
Random retrieval from a class-balanced memory.
Dataloader builds batches containing examples from both memories and
the training dataset.
This implementation requires the use of early stopping, otherwise the
entire memory will be iterated.
if len(self.storage_policy.buffer) == 0:
self.it_cnt = 0
strategy.dataloader = ReplayDataLoader(
def after_training_iteration(self, strategy, **kwargs):
Implements early stopping, determining how many subsequent times a
batch can be used for updates. The dataloader contains only data for
the current experience (batch) and the entire memory.
Multiple iterations will hence result in the original batch with new
exemplars sampled from the memory for each iteration.
self.it_cnt += 1
if self.it_cnt == self.max_it_cnt:
strategy.stop_training() # Stop processing the new-data batch
def after_forward(self, strategy, **kwargs):
After the forward we can use the representations to update our running
avg of the prototypes. This is in case we do multiple iterations of
processing on the same batch.
New prototypes are initialized for previously unseen classes.
if self.p_init_adaptive: # Init prototypes for unseen classes in batch
# Update batch info (when multiple iterations on same batch)
def _init_new_prototypes(self, targets: Tensor):
"""Initialize prototypes for previously unseen classes.
:param targets: The targets Tensor to make prototypes for.
y_unique: Tensor = torch.unique(targets).squeeze().view(-1)
for idx in range(y_unique.size(0)):
c: int = y_unique[idx].item()
if c not in self.p_mem: # Init new prototype
self.p_mem[c] = (
torch.empty((1, self.p_size)).uniform_(-1, 1),
def _update_running_prototypes(self, strategy):
"""Accumulate seen outputs of the network and keep counts."""
y_unique = torch.unique(strategy.mb_y).squeeze().view(-1)
for idx in range(y_unique.size(0)):
c = y_unique[idx].item()
idxs = torch.nonzero(strategy.mb_y == c).squeeze(1)
p_tmp_batch = (
p_init, cnt_init = self.tmp_p_mem[c] if c in self.tmp_p_mem else (0, 0)
self.tmp_p_mem[c] = (p_init + p_tmp_batch, cnt_init + len(idxs))
def after_training_exp(self, strategy, **kwargs):
"""After the current experience (batch), update prototypes and
store observed samples for replay.
self._update_prototypes() # Update prototypes
self.storage_policy.update(strategy) # Update memory
def _update_prototypes(self):
"""Update the prototypes based on the running averages."""
for c, (p_sum, p_cnt) in self.tmp_p_mem.items():
incr_p = normalize(p_sum / p_cnt, p=2, dim=1) # L2 normalized
old_p = self.p_mem[c].clone()
new_p_momentum = (
self.alpha * old_p + (1 - self.alpha) * incr_p
) # Momentum update
self.p_mem[c] = normalize(new_p_momentum, p=2, dim=1).detach()
self.tmp_p_mem = {}
def after_eval_iteration(self, strategy, **kwargs):
"""Convert output scores to probabilities for other metrics like
accuracy and forgetting. We only do it at this point because before
this,we still need the embedding outputs to obtain the PPP-loss."""
strategy.mb_output = self._get_nearest_neigbor_distr(strategy.mb_output)
def _get_nearest_neigbor_distr(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
Find closest prototype for output samples in batch x.
:param x: Batch of network logits.
:return: one-hot representation of the predicted class.
ns = x.size(0)
nd = x.view(ns, -1).shape[-1]
# Get prototypes
seen_c = len(self.p_mem.keys())
if seen_c == 0: # no prototypes yet, output uniform distr. all classes
return (
torch.Tensor(ns, self.n_classes)
.fill_(1.0 / self.n_classes)
means = torch.ones(seen_c, nd).to(x.device) * float("inf")
for c, c_proto in self.p_mem.items():
means[c] = c_proto # Class idx gets allocated its prototype
# Predict nearest mean
classpred = torch.LongTensor(ns)
for s_idx in range(ns): # Per sample
dist =, x[s_idx].unsqueeze(-1)) # Dot product
_, ii = dist.min(0) # Min dist (no proto = inf)
ii = ii.squeeze()
classpred[s_idx] = ii.item() # Allocate class idx
# Convert to 1-hot
out = torch.zeros(ns, self.n_classes).to(x.device)
for s_idx in range(ns):
out[s_idx, classpred[s_idx]] = 1
return out # return 1-of-C code, ns x nc
class L2Normalization(Module):
"""Module to L2-normalize the input. Typically used in last layer to
normalize the embedding."""
def __init__(self):
def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
return torch.nn.functional.normalize(x, p=2, dim=1)
class PPPloss(object):
"""Pseudo-Prototypical Proxy loss (PPP-loss).
This is a contrastive loss using prototypes and representations of the
samples in the batch to optimize the embedding space.
def __init__(self, p_mem: Dict, T=0.1):
:param p_mem: dictionary with keys the prototype identifier and
values the prototype tensors.
:param T: temperature of the softmax, serving as concentration
density parameter.
self.T = T
self.p_mem = p_mem
def __call__(self, x, y):
The loss is calculated with one-vs-rest batches Bc and Bk,
split into the attractor and repellor loss terms.
We iterate over the possible batches while accumulating the losses per
class c vs other-classes k.
loss = None
bs = x.size(0)
x = x.view(bs, -1) # Batch x feature size
y_unique = torch.unique(y).squeeze().view(-1)
include_repellor = len(y_unique.size()) <= 1 # When at least 2 classes
# All prototypes
p_y = torch.tensor([c for c in self.p_mem.keys()]).to(x.device).detach()
p_x =[self.p_mem[c.item()] for c in p_y]).to(x.device).detach()
for label_idx in range(y_unique.size(0)): # Per-class operation
c = y_unique[label_idx]
# Make all-vs-rest batches per class (Bc=attractor, Bk=repellor set)
Bc = x.index_select(0, torch.nonzero(y == c).squeeze(dim=1))
Bk = x.index_select(0, torch.nonzero(y != c).squeeze(dim=1))
p_idx = torch.nonzero(p_y == c).squeeze(dim=1) # Prototypes
pc = p_x[p_idx] # Class proto
pk =[p_x[:p_idx], p_x[p_idx + 1 :]]).clone().detach()
# Accumulate loss for instances of class c
sum_logLc = self.attractor(pc, pk, Bc)
sum_logLk = self.repellor(pc, pk, Bc, Bk) if include_repellor else 0
Loss_c = -sum_logLc - sum_logLk # attractor + repellor for class c
loss = Loss_c if loss is None else loss + Loss_c # Update loss
return loss / bs # Make independent batch size
def attractor(self, pc, pk, Bc):
Get the attractor loss terms for all instances in xc.
:param pc: Prototype of the same class c.
:param pk: Prototoypes of the other classes.
:param Bc: Batch of instances of the same class c.
:return: Sum_{i, the part of same class c} log P(c|x_i^c)
m =[Bc.clone(), pc, pk]).detach() # Incl other-class proto
pk_idx = m.shape[0] - pk.shape[0] # from when starts p_k
# Resulting distance columns are per-instance loss terms
D =, Bc.t()).div_(self.T).exp_() # Distance matrix exp terms
mask = torch.eye(*D.shape).bool().to(Bc.device) # Exclude self-product
Dm = D.masked_fill(mask, 0) # Masked out products with self
Lc_n, Lk_d = Dm[:pk_idx], Dm[pk_idx:].sum(dim=0) # Num/denominator
Pci = Lc_n / (Lc_n + Lk_d) # Get probabilities per instance
E_Pc = Pci.sum(0) / Bc.shape[0] # Expectation over pseudo-prototypes
return E_Pc.log_().sum() # sum over all instances (sum i)
def repellor(self, pc, pk, Bc, Bk):
Get the repellor loss terms for all pseudo-prototype instances in Bc.
:param pc: Actual prototype of the same class c.
:param pk: Prototoypes of the other classes (k).
:param Bc: Batch of instances of the same class c. Acting as
:param Bk: Batch of instances of other-than-c classes (k).
:return: Sum_{i, part of same class c} Sum_{x_j^k} log 1 - P(c|x_j^k)
union_ck =[Bc.clone(), pc, pk]).detach()
pk_idx = union_ck.shape[0] - pk.shape[0]
# Distance other-class-k to prototypes (pc/pk) and pseudo-prototype (xc)
D =, Bk.t()).div_(self.T).exp_()
Lk_d = D[pk_idx:].sum(dim=0).unsqueeze(0) # Numerator/denominator terms
Lc_n = D[:pk_idx]
Pki = Lc_n / (Lc_n + Lk_d) # probability
E_Pk = (Pki[:-1] + Pki[-1].unsqueeze(0)) / 2 # Exp. pseudo/prototype
inv_E_Pk = E_Pk.mul_(-1).add_(1).log_() # log( (1 - Pk))
return inv_E_Pk.sum() # Sum over (pseudo-prototypes), and instances