import warnings
from copy import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import (
from avalanche.distributed.distributed_helper import DistributedHelper
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_results import MetricValue
from avalanche.evaluation.metrics import accuracy_metrics, loss_metrics
from avalanche.logging import InteractiveLogger
from avalanche.evaluation import PluginMetric
from avalanche.logging import BaseLogger
from import SupervisedTemplate
def _init_metrics_list_lambda():
# SERIALIZATION NOTICE: we need these because lambda serialization
# does not work in some cases (yes, even with dill).
return [], []
[docs]class EvaluationPlugin:
"""Manager for logging and metrics.
An evaluation plugin that obtains relevant data from the
training and eval loops of the strategy through callbacks.
The plugin keeps a dictionary with the last recorded value for each metric.
The dictionary will be returned by the `train` and `eval` methods of the
It is also possible to keep a dictionary with all recorded metrics by
specifying `collect_all=True`. The dictionary can be retrieved via
the `get_all_metrics` method.
This plugin also logs metrics using the provided loggers.
[docs] def __init__(
*metrics: Union["PluginMetric", Sequence["PluginMetric"]],
loggers: Optional[
Callable[[], Sequence["BaseLogger"]],
] = None,
"""Creates an instance of the evaluation plugin.
:param metrics: The metrics to compute.
:param loggers: The loggers to be used to log the metric values.
:param collect_all: if True, collect in a separate dictionary all
metric curves values. This dictionary is accessible with
`get_all_metrics` method.
:param strict_checks: if True, checks that the full evaluation streams
is used when calling `eval`. An error will be raised otherwise.
self.supports_distributed = True
self.collect_all = collect_all
self.strict_checks = strict_checks
flat_metrics_list = []
for metric in metrics:
if isinstance(metric, Sequence):
flat_metrics_list += list(metric)
self.metrics = flat_metrics_list
if loggers is None:
loggers = []
elif callable(loggers):
loggers = loggers()
elif not isinstance(loggers, Sequence):
loggers = [loggers]
self.loggers: Sequence["BaseLogger"] = loggers
if len(self.loggers) == 0 and DistributedHelper.is_main_process:
warnings.warn("No loggers specified, metrics will not be logged")
self.all_metric_results: Dict[str, Tuple[List[int], List[Any]]]
if self.collect_all:
# for each curve collect all emitted values.
# dictionary key is full metric name.
# Dictionary value is a tuple of two lists.
# first list gathers x values (indices representing
# time steps at which the corresponding metric value
# has been emitted)
# second list gathers metric values
# SERIALIZATION NOTICE: don't use a lambda here, otherwise
# serialization may fail in some cases.
self.all_metric_results = defaultdict(_init_metrics_list_lambda)
self.all_metric_results = dict()
# Dictionary of last values emitted. Dictionary key
# is the full metric name, while dictionary value is
# metric value.
self.last_metric_results: Dict[str, Any] = {}
self._active = True
"""If False, no metrics will be collected."""
self._metric_values: List[MetricValue] = []
"""List of metrics that have yet to be processed by loggers."""
def active(self):
return self._active
def active(self, value):
assert (
value is True or value is False
), "Active must be set as either True or False"
self._active = value
def publish_metric_value(self, mval: MetricValue):
"""Publish a MetricValue to be processed by the loggers."""
name =
x = mval.x_plot
val = mval.value
if self.collect_all:
self.last_metric_results[name] = val
def _update_metrics_and_loggers(
self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", callback: str
"""Call the metric plugins with the correct callback `callback` and
update the loggers with the new metric values."""
original_experience = strategy.experience
if original_experience is not None:
# Set experience to LOGGING so that certain fields can be accessed
strategy.experience = original_experience.logging()
if not self._active:
return []
for metric in self.metrics:
if hasattr(metric, callback):
metric_result = getattr(metric, callback)(strategy)
if isinstance(metric_result, Sequence):
for mval in metric_result:
elif metric_result is not None:
for logger in self.loggers:
if hasattr(logger, callback):
getattr(logger, callback)(strategy, self._metric_values)
self._metric_values = []
# Revert to previous experience (mode = EVAL or TRAIN)
strategy.experience = original_experience
def get_last_metrics(self):
Return a shallow copy of dictionary with metric names
as keys and last metrics value as values.
:return: a dictionary with full metric
names as keys and last metric value as value.
return copy(self.last_metric_results)
def get_all_metrics(self):
Return the dictionary of all collected metrics.
This method should be called only when `collect_all` is set to True.
:return: if `collect_all` is True, returns a dictionary
with full metric names as keys and a tuple of two lists
as value. The first list gathers x values (indices
representing time steps at which the corresponding
metric value has been emitted). The second list
gathers metric values. a dictionary. If `collect_all`
is False return an empty dictionary
if self.collect_all:
return self.all_metric_results
return {}
def reset_last_metrics(self):
Set the dictionary storing last value for each metric to be
empty dict.
self.last_metric_results = {}
def __getattribute__(self, item):
# We don't want to reimplement all the callbacks just to call the
# metrics. What we don't instead is to assume that any method that
# starts with `before` or `after` is a callback of the plugin system,
# and we forward that call to the metrics.
return super().__getattribute__(item)
except AttributeError as e:
if item.startswith("before_") or item.startswith("after_"):
# method is a callback. Forward to metrics.
def fun(strat, **kwargs):
return self._update_metrics_and_loggers(strat, item)
return fun
def before_eval(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", **kwargs):
self._update_metrics_and_loggers(strategy, "before_eval")
msge = (
"Stream provided to `eval` must be the same of the entire "
"evaluation stream."
if self.strict_checks:
curr_stream = next(iter(strategy.current_eval_stream)).origin_stream
benchmark = curr_stream[0].origin_stream.benchmark
full_stream = benchmark.streams[]
if len(curr_stream) != len(full_stream):
raise ValueError(msge)
def default_loggers() -> Sequence["BaseLogger"]:
if DistributedHelper.is_main_process:
return [InteractiveLogger()]
return []
def default_evaluator() -> EvaluationPlugin:
return EvaluationPlugin(
accuracy_metrics(minibatch=False, epoch=True, experience=True, stream=True),
loss_metrics(minibatch=False, epoch=True, experience=True, stream=True),
__all__ = ["EvaluationPlugin", "default_evaluator"]