Source code for

"""Regularization methods."""

import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import List

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

from avalanche.models import MultiTaskModule, avalanche_forward
from avalanche._annotations import deprecated

def stable_softmax(x):
    z = x - torch.max(x, dim=1, keepdim=True)[0]
    numerator = torch.exp(z)
    denominator = torch.sum(numerator, dim=1, keepdim=True)
    softmax = numerator / denominator
    return softmax

def cross_entropy_with_oh_targets(outputs, targets, reduction="mean"):
    """Calculates cross-entropy with temperature scaling,
    targets can also be soft targets but they must sum to 1"""
    outputs = stable_softmax(outputs)
    ce = -(targets * outputs.log()).sum(1)
    if reduction == "mean":
        ce = ce.mean()
    elif reduction == "none":
        return ce
        raise NotImplementedError("reduction must be mean or none")
    return ce

[docs]class RegularizationMethod: """RegularizationMethod implement regularization strategies. RegularizationMethod is a callable. The method `update` is called to update the loss, typically at the end of an experience. """ @deprecated(0.7, "please switch to pre_update and post_update methods.") def update(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError() def pre_adapt(self, agent, exp): pass # implementation may be empty if adapt is not needed def post_adapt(self, agent, exp): pass # implementation may be empty if adapt is not needed def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class LearningWithoutForgetting(RegularizationMethod): """Learning Without Forgetting. The method applies knowledge distilllation to mitigate forgetting. The teacher is the model checkpoint after the last experience. """
[docs] def __init__(self, alpha=1, temperature=2): """ :param alpha: distillation hyperparameter. It can be either a float number or a list containing alpha for each experience. :param temperature: softmax temperature for distillation """ self.alpha = alpha self.temperature = temperature self.prev_model = None self.expcount = 0 # count number of experiences (used to increase alpha) self.prev_classes_by_task = defaultdict(set) """ In Avalanche, targets of different experiences are not ordered. As a result, some units may be allocated even though their corresponding class has never been seen by the model. Knowledge distillation uses only units corresponding to old classes. """
def _distillation_loss(self, out, prev_out, active_units): """Compute distillation loss between output of the current model and and output of the previous (saved) model. """ # we compute the loss only on the previously active units. au = list(active_units) # some people use the crossentropy instead of the KL # They are equivalent. We compute # kl_div(log_p_curr, p_prev) = p_prev * (log (p_prev / p_curr)) = # p_prev * log(p_prev) - p_prev * log(p_curr). # Now, the first term is constant (we don't optimize the teacher), # so optimizing the crossentropy and kl-div are equivalent. log_p = torch.log_softmax(out[:, au] / self.temperature, dim=1) q = torch.softmax(prev_out[:, au] / self.temperature, dim=1) res = torch.nn.functional.kl_div(log_p, q, reduction="batchmean") return res def _lwf_penalty(self, out, x, curr_model): """ Compute weighted distillation loss. """ if self.prev_model is None: return 0 else: if isinstance(self.prev_model, MultiTaskModule): # output from previous output heads. with torch.no_grad(): y_prev = avalanche_forward(self.prev_model, x, None) y_prev = {k: v for k, v in y_prev.items()} # in a multitask scenario we need to compute the output # from all the heads, so we need to call forward again. # TODO: can we avoid this? y_curr = avalanche_forward(curr_model, x, None) y_curr = {k: v for k, v in y_curr.items()} else: # no task labels. Single task LwF with torch.no_grad(): y_prev = {0: self.prev_model(x)} y_curr = {0: out} dist_loss = 0 for task_id in y_prev.keys(): # compute kd only for previous heads and only for seen units. if task_id in self.prev_classes_by_task: yp = y_prev[task_id] yc = y_curr[task_id] au = self.prev_classes_by_task[task_id] dist_loss += self._distillation_loss(yc, yp, au) return dist_loss def __call__(self, mb_x, mb_pred, model): """ Add distillation loss """ alpha = ( self.alpha[self.expcount] if isinstance(self.alpha, (list, tuple)) else self.alpha ) return alpha * self._lwf_penalty(mb_pred, mb_x, model) def post_adapt(self, agent, exp): """Save a copy of the model after each experience and update self.prev_classes to include the newly learned classes. :param agent: agent state :param exp: current experience """ self.expcount += 1 self.prev_model = copy.deepcopy(agent.model) task_ids = exp.dataset.targets_task_labels.uniques for task_id in task_ids: task_data = exp.dataset.task_set[task_id] pc = set(task_data.targets.uniques) if task_id not in self.prev_classes_by_task: self.prev_classes_by_task[task_id] = pc else: self.prev_classes_by_task[task_id] = self.prev_classes_by_task[ task_id ].union(pc) @deprecated(0.7, "switch to post_udpate method") def update(self, experience, model): """Save a copy of the model after each experience and update self.prev_classes to include the newly learned classes. :param experience: current experience :param model: current model """ self.expcount += 1 self.prev_model = copy.deepcopy(model) task_ids = experience.dataset.targets_task_labels.uniques for task_id in task_ids: task_data = experience.dataset.task_set[task_id] pc = set(task_data.targets.uniques) if task_id not in self.prev_classes_by_task: self.prev_classes_by_task[task_id] = pc else: self.prev_classes_by_task[task_id] = self.prev_classes_by_task[ task_id ].union(pc)
[docs]class ACECriterion(RegularizationMethod): """ Asymetric cross-entropy (ACE) Criterion used in "New Insights on Reducing Abrupt Representation Change in Online Continual Learning" by Lucas Caccia et. al. """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
def __call__(self, out_in, target_in, out_buffer, target_buffer): current_classes = torch.unique(target_in) loss_buffer = F.cross_entropy(out_buffer, target_buffer) oh_target_in = F.one_hot(target_in, num_classes=out_in.shape[1]) oh_target_in = oh_target_in[:, current_classes] loss_current = cross_entropy_with_oh_targets( out_in[:, current_classes], oh_target_in ) return (loss_buffer + loss_current) / 2
[docs]class AMLCriterion(RegularizationMethod): """ Asymmetric metric learning (AML) Criterion used in "New Insights on Reducing Abrupt Representation Change in Online Continual Learning" by Lucas Caccia et. al. """
[docs] def __init__( self, feature_extractor, temp: float = 0.1, base_temp: float = 0.07, same_task_neg: bool = True, device: str = "cpu", ): """ ER_AML criterion constructor. :param feature_extractor: Model able to map an input in a latent space. :param temp: Supervised contrastive temperature. :param base_temp: Supervised contrastive base temperature. :param same_task_neg: Option to remove negative samples of different tasks. :param device: Accelerator used to speed up the computation. """ self.device = device self.feature_extractor = feature_extractor self.temp = temp self.base_temp = base_temp self.same_task_neg = same_task_neg
def __sample_pos_neg( self, y_in: torch.Tensor, t_in: torch.Tensor, x_memory: torch.Tensor, y_memory: torch.Tensor, t_memory: torch.Tensor, ) -> tuple: """ Method able to sample positive and negative examples with respect the input minibatch from input and buffer minibatches. :param x_in: Input of new minibatch. :param y_in: Output of new minibatch. :param t_in: Task ids of new minibatch. :param x_memory: Input of memory. :param y_memory: Output of minibatch. :param t_memory: Task ids of minibatch. :return: Tuple of positive and negative input and output examples and a mask for identify invalid values. """ valid_pos = y_in.reshape(1, -1) == y_memory.reshape(-1, 1) if self.same_task_neg: same_task = t_in.view(1, -1) == t_memory.view(-1, 1) valid_neg = ~valid_pos & same_task else: valid_neg = ~valid_pos pos_idx = torch.multinomial(valid_pos.float().T, 1).squeeze(1) neg_idx = torch.multinomial(valid_neg.float().T, 1).squeeze(1) pos_x = x_memory[pos_idx] pos_y = y_memory[pos_idx] neg_x = x_memory[neg_idx] neg_y = y_memory[neg_idx] return pos_x, pos_y, neg_x, neg_y def __sup_con_loss( self, anchor_features: torch.Tensor, features: torch.Tensor, anchor_targets: torch.Tensor, targets: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Method able to compute the supervised contrastive loss of new minibatch. :param anchor_features: Anchor features related to new minibatch duplicated mapped in latent space. :param features: Features related to half positive and half negative examples mapped in latent space. :param anchor_targets: Labels related to anchor features. :param targets: Labels related to features. :return: Supervised contrastive loss. """ pos_mask = ( (anchor_targets.reshape(-1, 1) == targets.reshape(1, -1)) .float() .to(self.device) ) similarity = anchor_features @ features.T / self.temp similarity -= similarity.max(dim=1)[0].detach() log_prob = similarity - torch.log(torch.exp(similarity).sum(1)) mean_log_prob_pos = (pos_mask * log_prob).sum(1) / pos_mask.sum(1) loss = -(self.temp / self.base_temp) * mean_log_prob_pos.mean() return loss def __scale_by_norm(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """ Function able to scale by its norm a certain tensor. :param x: Tensor to normalize. :return: Normalized tensor. """ x_norm = torch.norm(x, p=2, dim=1).unsqueeze(1).expand_as(x) return x / (x_norm + 1e-05) def __call__( self, input_in: torch.Tensor, target_in: torch.Tensor, task_in: torch.Tensor, output_buffer: torch.Tensor, target_buffer: torch.Tensor, pos_neg_replay: tuple, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Method able to compute the ER_AML loss. :param input_in: New inputs examples. :param target_in: Labels of new examples. :param task_in: Task identifiers of new examples. :param output_buffer: Predictions of samples from buffer. :param target_buffer: Labels of samples from buffer. :param pos_neg_replay: Replay data to compute positive and negative samples. :return: ER_AML computed loss. """ pos_x, pos_y, neg_x, neg_y = self.__sample_pos_neg( target_in, task_in, *pos_neg_replay ) loss_buffer = F.cross_entropy(output_buffer, target_buffer) hidden_in = self.__scale_by_norm(self.feature_extractor(input_in)) hidden_pos_neg = self.__scale_by_norm( self.feature_extractor(, neg_x))) ) loss_in = self.__sup_con_loss( anchor_features=hidden_in.repeat(2, 1), features=hidden_pos_neg, anchor_targets=target_in.repeat(2),, neg_y)), ) return loss_in + loss_buffer
__all__ = [ "RegularizationMethod", "LearningWithoutForgetting", "ACECriterion", "AMLCriterion", ]