Source code for avalanche.benchmarks.scenarios.dataset_scenario

# Copyright (c) 2023 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
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# Date: 15-09-2023                                                             #
# Author(s): Antonio Carta                                                     #
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"""Generic definitions for CL benchmarks defined via list of datasets."""

import random
from import AvalancheDataset
import torch
from typing import (

from .generic_scenario import EagerCLStream, CLScenario, CLExperience
from ..utils import TaskAwareSupervisedClassificationDataset

TCLDataset = TypeVar("TCLDataset", bound="AvalancheDataset")

[docs]def benchmark_from_datasets(**dataset_streams: Sequence[TCLDataset]) -> CLScenario: """Creates a benchmark given a list of datasets for each stream. Each dataset will be considered as a separate experience. Contents of the datasets must already be set, including task labels. Transformations will be applied if defined. Avalanche benchmarks usually provide at least a train and test stream, but this generator is fully generic. To use this generator, you must convert your data into an Avalanche Dataset. :param dataset_streams: A dictionary with stream-name as key and list-of-datasets as values, where stream-name is the name of the stream, while list-of-datasets is a list of Avalanche datasets, where list-of-datasets[i] contains the data for experience i. """ exps_streams = [] for stream_name, data_s in dataset_streams.items(): for dd in data_s: if not isinstance(dd, AvalancheDataset): raise ValueError("datasets must be AvalancheDatasets") des = [ DatasetExperience(dataset=dd, current_experience=eid) for eid, dd in enumerate(data_s) ] s = EagerCLStream(stream_name, des) exps_streams.append(s) return CLScenario(exps_streams)
class DatasetExperience(CLExperience, Generic[TCLDataset]): """An Experience that provides a dataset.""" def __init__( self, *, dataset: TCLDataset, current_experience: Optional[int] = None ): super().__init__(current_experience=current_experience, origin_stream=None) self._dataset: AvalancheDataset = dataset @property def dataset(self) -> AvalancheDataset: # dataset is a read-only property data = self._dataset return data def _split_dataset_by_attribute( data: TCLDataset, attr_name: str ) -> Dict[int, TCLDataset]: """Helper to split a dataset by attribute. :param data: an Avalanche dataset. :param attr_name: the name of the attribute of `data` to use for splitting `data`. """ da = getattr(data, attr_name) dds = {} for el in da.uniques: idxs = da.val_to_idx[el] dds[el] = data.subset(idxs) return dds
[docs]def split_validation_random( validation_size: Union[int, float], shuffle: bool, seed: Optional[int] = None, dataset: Optional[AvalancheDataset] = None, ) -> Tuple[AvalancheDataset, AvalancheDataset]: """Splits an `AvalancheDataset` in two splits. The default splitting strategy used by :func:`benchmark_with_validation_stream`. This splitting strategy simply splits the datasets in two (e.g. a train and validation split) of size `validation_size`. When taking inspiration for your custom splitting strategy, please consider that all parameters preceding `experience` are filled by :func:`benchmark_with_validation_stream` by using `partial` from the `functools` standard library. A custom splitting strategy must have only a single parameter: the experience. Consider wrapping your custom splitting strategy with `partial` if more parameters are needed. You can use this split strategy with methdos that require a custom split strategy such as :func:`benchmark_with_validation_stream`to split a benchmark with:: validation_size = 0.2 foo = lambda exp: split_validation_class_balanced(validation_size, exp) bm = benchmark_with_validation_stream(bm, split_strategy=foo) :param validation_size: The number of instances to allocate to the validation experience. Can be an int value or a float between 0 and 1. :param shuffle: If True, instances will be shuffled before splitting. Otherwise, the first instances will be allocated to the training dataset by leaving the last ones to the validation dataset. :param dataset: The dataset to split. :return: A tuple containing 2 elements: the new training and validation datasets. """ if dataset is None: raise ValueError("dataset must be provided") exp_indices = list(range(len(dataset))) if seed is None: seed = random.randint(0, 1000000) g = torch.Generator() g.manual_seed(seed) if shuffle: exp_indices = torch.as_tensor(exp_indices)[ torch.randperm(len(exp_indices), generator=g) ].tolist() if 0.0 <= validation_size <= 1.0: valid_n_instances = int(validation_size * len(dataset)) else: valid_n_instances = int(validation_size) if valid_n_instances > len(dataset): raise ValueError( f"Can't split the dataset: not enough " f"instances. Required {valid_n_instances}, got only" f"{len(dataset)}" ) train_n_instances = len(dataset) - valid_n_instances d1 = dataset.subset(exp_indices[:train_n_instances]) d2 = dataset.subset(exp_indices[train_n_instances:]) return d1, d2
[docs]def split_validation_class_balanced( validation_size: Union[int, float], dataset: TaskAwareSupervisedClassificationDataset, ) -> Tuple[ TaskAwareSupervisedClassificationDataset, TaskAwareSupervisedClassificationDataset ]: """Class-balanced dataset split. This splitting strategy splits `dataset` into train and validation data of size `validation_size` using a class-balanced split. Samples of each class are chosen randomly. You can use this split strategy to split a benchmark with:: validation_size = 0.2 foo = lambda data: split_validation_class_balanced(validation_size, data) bm = benchmark_with_validation_stream(bm, split_strategy=foo) :param validation_size: The percentage of samples to allocate to the validation experience as a float between 0 and 1. :param dataset: The dataset to split. :return: A tuple containing 2 elements: the new training and validation datasets. """ if not isinstance(validation_size, float): raise ValueError("validation_size must be an integer") if not 0.0 <= validation_size <= 1.0: raise ValueError("validation_size must be a float in [0, 1].") if validation_size > len(dataset): raise ValueError( f"Can't create the validation experience: not enough " f"instances. Required {validation_size}, got only" f"{len(dataset)}" ) exp_indices = list(range(len(dataset))) targets_as_tensor = torch.as_tensor(dataset.targets) exp_classes: List[int] = targets_as_tensor.unique().tolist() # shuffle exp_indices exp_indices_t = torch.as_tensor(exp_indices)[torch.randperm(len(exp_indices))] # shuffle the targets as well exp_targets = targets_as_tensor[exp_indices_t] train_exp_indices: list[int] = [] valid_exp_indices: list[int] = [] for cid in exp_classes: # split indices for each class separately. c_indices = exp_indices_t[exp_targets == cid] valid_n_instances = int(validation_size * len(c_indices)) valid_exp_indices.extend(c_indices[:valid_n_instances]) train_exp_indices.extend(c_indices[valid_n_instances:]) result_train_dataset = dataset.subset(train_exp_indices) result_valid_dataset = dataset.subset(valid_exp_indices) return result_train_dataset, result_valid_dataset
class LazyTrainValSplitter: def __init__( self, split_strategy: Callable[ [AvalancheDataset], Tuple[AvalancheDataset, AvalancheDataset], ], experiences: Iterable[DatasetExperience], ) -> None: """ Creates a generator operating around the split strategy and the experiences stream. :param split_strategy: The strategy used to split each experience in train and validation datasets. :return: A generator returning a 2 elements tuple (the train and validation datasets). """ self.split_strategy = split_strategy self.experiences = experiences def __iter__( self, ) -> Generator[Tuple[AvalancheDataset, AvalancheDataset], None, None]: for new_experience in self.experiences: yield self.split_strategy(new_experience.dataset) __all__ = [ "_split_dataset_by_attribute", "benchmark_from_datasets", "DatasetExperience", "split_validation_random", "split_validation_class_balanced", ]