Source code for avalanche.benchmarks.scenarios.exmodel_scenario

# Copyright (c) 2022 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
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# Date: 11-04-2022                                                             #
# Author(s): Antonio Carta                                                     #
# E-mail:                                              #
# Website:                                           #
from typing import List, TypeVar

from torch.nn import Module

from . import CLScenario, CLExperience, CLStream

TExModelExperience = TypeVar("TExModelExperience", bound="ExModelExperience")

[docs]class ExModelExperience(CLExperience): """Ex-Model CL Experience. The experience only provides the expert model. The original data is not available. """
[docs] def __init__( self, expert_model: Module, current_experience: int, origin_stream: CLStream, classes_in_this_experience=None, ): super().__init__( current_experience=current_experience, origin_stream=origin_stream ) self.expert_model: Module = expert_model self.classes_in_this_experience = classes_in_this_experience
[docs]class ExModelCLScenario(CLScenario[CLStream[TExModelExperience]]): """Ex-Model CL Scenario. Ex-Model Continual Learning (ExML) is a continual learning scenario where the CL agent learns from a stream of pretrained models instead of raw data. These approach allows to integrate knowledge from different CL agents or pretrained models. Reference: Carta, A., Cossu, A., Lomonaco, V., & Bacciu, D. (2021). Ex-Model: Continual Learning from a Stream of Trained Models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2112.06511. """
[docs] def __init__(self, original_benchmark: CLScenario, expert_models: List[Module]): """Init. :param original_benchmark: a reference to the original benchmark containing the stream of experiences used to train the experts. :param expert_models: pretrained models. The model in position i must be trained on the i-th experience of the train stream of `original_benchmark`. """ expert_models_l: List[TExModelExperience] = [] for i, (m, e) in enumerate( zip(expert_models, original_benchmark.train_stream) ): # type: ignore cine = e.classes_in_this_experience expert_models_l.append( ExModelExperience( expert_model=m, current_experience=i, origin_stream=None, # type: ignore classes_in_this_experience=cine, ) ) expert_stream: CLStream[TExModelExperience] = CLStream( name="expert_models", exps_iter=expert_models_l, benchmark=self ) streams: List[CLStream[TExModelExperience]] = [expert_stream] self.original_benchmark = original_benchmark # for s in original_benchmark.streams.values(): # s = copy(s) # = 'original_' + # streams.append(s) super().__init__(streams)
__all__ = ["ExModelExperience", "ExModelCLScenario"]