# Copyright (c) 2022 ContinualAI. #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License. #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. #
# #
# Date: 19-07-2022 #
# Author(s): Antonio Carta #
# E-mail: contact@continualai.org #
# Website: avalanche.continualai.org #
This module contains the implementation of the Avalanche Dataset,
Avalanche dataset class which extends PyTorch's dataset.
AvalancheDataset offers additional features like the
management of preprocessing pipelines and task/class labels.
import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
from torch.utils.data.dataloader import default_collate
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.dataset_definitions import IDataset
from .data_attribute import DataAttribute
from typing import (
from .flat_data import FlatData
from .transform_groups import TransformGroups, EmptyTransformGroups
from torch.utils.data import Dataset as TorchDataset
from collections import OrderedDict
T_co = TypeVar("T_co", covariant=True)
TAvalancheDataset = TypeVar("TAvalancheDataset", bound="AvalancheDataset")
TDataWTransform = TypeVar("TDataWTransform", bound="_FlatDataWithTransform")
[docs]class AvalancheDataset(IDataset[T_co]):
"""Avalanche Dataset.
Avlanche dataset are pytorch-compatible Datasets with some additional
functionality such as:
- management of transformation groups via :class:`AvalancheTransform`
- support for sample attributes such as class targets and task labels
Data Attributes
Avalanche datasets manage sample-wise information such as class or task
labels via :class:`DataAttribute`.
Transformation Groups
Avalanche datasets manage transformation via transformation groups.
Simply put, a transformation group is a named preprocessing function
(as in torchvision datasets). By default, Avalanche expects
two transformation groups:
- 'train', which contains transformations applied to training patterns.
- 'eval', that contain transformations applied to test patterns.
Having both groups allows to use different transformations during training
and evaluation and to seamlessly switch between them by using the
:func:`train` and :func:`eval` methods. Arbitrary transformation groups
can be added and used. If you define custom groups, you can use them by
calling the `:func:with_transforms` method.
switching to a different transformation group by calling the ``train()``,
``eval()`` or ``with_transforms` methods always returns a new dataset,
levaing the original one unchanged.
Ttransformation groups can be manipulated by removing, freezing, or
replacing transformations. Each operation returns a new dataset, leaving
the original one unchanged.
[docs] def __init__(
datasets: Sequence[IDataset[T_co]],
indices: Optional[List[int]] = None,
data_attributes: Optional[List[DataAttribute]] = None,
transform_groups: Optional[TransformGroups] = None,
frozen_transform_groups: Optional[TransformGroups] = None,
collate_fn: Optional[Callable[[List], Any]] = None,
"""Creates a ``AvalancheDataset`` instance.
:param dataset: Original dataset. Beware that
AvalancheDataset will not overwrite transformations already
applied by this dataset.
:param transform_groups: Avalanche transform groups.
if issubclass(type(datasets), TorchDataset) or issubclass(
type(datasets), AvalancheDataset
datasets = [datasets] # type: ignore
# NOTES on implementation:
# - raw datasets operations are implemented by _FlatData
# - data attributes are implemented by DataAttribute
# - transformations are implemented by TransformGroups
# AvalancheDataset just takes care to manage all of these attributes
# together and decides how the information propagates through
# operations (e.g. how to pass attributes after concat/subset
# operations).
flat_datas = []
for d in datasets:
if len(d) > 0:
if isinstance(d, AvalancheDataset):
elif not isinstance(d, _FlatDataWithTransform):
if (
transform_groups is None
and frozen_transform_groups is None
and indices is not None
and len(flat_datas) == 1
# TODO: remove. shouldn't be needed but helps with flattening
assert len(flat_datas) == 1
self._flat_data = flat_datas[0].subset(indices)
elif (
transform_groups is None
and frozen_transform_groups is None
and indices is None
and len(flat_datas) >= 1
# TODO: remove. shouldn't be needed but helps with flattening
if len(flat_datas) == 0:
self._flat_data = _FlatDataWithTransform([])
self._flat_data = flat_datas[0]
if not isinstance(self._flat_data, _FlatDataWithTransform):
self._flat_data = _FlatDataWithTransform([self._flat_data])
for d in flat_datas[1:]:
if not isinstance(d, _FlatDataWithTransform):
d = _FlatDataWithTransform([d])
self._flat_data = self._flat_data.concat(d)
self._flat_data: _FlatDataWithTransform[T_co] = _FlatDataWithTransform(
self.collate_fn = collate_fn
# Init collate_fn
if len(datasets) > 0:
self.collate_fn = self._init_collate_fn(datasets[0], collate_fn)
self.collate_fn = default_collate
The collate function to use when creating mini-batches from this
# Init data attributes
# concat attributes from child datasets
new_data_attributes: Dict[str, DataAttribute] = dict()
if data_attributes is not None:
new_data_attributes = {da.name: da for da in data_attributes}
ld = sum(len(d) for d in datasets)
for da in data_attributes:
if len(da) != ld:
raise ValueError(
"Data attribute {} has length {} but the dataset "
"has length {}".format(da.name, len(da), ld)
self._data_attributes: Dict[str, DataAttribute] = OrderedDict()
first_dataset = datasets[0] if len(datasets) > 0 else None
if isinstance(first_dataset, AvalancheDataset):
for attr in first_dataset._data_attributes.values():
if attr.name in new_data_attributes:
# Keep overridden attributes in their previous position
self._data_attributes[attr.name] = new_data_attributes.pop(
acat = attr
found_all = True
for d2 in datasets[1:]:
if hasattr(d2, attr.name):
acat = acat.concat(getattr(d2, attr.name))
elif len(d2) > 0: # if empty we allow missing attributes
found_all = False
if found_all:
self._data_attributes[attr.name] = acat
# Insert new data attributes after inherited ones
for da in new_data_attributes.values():
self._data_attributes[da.name] = da
if indices is not None: # subset operation for attributes
for da in self._data_attributes.values():
# TODO: this was the old behavior. How do we know what to do if
# we permute the entire dataset?
# DEPRECATED! always subset attributes
# we keep this behavior only for `classification_subset`
# if len(da) != sum([len(d) for d in datasets]):
# self._data_attributes[da.name] = da
# else:
# self._data_attributes[da.name] = da.subset(self._indices)
# dasub = da.subset(indices)
# self._data_attributes[da.name] = dasub
dasub = da.subset(indices)
self._data_attributes[da.name] = dasub
# set attributes dynamically
for el in self._data_attributes.values():
assert len(el) == len(self), f"BUG: Wrong size for attribute {el.name}"
is_property = False
if hasattr(self, el.name):
is_property = True
# Do not raise an error if a property.
# Any check related to the property will be done
# in the property setter method.
if not isinstance(getattr(type(self), el.name, None), property):
raise ValueError(
f"Trying to add DataAttribute `{el.name}` to "
f"AvalancheDataset but the attribute name is "
f"already used."
if not is_property:
setattr(self, el.name, el)
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._flat_data)
def __add__(self: TAvalancheDataset, other: TAvalancheDataset) -> TAvalancheDataset:
return self.concat(other)
def __radd__(
self: TAvalancheDataset, other: TAvalancheDataset
) -> TAvalancheDataset:
return other.concat(self)
def _datasets(self):
"""Only for backward compatibility of old unit tests. Do not use."""
return self._flat_data._datasets
def concat(self: TAvalancheDataset, other: TAvalancheDataset) -> TAvalancheDataset:
"""Concatenate this dataset with other.
:param other: Other dataset to concatenate.
:return: A new dataset.
return self.__class__([self, other])
def subset(self: TAvalancheDataset, indices: Sequence[int]) -> TAvalancheDataset:
"""Subset this dataset.
:param indices: The indices to keep.
:return: A new dataset.
return self.__class__([self], indices=indices)
def transform(self):
raise AttributeError(
"Cannot access or modify transform directly. Use transform_groups "
"methods such as `replace_current_transform_group`. "
"See the documentation for more info."
def update_data_attribute(
self: TAvalancheDataset, name: str, new_value
) -> TAvalancheDataset:
Return a new dataset with the added or replaced data attribute.
If a object of type :class:`DataAttribute` is passed, then the data
attribute is setted as is.
Otherwise, if a raw value is passed, a new DataAttribute is created.
If a DataAttribute with the same already exists, the use_in_getitem
flag is inherited, otherwise it is set to False.
:param name: The name of the data attribute to add/replace.
:param new_value: Either a :class:`DataAttribute` or a sequence
containing as many elements as the datasets.
:returns: A copy of this dataset with the given data attribute set.
assert len(new_value) == len(
), f"Size mismatch when updating data attribute {name}"
datacopy = self._shallow_clone_dataset()
datacopy._data_attributes = copy.copy(datacopy._data_attributes)
if isinstance(new_value, DataAttribute):
assert name == new_value.name
datacopy._data_attributes[name] = new_value
use_in_getitem = False
prev_attr = datacopy._data_attributes.get(name, None)
if prev_attr is not None:
use_in_getitem = prev_attr.use_in_getitem
datacopy._data_attributes[name] = DataAttribute(
new_value, name=name, use_in_getitem=use_in_getitem
if not hasattr(datacopy, name):
# Creates the field if it does not exist
setattr(datacopy, name, datacopy._data_attributes[name])
return datacopy
def __eq__(self, other: object):
for required_attr in ["_flat_data", "_data_attributes", "collate_fn"]:
if not hasattr(other, required_attr):
return False
return (
other._flat_data == self._flat_data
and self._data_attributes == other._data_attributes # type: ignore
and self.collate_fn == other.collate_fn # type: ignore
def __getitem__(self, exp_id: int) -> T_co: ...
def __getitem__(self: TAvalancheDataset, exp_id: slice) -> TAvalancheDataset: ...
def __getitem__(
self: TAvalancheDataset, idx: Union[int, slice]
) -> Union[T_co, TAvalancheDataset]:
elem = self._flat_data[idx]
for da in self._data_attributes.values():
if da.use_in_getitem:
if isinstance(elem, dict):
elem[da.name] = da[idx]
elif isinstance(elem, tuple):
elem = list(elem) # type: ignore
elem.append(da[idx]) # type: ignore
elem.append(da[idx]) # type: ignore
return elem
def train(self):
"""Returns a new dataset with the transformations of the 'train' group
The current dataset will not be affected.
:return: A new dataset with the training transformations loaded.
return self.with_transforms("train")
def eval(self):
Returns a new dataset with the transformations of the 'eval' group
Eval transformations usually don't contain augmentation procedures.
This function may be useful when in need to test on training data
(for instance, in order to run a validation pass).
The current dataset will not be affected.
:return: A new dataset with the eval transformations loaded.
return self.with_transforms("eval")
def with_transforms(self: TAvalancheDataset, group_name: str) -> TAvalancheDataset:
Returns a new dataset with the transformations of a different group
The current dataset will not be affected.
:param group_name: The name of the transformations group to use.
:return: A new dataset with the new transformations.
datacopy = self._shallow_clone_dataset()
datacopy._flat_data = datacopy._flat_data.with_transforms(group_name)
return datacopy
def freeze_transforms(self: TAvalancheDataset) -> TAvalancheDataset:
"""Returns a new dataset with the transformation groups frozen."""
datacopy = self._shallow_clone_dataset()
datacopy._flat_data = datacopy._flat_data.freeze_transforms()
return datacopy
def remove_current_transform_group(self):
"""Recursively remove transformation groups from dataset tree."""
datacopy = self._shallow_clone_dataset()
fdata = datacopy._flat_data
datacopy._flat_data = fdata.remove_current_transform_group()
return datacopy
def replace_current_transform_group(self, transform):
"""Recursively remove the current transformation group from the
dataset tree and replaces it."""
datacopy = self._shallow_clone_dataset()
fdata = datacopy._flat_data
datacopy._flat_data = fdata.replace_current_transform_group(transform)
return datacopy
def _shallow_clone_dataset(self: TAvalancheDataset) -> TAvalancheDataset:
"""Clone dataset.
This is a shallow copy, i.e. the data attributes are not copied.
dataset_copy = copy.copy(self)
dataset_copy._flat_data = self._flat_data._shallow_clone_dataset()
return dataset_copy
def _init_collate_fn(self, dataset, collate_fn):
if collate_fn is not None:
return collate_fn
if hasattr(dataset, "collate_fn"):
return getattr(dataset, "collate_fn")
return default_collate
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self._flat_data)
def _tree_depth(self):
"""Return the depth of the tree of datasets.
Use only to debug performance issues.
return self._flat_data._tree_depth()
class _FlatDataWithTransform(FlatData[T_co]):
"""Private class used to wrap a dataset with a transformation group.
Do not use outside of this file.
def __init__(
datasets: Sequence[IDataset[T_co]],
indices: Optional[List[int]] = None,
transform_groups: Optional[TransformGroups] = None,
frozen_transform_groups: Optional[TransformGroups] = None,
discard_elements_not_in_indices: bool = False,
can_flatten = (transform_groups is None) and (frozen_transform_groups is None)
if isinstance(transform_groups, dict):
transform_groups = TransformGroups(transform_groups)
if isinstance(frozen_transform_groups, dict):
frozen_transform_groups = TransformGroups(frozen_transform_groups)
if transform_groups is None:
transform_groups = EmptyTransformGroups()
if frozen_transform_groups is None:
frozen_transform_groups = EmptyTransformGroups()
self._transform_groups: TransformGroups = transform_groups
self._frozen_transform_groups: TransformGroups = frozen_transform_groups
# Init transformations
cgroup = None
# inherit transformation group from original dataset
for dd in datasets:
if isinstance(dd, _FlatDataWithTransform):
if cgroup is None and dd._transform_groups is not None:
cgroup = dd._transform_groups.current_group
elif (
dd._transform_groups is not None
and dd._transform_groups.current_group != cgroup
# all datasets must have the same transformation group
f"Concatenated datasets have different transformation "
f"groups. Using group={cgroup}."
if cgroup is None:
cgroup = "train"
self._frozen_transform_groups.current_group = cgroup
self._transform_groups.current_group = cgroup
def __eq__(self, other):
for required_attr in [
if not hasattr(other, required_attr):
return False
eq_datasets = len(self._datasets) == len(other._datasets) # type: ignore
eq_datasets = eq_datasets and all(
d1 == d2 for d1, d2 in zip(self._datasets, other._datasets) # type: ignore
ftg = other._frozen_transform_groups # type: ignore
return (
and self._transform_groups == other._transform_groups # type: ignore
and self._frozen_transform_groups == ftg # type: ignore
def _getitem_recursive_call(self, idx, group_name) -> T_co:
"""Private method only for internal use.
We need this recursive call to avoid appending task
label multiple times inside the __getitem__.
dataset_idx, idx = self._get_idx(idx)
dd = self._datasets[dataset_idx]
if isinstance(dd, _FlatDataWithTransform):
element = dd._getitem_recursive_call(idx, group_name=group_name)
element = dd[idx]
if self._frozen_transform_groups is not None:
element = self._frozen_transform_groups(element, group_name=group_name)
if self._transform_groups is not None:
element = self._transform_groups(element, group_name=group_name)
return element
def __getitem__(
self: TDataWTransform, idx: Union[int, slice]
) -> Union[T_co, TDataWTransform]:
if isinstance(idx, (int, np.integer)):
elem = self._getitem_recursive_call(
idx, self._transform_groups.current_group
return elem # type: ignore
return super().__getitem__(idx)
def with_transforms(self: TDataWTransform, group_name: str) -> TDataWTransform:
Returns a new dataset with the transformations of a different group
The current dataset will not be affected.
:param group_name: The name of the transformations group to use.
:return: A new dataset with the new transformations.
datacopy = self._shallow_clone_dataset()
return datacopy
def freeze_transforms(self: TDataWTransform) -> TDataWTransform:
"""Returns a new dataset with the transformation groups frozen."""
tgroups = copy.copy(self._transform_groups)
frozen_tgroups = copy.copy(self._frozen_transform_groups)
datacopy = self._shallow_clone_dataset()
datacopy._frozen_transform_groups = frozen_tgroups + tgroups
datacopy._transform_groups = EmptyTransformGroups()
dds: List[IDataset] = []
for dd in datacopy._datasets:
if isinstance(dd, _FlatDataWithTransform):
datacopy._datasets = dds
return datacopy
def remove_current_transform_group(self):
"""Recursively remove transformation groups from dataset tree."""
dataset_copy = self._shallow_clone_dataset()
cgroup = dataset_copy._transform_groups.current_group
dataset_copy._transform_groups[cgroup] = None
dds = []
for dd in dataset_copy._datasets:
if isinstance(dd, _FlatDataWithTransform):
dataset_copy._datasets = dds
return dataset_copy
def replace_current_transform_group(self, transform):
"""Recursively remove the current transformation group from the
dataset tree and replaces it."""
dataset_copy = self.remove_current_transform_group()
cgroup = dataset_copy._transform_groups.current_group
dataset_copy._transform_groups[cgroup] = transform
dds = []
for dd in dataset_copy._datasets:
if isinstance(dd, _FlatDataWithTransform):
dataset_copy._datasets = dds
return dataset_copy
def _shallow_clone_dataset(self: TDataWTransform) -> TDataWTransform:
"""Clone dataset.
This is a shallow copy, i.e. the data attributes are not copied.
dataset_copy = copy.copy(self)
dataset_copy._transform_groups = copy.copy(dataset_copy._transform_groups)
dataset_copy._frozen_transform_groups = copy.copy(
return dataset_copy
[docs]def make_avalanche_dataset(
dataset: IDataset[T_co],
data_attributes: Optional[List[DataAttribute]] = None,
transform_groups: Optional[TransformGroups] = None,
frozen_transform_groups: Optional[TransformGroups] = None,
collate_fn: Optional[Callable[[List], Any]] = None,
) -> AvalancheDataset[T_co]:
"""Avalanche Dataset.
Creates a ``AvalancheDataset`` instance.
See ``AvalancheDataset`` for more details.
:param dataset: Original dataset. Beware that
AvalancheDataset will not overwrite transformations already
applied by this dataset.
:param transform_groups: Avalanche transform groups.
return AvalancheDataset(
def _print_frozen_transforms(self):
"""Internal debugging method. Do not use it.
Prints the current frozen transformations."""
print("FROZEN TRANSFORMS:\n" + str(self._frozen_transform_groups))
for dd in self._datasets:
if isinstance(dd, AvalancheDataset):
print("PARENT FROZEN:\n")
def _print_nonfrozen_transforms(self):
"""Internal debugging method. Do not use it.
Prints the current non-frozen transformations."""
print("TRANSFORMS:\n" + str(self._transform_groups))
for dd in self._datasets:
if isinstance(dd, AvalancheDataset):
def _print_transforms(self):
"""Internal debugging method. Do not use it.
Prints the current transformations."""
__all__ = ["AvalancheDataset", "make_avalanche_dataset"]