Source code for avalanche.benchmarks.utils.data_loader

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 01-12-2020                                                             #
# Author(s): Antonio Carta, Lorenzo Pellegrini                                 #
# E-mail:                                              #
# Website:                                           #
    Avalanche supports data loading using pytorch's dataloaders.
    This module provides custom dataloaders for continual learning such as
    support for balanced dataloading between different tasks or balancing
    between the current data and the replay memory.
from typing import (
import numpy as np

from import DistributedSampler, Dataset
from import DataLoader

from import AvalancheDataset
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.data_attribute import DataAttribute
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.ffcv_support.ffcv_components import (
from avalanche.distributed.distributed_helper import DistributedHelper

from import Sampler, BatchSampler
from import ConcatDataset

def return_identity(x):
    The identity function. Can be wrapped in 'partial'
    to act as a getter function.
    Used to avoid lambda functions that cannot be pickled.
    return x

def collate_from_data_or_kwargs(data, kwargs):
    if "collate_fn" in kwargs:
    elif hasattr(data, "collate_fn"):
        kwargs["collate_fn"] = data.collate_fn

class MultiDatasetDataLoader:
    """Custom data loader for multiple datasets."""

    def __init__(
        datasets: Sequence[AvalancheDataset],
        batch_sizes: Sequence[int],
        termination_dataset: int = -1,
        oversample_small_datasets: bool = False,
        distributed_sampling: bool = True,
        never_ending: bool = False,
        """Custom data loader for loading batches from multiple datasets.

        This dataloader iterates in parallel multiple datasets which are used
        to create mini-batches by concatenating their data together.
        The number of examples from each dataset in each mini-batch
        is defined by the `batch_sizes` parameter.

        The length of the loader (that is, the number of iterations in an
        epoch) is determined by the `termination_dataset`.

        The `oversample_small_datasets` parameter can be used to control what
        to do when smaller datasets are consumed and the epoch is not ended

        :param datasets: A list of :class:`AvalancheDataset`.
        :param batch_sizes: A list of int, describing the number of examples
            per minibatch to take from each dataset.
        :param termination_dataset: The index of the dataset used to determine
            the number of iterations per epoch. Defaults to -1, which means
            that the highest number of iterations among all datasets will be
        :param oversample_small_datasets: If `True`, smaller datasets will be
            cycled again until the epoch is ended. If it is `False`, smaller
            datasets will not be cycled again, which means that some datasets
            will not contribute to the minibatch composition near the end of
            the epoch.
        :param distributed_sampling: If True, apply the PyTorch
            :class:`DistributedSampler`. Defaults to True.
            Note: the distributed sampler is not applied if not running
            a distributed training, even when True is passed.
        :param never_ending: If True, this data loader will cycle indefinitely
            by iterating over all datasets again and again and the epoch will
            never end. In this case, the `termination_dataset` and
            `oversample_small_datasets` parameters are ignored. Defaults to
        :param kwargs: data loader arguments used to instantiate the loader for
            each dataset. See PyTorch :class:`DataLoader`.
        if "collate_mbatches" in kwargs:
            raise ValueError(
                "collate_mbatches is not needed anymore and it has been "
                "deprecated. Data loaders will use the collate function"

        if termination_dataset >= len(datasets):
            raise ValueError(
                "termination_dataset must be the index of the "
                "dataset used to determine the termination of an epoch"

        distributed_sampling = distributed_sampling and DistributedHelper.is_distributed

        self.datasets = list(datasets)
        self.oversample_small_datasets: bool = oversample_small_datasets
        self.batch_sizes: List[int] = list(batch_sizes)
        self.distributed_sampling: bool = distributed_sampling
        self.loader_kwargs: Dict[str, Any] = kwargs
        self.termination_dataset: int = termination_dataset
        self.never_ending: bool = never_ending

        self.loader_kwargs, self.ffcv_args = self._extract_ffcv_args(self.loader_kwargs)

        # Only used if persistent_workers == True in loader kwargs
        self._persistent_loader: Optional[DataLoader] = None

        if "collate_fn" not in self.loader_kwargs:
            self.loader_kwargs["collate_fn"] = self.datasets[0].collate_fn

        if self.never_ending:
            # Infinite data loader
            self.termination_dataset = -1
            self.n_iterations = 10**10
            self.oversample_small_datasets = True
            # Estimate number of iterations per epoch
            loaders_len = np.full(

            if self.termination_dataset < 0:
                for i, (data_subset, subset_mb_size) in enumerate(
                    zip(self.datasets, self.batch_sizes)
                    loaders_len[i] = len(
                loaders_len[self.termination_dataset] = len(

            self.termination_dataset = loaders_len.argmax().item()
            self.n_iterations = loaders_len.max().item()

    def __iter__(self):
        # Adapted from the __iter__ of PyTorch DataLoader:
        # Needed to support 'persistent_workers'

        use_persistent_workers = self.loader_kwargs.get("persistent_workers", False)
        num_workers = self.loader_kwargs.get("num_workers", 0)

        if use_persistent_workers and num_workers > 0:
            if self._persistent_loader is None:
                self._persistent_loader = self._get_loader()

            yield from self._persistent_loader
            yield from self._get_loader()

    def _get_loader(self):
        samplers = self._create_samplers(

        multi_dataset_batch_sampler = MultiDatasetSampler(

        if has_ffcv_support(self.datasets):
            loader = self._make_ffcv_loader(
            loader = self._make_pytorch_loader(

        return loader

    def _make_pytorch_loader(
        self, datasets: List[AvalancheDataset], batch_sampler: Sampler[List[int]]
        return _make_data_loader_with_batched_sampler(

    def _make_ffcv_loader(
        self, datasets: List[AvalancheDataset], batch_sampler: Sampler[List[int]]
        ffcv_args = dict(self.ffcv_args)
        device = ffcv_args.pop("device")
        print_ffcv_summary = ffcv_args.pop("print_ffcv_summary")

        persistent_workers = self.loader_kwargs.get("persistent_workers", False)

        return HybridFfcvLoader(

    def _extract_ffcv_args(self, loader_args):
        loader_args = dict(loader_args)
        ffcv_args: Dict[str, Any] = loader_args.pop("ffcv_args", dict())
        ffcv_args.setdefault("device", None)
        ffcv_args.setdefault("print_ffcv_summary", False)

        for arg_name, arg_value in loader_args.items():
            if arg_name in ffcv_args:
                # Already specified in ffcv_args -> discard

            if arg_name in HybridFfcvLoader.VALID_FFCV_PARAMS:
                ffcv_args[arg_name] = arg_value
        return loader_args, ffcv_args

    def __len__(self):
        return self.n_iterations

    def _create_samplers(
        datasets: List[AvalancheDataset],
        batch_sizes: List[int],
        distributed_sampling: bool,
        loader_kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
        samplers = []

        for dataset, dataset_mb_size in zip(datasets, batch_sizes):
            sampler = _make_sampler(
                dataset, distributed_sampling, loader_kwargs, dataset_mb_size


        return samplers

class SingleDatasetDataLoader(MultiDatasetDataLoader):
    Replacement of PyTorch DataLoader that also supports
    the additional loading mechanisms implemented in

    def __init__(self, datasets: AvalancheDataset, batch_size: int = 1, **kwargs):
        super().__init__([datasets], [batch_size], **kwargs)

[docs]class GroupBalancedDataLoader(MultiDatasetDataLoader): """Data loader that balances data from multiple datasets."""
[docs] def __init__( self, datasets: Sequence[AvalancheDataset], oversample_small_groups: bool = False, batch_size: int = 32, distributed_sampling: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Data loader that balances data from multiple datasets. Mini-batches emitted by this dataloader are created by collating together mini-batches from each group. It may be used to balance data among classes, experiences, tasks, and so on. If `oversample_small_groups == True` smaller groups are oversampled to match the largest group. Otherwise, once data from a group is completely iterated, the group will be skipped. :param datasets: an instance of `AvalancheDataset`. :param oversample_small_groups: whether smaller groups should be oversampled to match the largest one. :param batch_size: the size of the batch. It must be greater than or equal to the number of groups. :param distributed_sampling: If True, apply the PyTorch :class:`DistributedSampler`. Defaults to True. Note: the distributed sampler is not applied if not running a distributed training, even when True is passed. :param kwargs: data loader arguments used to instantiate the loader for each group separately. See pytorch :class:`DataLoader`. """ # check if batch_size is larger than or equal to the number of datasets assert batch_size >= len(datasets) # divide the batch between all datasets in the group ds_batch_size = batch_size // len(datasets) remaining = batch_size % len(datasets) batch_sizes = [] for _ in datasets: bs = ds_batch_size if remaining > 0: bs += 1 remaining -= 1 batch_sizes.append(bs) super().__init__( datasets, batch_sizes, oversample_small_datasets=oversample_small_groups, distributed_sampling=distributed_sampling, **kwargs )
[docs]class TaskBalancedDataLoader(GroupBalancedDataLoader): """Task-balanced data loader for Avalanche's datasets."""
[docs] def __init__( self, data: AvalancheDataset, batch_size: int = 32, oversample_small_groups: bool = False, distributed_sampling: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Task-balanced data loader for Avalanche's datasets. The iterator returns a mini-batch balanced across each task, which makes it useful when training in multi-task scenarios whenever data is highly unbalanced. If `oversample_small_tasks == True` smaller tasks are oversampled to match the largest task. Otherwise, once the data for a specific task is terminated, that task will not be present in the subsequent mini-batches. :param data: an instance of `AvalancheDataset`. :param oversample_small_groups: whether smaller tasks should be oversampled to match the largest one. :param distributed_sampling: If True, apply the PyTorch :class:`DistributedSampler`. Defaults to True. Note: the distributed sampler is not applied if not running a distributed training, even when True is passed. :param kwargs: data loader arguments used to instantiate the loader for each task separately. See pytorch :class:`DataLoader`. """ if "oversample_small_tasks" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "oversample_small_tasks is deprecated in favor of " "oversample_small_groups" ) # Split data by task task_datasets = [] task_labels_field = getattr(data, "targets_task_labels") assert isinstance(task_labels_field, DataAttribute) for task_label in task_labels_field.uniques: tidxs = task_labels_field.val_to_idx[task_label] tdata = data.subset(tidxs) task_datasets.append(tdata) super().__init__( task_datasets, oversample_small_groups=oversample_small_groups, batch_size=batch_size, distributed_sampling=distributed_sampling, **kwargs )
[docs]class GroupBalancedInfiniteDataLoader(MultiDatasetDataLoader): """Data loader that balances data from multiple datasets emitting an infinite stream."""
[docs] def __init__( self, datasets: Sequence[AvalancheDataset], batch_size=32, distributed_sampling: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Data loader that balances data from multiple datasets emitting an infinite stream. Mini-batches emitted by this dataloader are created by collating together mini-batches from each group. It may be used to balance data among classes, experiences, tasks, and so on. :param datasets: an instance of `AvalancheDataset`. :param batch_size: the size of the batch to take from each dataset. Please note that, differently from other Avalanche multi dataset loaders, this value is the per-dataset contribution to the final mini-batch, NOT the final mini-batch size. The final mini-batches will be of size `len(datasets) * batch_size`. :param distributed_sampling: If True, apply the PyTorch :class:`DistributedSampler`. Defaults to True. Note: the distributed sampler is not applied if not running a distributed training, even when True is passed. :param kwargs: data loader arguments used to instantiate the loader for each group separately. See pytorch :class:`DataLoader`. """ batch_sizes = [batch_size] * len(datasets) super().__init__( datasets, batch_sizes, termination_dataset=-1, oversample_small_datasets=True, distributed_sampling=distributed_sampling, never_ending=True, **kwargs )
[docs]class ReplayDataLoader(MultiDatasetDataLoader): """Custom data loader for rehearsal/replay strategies."""
[docs] def __init__( self, data: AvalancheDataset, memory: Optional[AvalancheDataset] = None, oversample_small_tasks: bool = False, batch_size: int = 32, batch_size_mem: int = 32, task_balanced_dataloader: bool = False, distributed_sampling: bool = True, **kwargs ): """Custom data loader for rehearsal strategies. This dataloader iterates in parallel two datasets, the current `data` and the rehearsal `memory`, which are used to create mini-batches by concatenating their data together. Mini-batches from both of them are balanced using the task label (i.e. each mini-batch contains a balanced number of examples from all the tasks in the `data` and `memory`). The length of the loader is determined only by the current task data and is the same than what it would be when creating a data loader for this dataset. If `oversample_small_tasks == True` smaller tasks are oversampled to match the largest task. :param data: AvalancheDataset. :param memory: AvalancheDataset. :param oversample_small_tasks: whether smaller tasks should be oversampled to match the largest one. :param batch_size: the size of the data batch. It must be greater than or equal to the number of tasks. :param batch_size_mem: the size of the memory batch. If `task_balanced_dataloader` is set to True, it must be greater than or equal to the number of tasks. :param task_balanced_dataloader: if true, buffer data loaders will be task-balanced, otherwise it creates a single data loader for the buffer samples. :param distributed_sampling: If True, apply the PyTorch :class:`DistributedSampler`. Defaults to True. Note: the distributed sampler is not applied if not running a distributed training, even when True is passed. :param kwargs: data loader arguments used to instantiate the loader for each task separately. See pytorch :class:`DataLoader`. """ if "collate_fn" not in kwargs: kwargs["collate_fn"] = data.collate_fn # Create dataloader for memory items if task_balanced_dataloader: memory_task_labels = getattr(memory, "targets_task_labels") assert isinstance(memory_task_labels, DataAttribute) num_keys = len(memory_task_labels.uniques) # Ensure that the per-task batch size will end up > 0 assert batch_size_mem >= num_keys, ( "Batch size must be greator or equal " "to the number of tasks in the memory " "and current data." ) # Make the batch size balanced between tasks # The remainder (remaining_example) will be distributed # across tasks by "self._get_datasets_and_batch_sizes(...)" single_group_batch_size = batch_size_mem // num_keys remaining_example = batch_size_mem % num_keys else: single_group_batch_size = batch_size_mem remaining_example = 0 # For current data, use the batch_size from the input "batch_size". # batch_size can be an int (do not split by task) # or a dictionary task_id -> mb_size # In both cases, remaining_examples=0 data_batch_sizes, data_subsets = self._get_datasets_and_batch_sizes( data, batch_size, 0, False ) memory_batch_sizes, memory_subsets = self._get_datasets_and_batch_sizes( memory, single_group_batch_size, remaining_example, task_balanced_dataloader, ) # Obtain the subset with the highest number of iterations # This is the one that defines when an epoch ends # Note: this is aligned with the behavior of the legacy # multi-loader version of ReplayDataLoader loaders_for_len_estimation = [] for data_subset, subset_mb_size in zip(data_subsets, data_batch_sizes): loaders_for_len_estimation.append( _make_data_loader( data_subset, distributed_sampling, kwargs, subset_mb_size, force_no_workers=True, )[0] ) longest_data_subset_idx = ( np.array(len(d) for d in loaders_for_len_estimation).argmax().item() ) super().__init__( data_subsets + memory_subsets, data_batch_sizes + memory_batch_sizes, termination_dataset=longest_data_subset_idx, oversample_small_datasets=oversample_small_tasks, distributed_sampling=distributed_sampling, **kwargs )
@staticmethod def _get_datasets_and_batch_sizes( data: AvalancheDataset, batch_sizes_def: Union[int, Dict[int, int]], remaining_examples: int, task_balanced_dataloader: bool, ): datasets: List[AvalancheDataset] = [] batch_sizes: List[int] = [] batch_size_per_task = not isinstance(batch_sizes_def, int) if task_balanced_dataloader or batch_size_per_task: for task_id in data.task_set: dataset = data.task_set[task_id] if batch_size_per_task: current_batch_size = batch_sizes_def[task_id] else: current_batch_size = batch_sizes_def if remaining_examples > 0: current_batch_size += 1 remaining_examples -= 1 datasets.append(dataset) batch_sizes.append(current_batch_size) else: # Current data is loaded without task balancing datasets.append(data) batch_sizes.append(batch_sizes_def) return batch_sizes, datasets
class MultiDatasetSampler(Sampler[List[int]]): """ Iterate over datasets and provide a batch per dataset in each mini-batch. """ def __init__( self, datasets: Sequence[Sized], samplers: Sequence[BatchSampler], termination_dataset_idx: int = 0, oversample_small_datasets: bool = False, never_ending: bool = False, ): assert len(datasets) == len(samplers) assert never_ending or ( termination_dataset_idx >= 0 and termination_dataset_idx < len(datasets) ) self.datasets = list(datasets) self.samplers = list(samplers) self.cumulative_sizes = ConcatDataset.cumsum(self.datasets) self.never_ending = never_ending if self.never_ending: self.termination_dataset_idx = -1 self.termination_dataset_iterations = 10**10 self.oversample_small_datasets = True if sum(len(x) for x in self.samplers) == 0: raise RuntimeError( "The never ending sampler must able to create a mini-batch" ) else: # termination_dataset_idx => dataset used to determine the epoch end self.termination_dataset_idx = termination_dataset_idx self.termination_dataset_iterations = len( self.samplers[self.termination_dataset_idx] ) self.oversample_small_datasets = oversample_small_datasets def __len__(self): return self.termination_dataset_iterations def __iter__(self): number_of_datasets = len(self.datasets) samplers_list = [] sampler_iterators = [] for dataset_idx in range(number_of_datasets): sampler = self.samplers[dataset_idx] samplers_list.append(sampler) cur_sampler_iterator = sampler.__iter__() sampler_iterators.append(cur_sampler_iterator) index_offsets = np.array([0] + self.cumulative_sizes[:-1]) while True: per_dataset_indices: List[Optional[np.ndarray]] = [ None ] * number_of_datasets if self.never_ending: sampling_dataset_order = list(range(number_of_datasets)) is_termination_dataset = [False] * number_of_datasets else: # Obtain the indices for the "main" dataset first sampling_dataset_order = [self.termination_dataset_idx] + list( x for x in range(number_of_datasets) if x != self.termination_dataset_idx ) is_termination_dataset = [True] + ([False] * (number_of_datasets - 1)) for dataset_idx, is_term_dataset in zip( sampling_dataset_order, is_termination_dataset ): sampler = samplers_list[dataset_idx] sampler_iterator = sampler_iterators[dataset_idx] if sampler is None: continue if len(sampler) == 0: if is_term_dataset and (not self.never_ending): return samplers_list[dataset_idx] = None sampler_iterators[dataset_idx] = None continue should_stop_if_ended = ( is_term_dataset or not self.oversample_small_datasets ) and (not self.never_ending) continue_epoch, updated_iterator, next_batch_indices = self._next_batch( sampler, sampler_iterator, stop_on_last_batch=should_stop_if_ended ) if not continue_epoch: if is_term_dataset: # The main dataset terminated -> exit return else: # Not the main dataset # Happens if oversample_small_tasks is False # Remove the dataset and sampler from the list samplers_list[dataset_idx] = None sampler_iterators[dataset_idx] = None continue assert next_batch_indices is not None next_batch_indices = np.array(next_batch_indices) # Shift indices according to the position of the # dataset in the list next_batch_indices += index_offsets[dataset_idx] sampler_iterators[dataset_idx] = updated_iterator per_dataset_indices[dataset_idx] = next_batch_indices per_dataset_indices = [x for x in per_dataset_indices if x is not None] yield np.concatenate(per_dataset_indices).tolist() @staticmethod def _next_batch( sampler: Sampler, sampler_iterator: Iterator[Sequence[int]], stop_on_last_batch: bool, ): try: next_batch_indices = next(sampler_iterator) return True, sampler_iterator, next_batch_indices except StopIteration: if stop_on_last_batch: return False, None, None # Re-create the iterator # This time, do not catch StopIteration if isinstance(sampler, BatchSampler): if isinstance(sampler.sampler, DistributedSampler): sampler.sampler.set_epoch(sampler.sampler.epoch + 1) elif isinstance(sampler, DistributedSampler): # Manage shuffling in DistributedSampler sampler.set_epoch(sampler.epoch + 1) sampler_iterator = iter(sampler) next_batch_indices = next(sampler_iterator) return True, sampler_iterator, next_batch_indices def _make_data_loader( dataset: Dataset, distributed_sampling: bool, data_loader_args: Dict[str, Any], batch_size: int, force_no_workers: bool = False, ): data_loader_args = data_loader_args.copy() data_loader_args.pop("ffcv_args", None) collate_from_data_or_kwargs(dataset, data_loader_args) if force_no_workers: data_loader_args["num_workers"] = 0 if "persistent_workers" in data_loader_args: data_loader_args["persistent_workers"] = False if "prefetch_factor" in data_loader_args: data_loader_args["prefetch_factor"] = 2 if DistributedHelper.is_distributed and distributed_sampling: # Note: shuffle only goes in the sampler, while # drop_last must be passed to both the sampler # and the DataLoader drop_last = data_loader_args.pop("drop_last", False) sampler = DistributedSampler( dataset, shuffle=data_loader_args.pop("shuffle", True), drop_last=drop_last, ) data_loader = DataLoader( dataset, sampler=sampler, batch_size=batch_size, drop_last=drop_last, **data_loader_args ) else: sampler = None data_loader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=batch_size, **data_loader_args) return data_loader, sampler def _make_data_loader_with_batched_sampler( dataset: Dataset, batch_sampler: Any, data_loader_args: Dict[str, Any] ): data_loader_args = data_loader_args.copy() # See documentation of batch_sampler: # # In fact, "generator" could be dropped too data_loader_args.pop("batch_size", False) data_loader_args.pop("shuffle", False) data_loader_args.pop("sampler", False) data_loader_args.pop("drop_last", False) data_loader_args.pop("ffcv_args", None) return DataLoader(dataset, batch_sampler=batch_sampler, **data_loader_args) def _make_sampler( dataset: Any, distributed_sampling: bool, data_loader_args: Dict[str, Any], batch_size: int, ): loader, _ = _make_data_loader( dataset, distributed_sampling, data_loader_args, batch_size, force_no_workers=True, ) sampler = loader.batch_sampler return sampler __all__ = [ "collate_from_data_or_kwargs", "TaskBalancedDataLoader", "GroupBalancedDataLoader", "ReplayDataLoader", "GroupBalancedInfiniteDataLoader", ]