# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI. #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License. #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms. #
# #
# Date: 14-12-2020 #
# Author(s): Lorenzo Pellegrini #
# E-mail: contact@continualai.org #
# Website: www.continualai.org #
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from numpy import arange
from typing import (
import wandb
import numpy as np
import torch
from PIL.Image import Image
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.functional import pad
from avalanche.benchmarks import NCScenario
from avalanche.evaluation import PluginMetric, Metric
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_results import (
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_utils import (
from avalanche.training.templates import SupervisedTemplate
[docs]class ConfusionMatrix(Metric[Tensor]):
"""The standalone confusion matrix metric.
Instances of this metric keep track of the confusion matrix by receiving a
pair of "ground truth" and "prediction" Tensors describing the labels of a
minibatch. Those two tensors can both contain plain labels or
one-hot/logit vectors.
The result is the unnormalized running confusion matrix.
Beware that by default the confusion matrix size will depend on the value of
the maximum label as detected by looking at both the ground truth and
predictions Tensors. When passing one-hot/logit vectors, this
metric will try to infer the number of classes from the vector sizes.
Otherwise, the maximum label value encountered in the truth/prediction
Tensors will be used.
If the user sets the `num_classes`, then the confusion matrix will always be
of size `num_classes, num_classes`. Whenever a prediction or label tensor is
provided as logits, only the first `num_classes` units will be considered in
the confusion matrix computation. If they are provided as numerical labels,
each of them has to be smaller than `num_classes`.
The reset method will bring the metric to its initial state. By default
this metric in its initial state will return an empty Tensor.
[docs] def __init__(
num_classes: Optional[int] = None,
normalize: Optional[Literal["true", "pred", "all"]] = None,
"""Creates an instance of the standalone confusion matrix metric.
By default this metric in its initial state will return an empty Tensor.
The metric can be updated by using the `update` method while the running
confusion matrix can be retrieved using the `result` method.
:param num_classes: The number of classes. Defaults to None,
which means that the number of classes will be inferred from
ground truth and prediction Tensors (see class description for more
details). If not None, the confusion matrix will always be of size
`num_classes, num_classes` and only the first `num_classes` values
of output logits or target logits will be considered in the update.
If the output or targets are provided as numerical labels,
there can be no label greater than `num_classes`.
:param normalize: how to normalize confusion matrix.
None to not normalize
self._cm_tensor: Optional[Tensor] = None
The Tensor where the running confusion matrix is stored.
self._num_classes: Optional[int] = num_classes
self.normalize = normalize
def update(self, true_y: Tensor, predicted_y: Tensor) -> None:
Update the running confusion matrix given the true and predicted labels.
:param true_y: The ground truth. Both labels and one-hot vectors
are supported.
:param predicted_y: The ground truth. Both labels and logit vectors
are supported.
:return: None.
if len(true_y) != len(predicted_y):
raise ValueError("Size mismatch for true_y and predicted_y tensors")
if len(true_y.shape) > 2:
raise ValueError(
"Confusion matrix supports labels with at" " most 2 dimensions"
if len(predicted_y.shape) > 2:
raise ValueError(
"Confusion matrix supports predictions with at " "most 2 dimensions"
max_label = -1 if self._num_classes is None else self._num_classes - 1
true_y = torch.as_tensor(true_y)
if len(true_y.shape) == 2 and self._num_classes is not None:
true_y = true_y[:, : max_label + 1]
predicted_y = torch.as_tensor(predicted_y)
if len(predicted_y.shape) == 2 and self._num_classes is not None:
predicted_y = predicted_y[:, : max_label + 1]
if len(predicted_y.shape) > 1:
# Logits -> transform to labels
if self._num_classes is None:
max_label = max(max_label, predicted_y.shape[1] - 1)
predicted_y = torch.max(predicted_y, 1)[1]
# Labels -> check non-negative
min_label = torch.min(predicted_y).item()
if min_label < 0:
raise ValueError("Label values must be non-negative values")
if self._num_classes is None:
max_label = max(max_label, torch.max(predicted_y).item())
elif torch.max(predicted_y).item() >= self._num_classes:
raise ValueError(
"Encountered predicted label larger than" "num_classes"
if len(true_y.shape) > 1:
# Logits -> transform to labels
if self._num_classes is None:
max_label = max(max_label, true_y.shape[1] - 1)
true_y = torch.max(true_y, 1)[1]
# Labels -> check non-negative
min_label = torch.min(true_y).item()
if min_label < 0:
raise ValueError("Label values must be non-negative values")
if self._num_classes is None:
max_label = max(max_label, torch.max(true_y).item())
elif torch.max(true_y).item() >= self._num_classes:
raise ValueError("Encountered target label larger than" "num_classes")
if max_label < 0:
raise ValueError(
"The Confusion Matrix metric can only handle " "positive label values"
if self._cm_tensor is None:
# Create the confusion matrix
self._cm_tensor = torch.zeros(
(max_label + 1, max_label + 1), dtype=torch.long
elif max_label >= self._cm_tensor.shape[0]:
# Enlarge the confusion matrix
size_diff = 1 + max_label - self._cm_tensor.shape[0]
self._cm_tensor = pad(self._cm_tensor, (0, size_diff, 0, size_diff))
for pattern_idx in range(len(true_y)):
self._cm_tensor[true_y[pattern_idx]][predicted_y[pattern_idx]] += 1
def result(self) -> Tensor:
Retrieves the unnormalized confusion matrix.
Calling this method will not change the internal state of the metric.
:return: The running confusion matrix, as a Tensor.
if self._cm_tensor is None:
matrix_shape = (0, 0)
if self._num_classes is not None:
matrix_shape = (self._num_classes, self._num_classes)
return torch.zeros(matrix_shape, dtype=torch.long)
if self.normalize is not None:
return ConfusionMatrix._normalize_cm(self._cm_tensor, self.normalize)
return self._cm_tensor
def reset(self) -> None:
Resets the metric.
Calling this method will *not* reset the default number of classes
optionally defined in the constructor optional parameter.
:return: None.
self._cm_tensor = None
def _normalize_cm(cm: Tensor, normalization: Literal["true", "pred", "all"]):
if normalization not in ("true", "pred", "all"):
raise ValueError(
"Invalid normalization parameter. Can be 'true'," " 'pred' or 'all'"
if normalization == "true":
cm = cm / cm.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True, dtype=torch.float64)
elif normalization == "pred":
cm = cm / cm.sum(dim=0, keepdim=True, dtype=torch.float64)
elif normalization == "all":
cm = cm / cm.sum(dtype=torch.float64)
cm = ConfusionMatrix.nan_to_num(cm)
return cm
def nan_to_num(matrix: Tensor) -> Tensor:
# if version.parse(torch.__version__) >= version.parse("1.8.0"):
# # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences
# return torch.nan_to_num(matrix)
numpy_ndarray = matrix.numpy()
numpy_ndarray = np.nan_to_num(numpy_ndarray)
return torch.tensor(numpy_ndarray, dtype=matrix.dtype)
[docs]class StreamConfusionMatrix(PluginMetric[Tensor]):
The Stream Confusion Matrix metric.
This plugin metric only works on the eval phase.
Confusion Matrix computation can be slow if you compute it for a large
number of classes. We recommend to set `save_image=False` if the runtime
is too large.
At the end of the eval phase, this metric logs the confusion matrix
relative to all the patterns seen during eval.
The metric can log either a Tensor or a PIL Image representing the
confusion matrix.
[docs] def __init__(
num_classes: Optional[int] = None,
normalize: Optional[Literal["true", "pred", "all"]] = None,
save_image: bool = True,
image_creator: Callable[
[Tensor, Optional[Iterable[Any]]], Union[Figure, Image]
] = default_cm_image_creator,
absolute_class_order: bool = False,
Creates an instance of the Stream Confusion Matrix metric.
We recommend to set `save_image=False` if the runtime is too large.
In fact, a large number of classes may increase the computation time
of this metric.
:param num_classes: The number of classes. Defaults to None,
which means that the number of classes will be inferred from
ground truth and prediction Tensors (see class description for more
details). If not None, the confusion matrix will always be of size
`num_classes, num_classes` and only the first `num_classes` values
of output logits or target logits will be considered in the update.
If the output or targets are provided as numerical labels,
there can be no label greater than `num_classes`.
:param normalize: Normalizes confusion matrix over the true (rows),
predicted (columns) conditions or all the population. If None,
confusion matrix will not be normalized. Valid values are: 'true',
'pred' and 'all' or None.
:param save_image: If True, a graphical representation of the confusion
matrix will be logged, too. If False, only the Tensor representation
will be logged. Defaults to True.
:param image_creator: A callable that, given the tensor representation
of the confusion matrix and the corresponding labels, returns a
graphical representation of the matrix as a PIL Image. Defaults to
:param absolute_class_order: If true, the labels in the created image
will be sorted by id, otherwise they will be sorted by order of
encounter at training time. This parameter is ignored if
`save_image` is False, or the scenario is not a NCScenario.
self._save_image: bool = save_image
self.num_classes = num_classes
self.normalize = normalize
self.absolute_class_order = absolute_class_order
self._matrix: ConfusionMatrix = ConfusionMatrix(
num_classes=num_classes, normalize=normalize
self._image_creator = image_creator
def reset(self) -> None:
self._matrix = ConfusionMatrix(
num_classes=self.num_classes, normalize=self.normalize
def result(self) -> Tensor:
exp_cm = self._matrix.result()
return exp_cm
def update(self, true_y: Tensor, predicted_y: Tensor) -> None:
self._matrix.update(true_y, predicted_y)
def before_eval(self, strategy) -> None:
def after_eval_iteration(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> None:
self.update(strategy.mb_y, strategy.mb_output)
def after_eval(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> MetricResult:
return self._package_result(strategy)
def _package_result(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> MetricResult:
assert strategy.experience is not None
exp_cm = self.result()
phase_name, _ = phase_and_task(strategy)
stream = stream_type(strategy.experience)
metric_name = "{}/{}_phase/{}_stream".format(str(self), phase_name, stream)
plot_x_position = strategy.clock.train_iterations
if self._save_image:
class_order = self._get_display_class_order(exp_cm, strategy)
cm_image = self._image_creator(
exp_cm[class_order][:, class_order], class_order
metric_representation = MetricValue(
AlternativeValues(cm_image, exp_cm),
metric_representation = MetricValue(
self, metric_name, exp_cm, plot_x_position
return [metric_representation]
def _get_display_class_order(
self, exp_cm: Tensor, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate"
) -> Iterable[int]:
assert strategy.experience is not None
benchmark = strategy.experience.benchmark
if self.absolute_class_order or not isinstance(benchmark, NCScenario):
return arange(len(exp_cm))
return benchmark.classes_order
def __str__(self):
return "ConfusionMatrix_Stream"
[docs]class WandBStreamConfusionMatrix(PluginMetric):
Confusion Matrix metric compatible with Weights and Biases logger.
Differently from the `StreamConfusionMatrix`, this metric will use W&B
built-in functionalities to log the Confusion Matrix.
This metric may not produce meaningful outputs with other loggers.
[docs] def __init__(self, class_names=None):
:param class_names: list of names for the classes.
E.g. ["cat", "dog"] if class 0 == "cat" and class 1 == "dog"
If None, no class names will be used. Default None.
self.outputs = [] # softmax-ed or logits outputs
self.targets = [] # target classes
self.class_names = class_names
def reset(self) -> None:
self.outputs = []
self.targets = []
def before_eval(self, strategy) -> None:
def result(self):
outputs = torch.cat(self.outputs, dim=0)
targets = torch.cat(self.targets, dim=0)
return outputs, targets
def update(self, output, target):
def after_eval_iteration(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate"):
super(WandBStreamConfusionMatrix, self).after_eval_iteration(strategy)
self.update(strategy.mb_output, strategy.mb_y)
def after_eval(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> MetricResult:
return self._package_result(strategy)
def _package_result(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate") -> MetricResult:
assert strategy.experience is not None
outputs, targets = self.result()
phase_name, _ = phase_and_task(strategy)
stream = stream_type(strategy.experience)
metric_name = "{}/{}_phase/{}_stream".format(str(self), phase_name, stream)
plot_x_position = strategy.clock.train_iterations
# compute predicted classes
preds = torch.argmax(outputs, dim=1).cpu().numpy()
result = wandb.plot.confusion_matrix(
metric_representation = MetricValue(
self, metric_name, AlternativeValues(result), plot_x_position
return [metric_representation]
def __str__(self):
return "W&BConfusionMatrix_Stream"
[docs]def confusion_matrix_metrics(
absolute_class_order: bool = False,
) -> List[PluginMetric]:
"""Helper method that can be used to obtain the desired set of
plugin metrics.
:param num_classes: The number of classes. Defaults to None,
which means that the number of classes will be inferred from
ground truth and prediction Tensors (see class description for more
details). If not None, the confusion matrix will always be of size
`num_classes, num_classes` and only the first `num_classes` values
of output logits or target logits will be considered in the update.
If the output or targets are provided as numerical labels,
there can be no label greater than `num_classes`.
:param normalize: Normalizes confusion matrix over the true (rows),
predicted (columns) conditions or all the population. If None,
confusion matrix will not be normalized. Valid values are: 'true',
'pred' and 'all' or None.
:param save_image: If True, a graphical representation of the confusion
matrix will be logged, too. If False, only the Tensor representation
will be logged. Defaults to True.
:param image_creator: A callable that, given the tensor representation
of the confusion matrix, returns a graphical representation of the
matrix as a PIL Image. Defaults to `default_cm_image_creator`.
:param class_names: W&B only. List of names for the classes.
E.g. ["cat", "dog"] if class 0 == "cat" and class 1 == "dog"
If None, no class names will be used. Default None.
:param stream: If True, will return a metric able to log
the confusion matrix averaged over the entire evaluation stream
of experiences.
:param wandb: if True, will return a Weights and Biases confusion matrix
together with all the other confusion matrixes requested.
:param absolute_class_order: Not W&B. If true, the labels in the created
image will be sorted by id, otherwise they will be sorted by order of
encounter at training time. This parameter is ignored if `save_image` is
False, or the scenario is not a NCScenario.
:return: A list of plugin metrics.
metrics: List[PluginMetric] = []
if stream:
if wandb:
return metrics
__all__ = [