Source code for avalanche.logging.csv_logger

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 2020-01-25                                                             #
# Author(s): Andrea Cossu                                                      #
# E-mail:                                              #
# Website:                                           #

from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING

import torch
import os

from avalanche.evaluation.metric_results import MetricValue
from avalanche.logging import BaseLogger
from avalanche.core import SupervisedPlugin

    from import SupervisedTemplate

[docs]class CSVLogger(BaseLogger, SupervisedPlugin): """CSV logger. The `CSVLogger` logs accuracy and loss metrics into a csv file. Metrics are logged separately for training and evaluation in files training_results.csv and eval_results.csv, respectively. .. note:: This Logger assumes that the user is evaluating on only **one** experience during training (see below for an example of a `train` call). Trough the `EvaluationPlugin`, the user should monitor at least EpochAccuracy/Loss and ExperienceAccuracy/Loss. If monitored, the logger will also record Experience Forgetting. In order to monitor the performance on held-out experience associated to the current training experience, set `eval_every=1` (or larger value) in the strategy constructor and pass the eval experience to the `train` method:: `for i, exp in enumerate(benchmark.train_stream):` `strategy.train(exp, eval_streams=[benchmark.test_stream[i]])` The `strategy.eval` method should be called on the entire test stream for consistency, even if this is not strictly required. When not provided, validation loss and validation accuracy will be logged as zero. The training file header is composed of: training_exp_id, epoch, training_accuracy, val_accuracy, training_loss, val_loss. The evaluation file header is composed of: eval_exp, training_exp, eval_accuracy, eval_loss, forgetting """
[docs] def __init__(self, log_folder=None): """Creates an instance of `CSVLogger` class. :param log_folder: folder in which to create log files. If None, `csvlogs` folder in the default current directory will be used. """ super().__init__() self.log_folder = log_folder if log_folder is not None else "csvlogs" os.makedirs(self.log_folder, exist_ok=True) self.training_file = open( os.path.join(self.log_folder, "training_results.csv"), "w" ) self.eval_file = open(os.path.join(self.log_folder, "eval_results.csv"), "w") os.makedirs(self.log_folder, exist_ok=True) # current training experience id self.training_exp_id = None # if we are currently training or evaluating # evaluation within training will not change this flag self.in_train_phase = None # validation metrics computed during training self.val_acc, self.val_loss = 0, 0 # print csv headers print( "training_exp", "epoch", "training_accuracy", "val_accuracy", "training_loss", "val_loss", sep=",", file=self.training_file, flush=True, ) print( "eval_exp", "training_exp", "eval_accuracy", "eval_loss", "forgetting", sep=",", file=self.eval_file, flush=True, )
def _val_to_str(self, m_val): if isinstance(m_val, torch.Tensor): return "\n" + str(m_val) elif isinstance(m_val, float): return f"{m_val:.4f}" else: return str(m_val) def print_train_metrics( self, training_exp, epoch, train_acc, val_acc, train_loss, val_loss ): print( training_exp, epoch, self._val_to_str(train_acc), self._val_to_str(val_acc), self._val_to_str(train_loss), self._val_to_str(val_loss), sep=",", file=self.training_file, flush=True, ) def print_eval_metrics( self, eval_exp, training_exp, eval_acc, eval_loss, forgetting ): print( eval_exp, training_exp, self._val_to_str(eval_acc), self._val_to_str(eval_loss), self._val_to_str(forgetting), sep=",", file=self.eval_file, flush=True, ) def after_training_epoch( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().after_training_epoch(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) train_acc, val_acc, train_loss, val_loss = 0, 0, 0, 0 for val in metric_values: if "train_stream" in if"Top1_Acc_Epoch"): train_acc = val.value elif"Loss_Epoch"): train_loss = val.value self.print_train_metrics( self.training_exp_id, strategy.clock.train_exp_epochs, train_acc, self.val_acc, train_loss, self.val_loss, ) def after_eval_exp( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().after_eval_exp(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) acc, loss, forgetting = 0, 0, 0 for val in metric_values: if self.in_train_phase: # validation within training if"Top1_Acc_Exp"): self.val_acc = val.value elif"Loss_Exp"): self.val_loss = val.value else: if"Top1_Acc_Exp"): acc = val.value elif"Loss_Exp"): loss = val.value elif"ExperienceForgetting"): forgetting = val.value if not self.in_train_phase: self.print_eval_metrics( strategy.experience.current_experience, self.training_exp_id, acc, loss, forgetting, ) def before_training_exp( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().before_training(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) self.training_exp_id = strategy.experience.current_experience def before_eval( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): """ Manage the case in which `eval` is first called before `train` """ if self.in_train_phase is None: self.in_train_phase = False def before_training( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): self.in_train_phase = True def after_training( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): self.in_train_phase = False def close(self): self.training_file.close() self.eval_file.close()
__all__ = ["CSVLogger"]