Source code for avalanche.logging.text_logging

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 2020-01-25                                                             #
# Author(s): Antonio Carta                                                     #
# E-mail:                                              #
# Website:                                           #
import datetime
import sys
import warnings
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple, Type, Optional, TextIO

import torch

from avalanche.core import SupervisedPlugin
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_results import MetricValue, TensorImage
from avalanche.logging import BaseLogger
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_utils import stream_type, phase_and_task

    from import SupervisedTemplate

UNSUPPORTED_TYPES: Tuple[Type, ...] = (

[docs]class TextLogger(BaseLogger, SupervisedPlugin): """ The `TextLogger` class provides logging facilities printed to a user specified file. The logger writes metric results after each training epoch, evaluation experience and at the end of the entire evaluation stream. .. note:: To avoid an excessive amount of printed lines, this logger will **not** print results after each iteration. If the user is monitoring metrics which emit results after each minibatch (e.g., `MinibatchAccuracy`), only the last recorded value of such metrics will be reported at the end of the epoch. .. note:: Since this logger works on the standard output, metrics producing images or more complex visualizations will be converted to a textual format suitable for console printing. You may want to add more loggers to your `EvaluationPlugin` to better support different formats. """
[docs] def __init__(self, file=sys.stdout): """ Creates an instance of `TextLogger` class. :param file: destination file to which print metrics (default=sys.stdout). """ super().__init__() self.file = file self.metric_vals = {}
def log_single_metric(self, name, value, x_plot) -> None: # We only keep track of the last value for each metric self.metric_vals[name] = (name, x_plot, value) def _val_to_str(self, m_val): if isinstance(m_val, torch.Tensor): return "\n" + str(m_val) elif isinstance(m_val, float): return f"{m_val:.4f}" else: return str(m_val) def print_current_metrics(self): sorted_vals = sorted(self.metric_vals.values(), key=lambda x: x[0]) for name, x, val in sorted_vals: if isinstance(val, UNSUPPORTED_TYPES): continue val = self._val_to_str(val) print(f"\t{name} = {val}", file=self.file) def before_training_exp( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().before_training_exp(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) self._on_exp_start(strategy) def before_eval_exp( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().before_eval_exp(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) self._on_exp_start(strategy) def after_training_epoch( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().after_training_epoch(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) print(f"Epoch {strategy.clock.train_exp_epochs} ended.", file=self.file) self.print_current_metrics() self.metric_vals = {} def after_eval_exp( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().after_eval_exp(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) exp_id = strategy.experience.current_experience task_id = phase_and_task(strategy)[1] if task_id is None: print( f"> Eval on experience {exp_id} " f"from {stream_type(strategy.experience)} stream ended.", file=self.file, ) else: print( f"> Eval on experience {exp_id} (Task " f"{task_id}) " f"from {stream_type(strategy.experience)} stream ended.", file=self.file, ) self.print_current_metrics() self.metric_vals = {} def before_training( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().before_training(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) print("-- >> Start of training phase << --", file=self.file) def before_eval( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().before_eval(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) print("-- >> Start of eval phase << --", file=self.file) def after_training( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().after_training(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) print("-- >> End of training phase << --", file=self.file) def after_eval( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", metric_values: List["MetricValue"], **kwargs, ): super().after_eval(strategy, metric_values, **kwargs) print("-- >> End of eval phase << --", file=self.file) self.print_current_metrics() self.metric_vals = {} def _on_exp_start(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate"): action_name = "training" if strategy.is_training else "eval" exp_id = strategy.experience.current_experience task_id = phase_and_task(strategy)[1] stream = stream_type(strategy.experience) if task_id is None: print( "-- Starting {} on experience {} from {} stream --".format( action_name, exp_id, stream ), file=self.file, ) else: print( "-- Starting {} on experience {} (Task {}) from {}" " stream --".format(action_name, exp_id, task_id, stream), file=self.file, ) def __getstate__(self): # Implementation of pickle serialization out = self.__dict__.copy() fobject_serialized_def = TextLogger._fobj_serialize(out["file"]) if fobject_serialized_def is not None: out["file"] = fobject_serialized_def else: warnings.warn( f"Cannot properly serialize the file object used for text " f'logging: {out["file"]}.' ) return out def __setstate__(self, state): # Implementation of pickle deserialization fobj = TextLogger._fobj_deserialize(state["file"]) if fobj is not None: state["file"] = fobj else: raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot deserialize file object {state["file"]}') self.__dict__ = state self.on_checkpoint_resume() def on_checkpoint_resume(self): # utc_dt = # UTC time now_w_timezone = utc_dt.astimezone() # local time print( f"[{self.__class__.__name__}] Resuming from checkpoint.", f"Current time is", now_w_timezone.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"), file=self.file, ) @staticmethod def _fobj_serialize(file_object) -> Optional[str]: is_notebook = False try: is_notebook = ( file_object.__class__.__name__ == "OutStream" and "ipykernel" in file_object.__class__.__module__ ) except Exception: pass if is_notebook: # Running in a notebook out_file_path = None stream_name = "stdout" else: # Standard file object out_file_path = TextLogger._file_get_real_path(file_object) stream_name = TextLogger._file_get_stream(file_object) if stream_name is not None: return "stream:" + stream_name elif out_file_path is not None: return "path:" + str(out_file_path) else: return None @staticmethod def _fobj_deserialize(file_def: str) -> Optional[TextIO]: if not isinstance(file_def, str): # Custom object (managed by pickle or dill library) return file_def if file_def.startswith("path:"): file_def = _remove_prefix(file_def, "path:") return open(file_def, "a") elif file_def.startswith("stream:"): file_def = _remove_prefix(file_def, "stream:") if file_def == "stdout": return sys.stdout elif file_def == "stderr": return sys.stderr return None @staticmethod def _file_get_real_path(file_object) -> Optional[str]: try: if hasattr(file_object, "file"): # Manage files created by tempfile file_object = file_object.file fobject_path = if fobject_path in ["<stdout>", "<stderr>"]: # Standard output / error return None if isinstance(fobject_path, int): # File descriptor return None return fobject_path except AttributeError: return None @staticmethod def _file_get_stream(file_object) -> Optional[str]: if file_object == sys.stdout or file_object == sys.__stdout__: return "stdout" if file_object == sys.stderr or file_object == sys.__stderr__: return "stderr" return None
def _remove_prefix(text, prefix): if text.startswith(prefix): return text[len(prefix) :] return text # or whatever __all__ = ["TextLogger"]