Source code for avalanche.models.expert_gate

from collections import OrderedDict
from copy import deepcopy

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import sigmoid
from torch.nn.functional import mse_loss, softmax

from torchvision import transforms
import torchvision.models as models

from .utils import FeatureExtractorBackbone

from avalanche.models import MultiTaskModule
from avalanche.models.utils import Flatten
from avalanche.benchmarks.scenarios.generic_scenario import CLExperience

def AE_loss(target, reconstruction):
    """Calculates the MSE loss for the autoencoder by comparing the
    reconstruction to the pre-processed input.

    :param target: the target for the autoencoder
    :param reconstruction: output of the autoencoder
    :return: mean squared error loss between the target and reconstruction
    reconstruction_loss = mse_loss(input=reconstruction, target=target, reduction="sum")
    return reconstruction_loss

class ExpertAutoencoder(nn.Module):
    """The expert autoencoder that determines which expert classifier to select
    for the incoming data.

    def __init__(
        :param shape: shape of the input layer
        :param latent_dim: size of the autoencoder's latent dimension
        :param device: gpu or cpu
        :param arch: the architecture to use from torchvision.models,
        defaults to "alexnet"
        :param pretrained_flag: determines if torchvision model is pre-trained,
        defaults to True
        :param output_layer_name: output layer of the feature backbone,
        defaults to "features"


        # Select pretrained AlexNet for preprocessing input
        base_template = models.__dict__[arch](
                if pretrained_flag
                else "AlexNet_Weights.NONE"

        self.feature_module = FeatureExtractorBackbone(base_template, output_layer_name)

        self.shape = shape
        self.device = device

        # Freeze the feature module
        for param in self.feature_module.parameters():
            param.requires_grad = False

        # Flatten input
        # Encoder Linear -> ReLU
        flattened_size = torch.Size(shape).numel()
        self.encoder = nn.Sequential(
            Flatten(), nn.Linear(flattened_size, latent_dim), nn.ReLU()

        # Decoder Linear -> Sigmoid
        self.decoder = nn.Sequential(
            nn.Linear(latent_dim, flattened_size), nn.Sigmoid()

    def forward(self, x):
        # Preprocessing step
        x =
        x = self.feature_module(x)
        x = sigmoid(x)

        # Encode input
        x = self.encoder(x)

        # Reconstruction
        x = self.decoder(x)

        return x.view(-1, *self.shape)

class ExpertModel(nn.Module):
    """The expert classifier which sits behind the autoencoder.
    Each expert classifieris usually a pre-trained AlexNet fine-tuned
    on a specific task. The final classification layer is replaced and
    sized based on the number of classes for a task.

    def __init__(
        self, num_classes, arch, device, pretrained_flag, provided_template=None
        :param num_classes: number of classes this expert model will classify
        :param arch: the architecture to use from torchvision.models
        :param device: gpu or cpu
        :param pretrained_flag: determines if torchvision model is pre-trained
        :param provided_template: the expert model to copy the backbone from,
        defaults to None

        self.device = device
        self.num_classes = num_classes

        # Select pretrained AlexNet for feature backbone
        base_template = models.__dict__[arch](
                if pretrained_flag
                else "AlexNet_Weights.NONE"

        # Set the feature module from provided template
        if provided_template is None:
            self.feature_module = deepcopy(base_template._modules["features"])

        # Use base template if nothing provided
            self.feature_module = deepcopy(provided_template.feature_module)

        # Set avgpool layer
        self.avg_pool = deepcopy(base_template._modules["avgpool"])

        # Flattener
        self.flatten = Flatten()

        # Classifier module
        self.classifier_module = deepcopy(base_template._modules["classifier"])

        # Customize final layer for  the number of classes in the data
        original_classifier_input_dim = self.classifier_module[-1].in_features
        self.classifier_module[-1] = nn.Linear(
            original_classifier_input_dim, self.num_classes

        for param in self.parameters():
            param.requires_grad = True

    def forward(self, x):
        x = self.feature_module(x)
        x = self.avg_pool(x)
        x = self.flatten(x)
        x = self.classifier_module(x)
        return x

[docs]class ExpertGate(nn.Module): """Overall parent module that holds the dictionary of expert autoencoders and expert classifiers. """
[docs] def __init__( self, shape, device, arch="alexnet", pretrained_flag=True, output_layer_name="features", ): """ :param shape: shape of the input layer :param device: gpu or cpu :param arch: the architecture to use from torchvision.models, defaults to "alexnet" :param pretrained_flag: determines if torchvision model is pre-trained, defaults to True :param output_layer_name: output layer of the feature backbone, defaults to "features" """ super().__init__() # Store variables self.shape = shape self.arch = arch self.pretrained_flag = pretrained_flag self.device = device # Dictionary for autoencoders # {task, autoencoder} self.autoencoder_dict = nn.ModuleDict() # Dictionary for experts # {task, expert} self.expert_dict = nn.ModuleDict() # Initialize an expert with pretrained AlexNet = ( models.__dict__[arch]( weights=( "AlexNet_Weights.IMAGENET1K_V1" if pretrained_flag else "AlexNet_Weights.NONE" ) ) .to(device) .eval() )
def _get_average_reconstruction_error(self, autoencoder_id, x): # Select autoencoder with the given ID autoencoder = self.autoencoder_dict[str(autoencoder_id)] # Run input through autoencoder to get reconstruction reconstruction = autoencoder(x) # Process input for target target = sigmoid(autoencoder.feature_module(x)) # Error between reconstruction and input error = AE_loss(target=target, reconstruction=reconstruction) return error def forward(self, x): # If not in training mode, select the best expert for the input data if not # Build an error tensor to hold errors for all autoencoders all_errors = [None] * len(self.autoencoder_dict) # Iterate through all autoencoders to populate error tensor for autoencoder_id in self.autoencoder_dict: error = self._get_average_reconstruction_error(autoencoder_id, x) error = -error / self.temp all_errors[int(autoencoder_id)] = torch.tensor(error) # Softmax to get probabilites probabilities = softmax(torch.Tensor(all_errors), dim=-1) # Select an expert for this input using the most likely autoencoder most_relevant_expert_key = torch.argmax(probabilities) = self.expert_dict[str(most_relevant_expert_key.item())] x = = return