Source code for

import copy

import torch

from import SupervisedPlugin
from import get_last_fc_layer, freeze_everything
from avalanche.models.base_model import BaseModel

[docs]class LFLPlugin(SupervisedPlugin): """Less-Forgetful Learning (LFL) Plugin. LFL satisfies two properties to mitigate catastrophic forgetting. 1) To keep the decision boundaries unchanged 2) The feature space should not change much on target(new) data LFL uses euclidean loss between features from current and previous version of model as regularization to maintain the feature space and avoid catastrophic forgetting. Refer paper for more details This plugin does not use task identities. """
[docs] def __init__(self, lambda_e): """ :param lambda_e: Euclidean loss hyper parameter """ super().__init__() self.lambda_e = lambda_e self.prev_model = None
def _euclidean_loss(self, features, prev_features): """ Compute euclidean loss """ return torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(features, prev_features) def penalty(self, x, model, lambda_e): """ Compute weighted euclidean loss """ if self.prev_model is None: return 0 else: features, prev_features = self.compute_features(model, x) dist_loss = self._euclidean_loss(features, prev_features) return lambda_e * dist_loss def compute_features(self, model, x): """ Compute features from prev model and current model """ prev_model = self.prev_model assert prev_model is not None model.eval() prev_model.eval() features = model.get_features(x) prev_features = prev_model.get_features(x) return features, prev_features def before_backward(self, strategy, **kwargs): """ Add euclidean loss between prev and current features as penalty """ lambda_e = ( self.lambda_e[strategy.clock.train_exp_counter] if isinstance(self.lambda_e, (list, tuple)) else self.lambda_e ) penalty = self.penalty(strategy.mb_x, strategy.model, lambda_e) strategy.loss += penalty def after_training_exp(self, strategy, **kwargs): """ Save a copy of the model after each experience and freeze the prev model and freeze the last layer of current model """ self.prev_model = copy.deepcopy(strategy.model) freeze_everything(self.prev_model) last_fc_name, last_fc = get_last_fc_layer(strategy.model) for param in last_fc.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False def before_training(self, strategy, **kwargs): """ Check if the model is an instance of base class to ensure get_features() is implemented """ if not isinstance(strategy.model, BaseModel): raise NotImplementedError(BaseModel.__name__ + ".get_features()")