Source code for

import copy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
import numpy as np

import torch
from torch.optim import SGD
from import DataLoader
from torchvision.models.feature_extraction import (

from import SupervisedPlugin
from import ReservoirSamplingBuffer
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.data_loader import ReplayDataLoader

    from import SupervisedTemplate

[docs]class RARPlugin(SupervisedPlugin): """ Retrospective Adversarial Replay for Continual Learning Continual learning is an emerging research challenge in machine learning that addresses the problem where models quickly fit the most recently trained-on data and are prone to catastrophic forgetting due to distribution shifts --- it does this by maintaining a small historical replay buffer in replay-based methods. To avoid these problems, this paper proposes a method, ``Retrospective Adversarial Replay (RAR)'', that synthesizes adversarial samples near the forgetting boundary. RAR perturbs a buffered sample towards its nearest neighbor drawn from the current task in a latent representation space. By replaying such samples, we are able to refine the boundary between previous and current tasks, hence combating forgetting and reducing bias towards the current task. To mitigate the severity of a small replay buffer, we develop a novel MixUp-based strategy to increase replay variation by replaying mixed augmentations. Combined with RAR, this achieves a holistic framework that helps to alleviate catastrophic forgetting. We show that this excels on broadly-used benchmarks and outperforms other continual learning baselines especially when only a small buffer is used. We conduct a thorough ablation study over each key component as well as a hyperparameter sensitivity analysis to demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of RAR. """
[docs] def __init__( self, batch_size_mem: int, mem_size: int = 200, opt_lr: float = 0.1, name_ext_layer: str = None, use_adversarial_replay: bool = True, beta_coef: float = 0.4, decay_factor_fgsm: float = 1.0, epsilon_fgsm: float = 0.0314, iter_fgsm: int = 2, storage_policy: Optional["ReservoirSamplingBuffer"] = None, ): """ :param batch_size_mem: Size of the batch sampled from the bigger buffer :param mem_size: Fixed memory size :param opt_lr: Learning rate of the internal optimizer :param name_ext_layer: Name of the layer to extract features :param use_adversarial_replay: Boolean to use or not RAR :param beta_coef: float: coef between RAR and Buffer :param decay_factor_fgsm: Decay factor of FGSM :param epsilon_fgsm: Epsilon for FGSM :param iter_fgsm: Number of iterations of FGSM :param storage_policy: Storage Policy used for the buffer """ super().__init__() self.mem_size = mem_size self.batch_size_mem = batch_size_mem self.opt_lr = opt_lr self.name_ext_layer = name_ext_layer self.use_adversarial_replay = use_adversarial_replay self.beta_coef = beta_coef # For Split-CIFAR10: 0.5, 0.1, 0.075 - mem size 200, 500 , 1000 # Split-CIFAR100 and Split-miniImageNet: 0.4 # FGSM self.decay_factor_fgsm = decay_factor_fgsm self.epsilon_fgsm = epsilon_fgsm self.iter_fgsm = iter_fgsm self.replay_loader = None if not self.use_adversarial_replay: self.beta_coef = 0 if storage_policy is not None: # Use other storage policy self.storage_policy = storage_policy assert storage_policy.max_size == self.mem_size else: # Default self.storage_policy = ReservoirSamplingBuffer(max_size=self.mem_size)
def before_training_exp( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", num_workers: int = 0, shuffle: bool = True, drop_last: bool = False, **kwargs ): """ Dataloader to build batches containing examples from both memories and the training dataset """ if len(self.storage_policy.buffer) == 0: # first experience. We don't use the buffer return batch_size_mem = self.batch_size_mem if batch_size_mem is None: batch_size_mem = strategy.train_mb_size self.storage_policy.buffer self.replay_loader = DataLoader( self.storage_policy.buffer, batch_size=self.batch_size_mem, shuffle=shuffle, ) assert strategy.adapted_dataset is not None strategy.dataloader = ReplayDataLoader( strategy.adapted_dataset, self.storage_policy.buffer, oversample_small_tasks=True, batch_size=batch_size_mem, batch_size_mem=batch_size_mem, task_balanced_dataloader=False, num_workers=num_workers, shuffle=shuffle, drop_last=drop_last, ) def before_backward(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", **kwargs): """ Before the backward function in the training process. We need to update the loss function. First we add the loss of the buffer. Then if we are using RAR, we obtained the features to find the closest element of a different class. We apply FGSM to those selected elements and then find the loss of the attacked samples. """ if len(self.storage_policy.buffer) == 0: # first experience. We don't use the buffer return batch_buff = self.get_buffer_batch() mb_x_buff = batch_buff[0].to(strategy.device) mb_y_buff = batch_buff[1].to(strategy.device) # out_buff = strategy.model(mb_x_buff) # strategy.loss += (1-self.beta_coef) * \ # strategy._criterion(out_buff, mb_y_buff) if not self.use_adversarial_replay: return if self.name_ext_layer is None: self.name_ext_layer = get_graph_node_names(strategy.model)[0][-2] copy_model = copy.deepcopy(strategy.model) feature_extractor = create_feature_extractor( copy_model, return_nodes=[self.name_ext_layer] ) optimizer = SGD(copy_model.parameters(), lr=self.opt_lr) optimizer.zero_grad() output = copy_model(strategy.mb_x) loss = strategy._criterion(output, strategy.mb_y) loss.backward() optimizer.step() out_curr = feature_extractor(strategy.mb_x)[self.name_ext_layer] out_buff = feature_extractor(mb_x_buff)[self.name_ext_layer] dist = torch.cdist(out_buff, out_curr) _, ind = torch.sort(dist) target_attack = torch.zeros(dist.size(0)).long().to(strategy.device) for j in range(dist.size(0)): for i in ind[j]: if mb_y_buff[j].item() != strategy.mb_y[i].item(): target_attack[j] = strategy.mb_y[i] mb_x_buff.requires_grad = True out_pert = copy_model(mb_x_buff) loss = strategy._criterion(out_pert, target_attack) loss.backward() mb_x_pert = self.mifgsm_attack(mb_x_buff, out_buff = strategy.model(mb_x_pert) strategy.loss += (self.beta_coef) * strategy._criterion(out_buff, mb_y_buff) def after_training_exp(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", **kwargs): self.storage_policy.update(strategy, **kwargs) def get_buffer_batch(self): """ Auxiliary function to obtained the next batch :return: Batch from the buffer """ try: b_batch = next(self.iter_replay) except: self.iter_replay = iter(self.replay_loader) b_batch = next(self.iter_replay) return b_batch def mifgsm_attack(self, input, data_grad): """ FGSM - This function generate the perturbation to the input. :param input: Data that we want to apply the perturbation :param data_grad: Gradient of those samples :return: Attacked input """ pert_out = input alpha = self.epsilon_fgsm / self.iter_fgsm g = 0 for i in range(self.iter_fgsm - 1): g = self.decay_factor_fgsm * g + data_grad / torch.norm(data_grad, p=1) pert_out = pert_out + alpha * torch.sign(g) pert_out = torch.clamp(pert_out, 0, 1) if torch.norm((pert_out - input), p=float("inf")) > self.epsilon_fgsm: break return pert_out