Source code for

import warnings
from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union

import os
import torch
from torch.nn import Module

from import SupervisedPlugin
from import SupervisedTemplate
from import (
from avalanche.models.dynamic_modules import MultiTaskModule
from avalanche.models import FeatureExtractorBackbone
from import CriterionType

[docs]class StreamingLDA(SupervisedTemplate): """Deep Streaming Linear Discriminant Analysis. This strategy does not use backpropagation. Minibatches are first passed to the pretrained feature extractor. The result is processed one element at a time to fit the LDA. Original paper: "Hayes et. al., Lifelong Machine Learning with Deep Streaming Linear Discriminant Analysis, CVPR Workshop, 2020" """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, slda_model: Module, criterion: CriterionType, input_size: int, num_classes: int, output_layer_name: Optional[str] = None, shrinkage_param=1e-4, streaming_update_sigma=True, train_epochs: int = 1, train_mb_size: int = 1, eval_mb_size: int = 1, device: Union[str, torch.device] = "cpu", plugins: Optional[Sequence["SupervisedPlugin"]] = None, evaluator: Union[ EvaluationPlugin, Callable[[], EvaluationPlugin] ] = default_evaluator, eval_every=-1, **kwargs, ): """Init function for the SLDA model. :param model: a PyTorch model :param criterion: loss function :param output_layer_name: if not None, wrap model to retrieve only the `output_layer_name` output. If None, the strategy assumes that the model already produces a valid output. You can use `FeatureExtractorBackbone` class to create your custom SLDA-compatible model. :param input_size: feature dimension :param num_classes: number of total classes in stream :param train_mb_size: batch size for feature extractor during training. Fit will be called on a single pattern at a time. :param eval_mb_size: batch size for inference :param shrinkage_param: value of the shrinkage parameter :param streaming_update_sigma: True if sigma is plastic else False feature extraction in `self.feature_extraction_wrapper`. :param plugins: list of StrategyPlugins :param evaluator: Evaluation Plugin instance :param eval_every: run eval every `eval_every` epochs. See `BaseTemplate` for details. """ if plugins is None: plugins = [] slda_model = slda_model.eval() if output_layer_name is not None: slda_model = FeatureExtractorBackbone(, output_layer_name ).eval() super(StreamingLDA, self).__init__( model=slda_model, optimizer=None, # type: ignore criterion=criterion, train_mb_size=train_mb_size, train_epochs=train_epochs, eval_mb_size=eval_mb_size, device=device, plugins=plugins, evaluator=evaluator, eval_every=eval_every, **kwargs, ) # SLDA parameters self.input_size = input_size self.shrinkage_param = shrinkage_param self.streaming_update_sigma = streaming_update_sigma # setup weights for SLDA self.muK = torch.zeros((num_classes, input_size)).to(self.device) self.cK = torch.zeros(num_classes).to(self.device) self.Sigma = torch.ones((input_size, input_size)).to(self.device) self.num_updates = 0 self.Lambda = torch.zeros_like(self.Sigma).to(self.device) self.prev_num_updates = -1
def forward(self, return_features=False): """Compute the model's output given the current mini-batch.""" self.model.eval() if isinstance(self.model, MultiTaskModule): feat = self.model(self.mb_x, self.mb_task_id) else: # no task labels feat = self.model(self.mb_x) out = self.predict(feat) if return_features: return out, feat else: return out def training_epoch(self, **kwargs): """ Training epoch. :param kwargs: :return: """ for _, self.mbatch in enumerate(self.dataloader): self._unpack_minibatch() self._before_training_iteration(**kwargs) self.loss = self._make_empty_loss() # Forward self._before_forward(**kwargs) # compute output on entire minibatch self.mb_output, feats = self.forward(return_features=True) self._after_forward(**kwargs) # Loss & Backward self.loss += self.criterion() # Optimization step self._before_update(**kwargs) # process one element at a time for f, y in zip(feats, self.mb_y):, y.unsqueeze(0)) self._after_update(**kwargs) self._after_training_iteration(**kwargs) def make_optimizer(self, **kwargs): """Empty function. Deep SLDA does not need a Pytorch optimizer.""" pass @torch.no_grad() def fit(self, x, y): """ Fit the SLDA model to a new sample (x,y). :param x: a torch tensor of the input data (must be a vector) :param y: a torch tensor of the input label :return: None """ # covariance updates if self.streaming_update_sigma: x_minus_mu = x - self.muK[y] mult = torch.matmul(x_minus_mu.transpose(1, 0), x_minus_mu) delta = mult * self.num_updates / (self.num_updates + 1) self.Sigma = (self.num_updates * self.Sigma + delta) / ( self.num_updates + 1 ) # update class means self.muK[y, :] += (x - self.muK[y, :]) / (self.cK[y] + 1).unsqueeze(1) self.cK[y] += 1 self.num_updates += 1 @torch.no_grad() def predict(self, X): """ Make predictions on test data X. :param X: a torch tensor that contains N data samples (N x d) :param return_probas: True if the user would like probabilities instead of predictions returned :return: the test predictions or probabilities """ # compute/load Lambda matrix if self.prev_num_updates != self.num_updates: # there have been updates to the model, compute Lambda self.Lambda = torch.pinverse( (1 - self.shrinkage_param) * self.Sigma + self.shrinkage_param * torch.eye(self.input_size, device=self.device) ) self.prev_num_updates = self.num_updates # parameters for predictions M = self.muK.transpose(1, 0) W = torch.matmul(self.Lambda, M) c = 0.5 * torch.sum(M * W, dim=0) scores = torch.matmul(X, W) - c # return predictions or probabilities return scores def fit_base(self, X, y): """ Fit the SLDA model to the base data. :param X: an Nxd torch tensor of base initialization data :param y: an Nx1-dimensional torch tensor of the associated labels for X :return: None """ print("\nFitting Base...") # update class means for k in torch.unique(y): self.muK[k] = X[y == k].mean(0) self.cK[k] = X[y == k].shape[0] self.num_updates = X.shape[0] print("\nEstimating initial covariance matrix...") from sklearn.covariance import OAS cov_estimator = OAS(assume_centered=True) - self.muK[y]).cpu().numpy()) self.Sigma = torch.from_numpy(cov_estimator.covariance_).float().to(self.device) def save_model(self, save_path, save_name): """ Save the model parameters to a torch file. :param save_path: the path where the model will be saved :param save_name: the name for the saved file :return: """ # grab parameters for saving d = dict() d["muK"] = self.muK.cpu() d["cK"] = self.cK.cpu() d["Sigma"] = self.Sigma.cpu() d["num_updates"] = self.num_updates # save model out, os.path.join(save_path, save_name + ".pth")) def load_model(self, save_path, save_name): """ Load the model parameters into StreamingLDA object. :param save_path: the path where the model is saved :param save_name: the name of the saved file :return: """ # load parameters d = torch.load(os.path.join(save_path, save_name + ".pth")) self.muK = d["muK"].to(self.device) self.cK = d["cK"].to(self.device) self.Sigma = d["Sigma"].to(self.device) self.num_updates = d["num_updates"] def _check_plugin_compatibility(self): """Check that the list of plugins is compatible with the template. This means checking that each plugin impements a subset of the supported callbacks. """ # TODO: ideally we would like to check the argument's type to check # that it's a supertype of the template. # I don't know if it's possible to do it in Python. ps = self.plugins def get_plugins_from_object(obj): def is_callback(x): return x.startswith("before") or x.startswith("after") return filter(is_callback, dir(obj)) cb_supported = set(get_plugins_from_object(self.PLUGIN_CLASS)) cb_supported.remove("before_backward") cb_supported.remove("after_backward") for p in ps: cb_p = set(get_plugins_from_object(p)) if not cb_p.issubset(cb_supported): warnings.warn( f"Plugin {p} implements incompatible callbacks for template" f" {self}. This may result in errors. Incompatible " f"callbacks: {cb_p - cb_supported}", ) return
__all__ = ["StreamingLDA"]