Source code for

from typing import Callable, List, Sequence, Optional, Union
from packaging.version import parse
import warnings
import torch

from import CriterionType

if parse(torch.__version__) < parse("2.0.0"):
    warnings.warn(f"LaMAML requires torch >= 2.0.0.")

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.nn import Module, CrossEntropyLoss
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch import Tensor
import math
from copy import deepcopy

from import SupervisedPlugin, EvaluationPlugin
from import default_evaluator
from import SupervisedMetaLearningTemplate
from import ReservoirSamplingBuffer

[docs]class LaMAML(SupervisedMetaLearningTemplate):
[docs] def __init__( self, *, model: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, criterion: CriterionType = CrossEntropyLoss(), n_inner_updates: int = 5, second_order: bool = True, grad_clip_norm: float = 1.0, learn_lr: bool = True, lr_alpha: float = 0.25, sync_update: bool = False, alpha_init: float = 0.1, max_buffer_size: int = 200, buffer_mb_size: int = 10, train_mb_size: int = 1, train_epochs: int = 1, eval_mb_size: int = 1, device: Union[str, torch.device] = "cpu", plugins: Optional[Sequence["SupervisedPlugin"]] = None, evaluator: Union[ EvaluationPlugin, Callable[[], EvaluationPlugin] ] = default_evaluator, eval_every=-1, peval_mode="epoch", ): """Implementation of Look-ahead MAML (LaMAML) strategy. :param model: PyTorch model. :param optimizer: PyTorch optimizer. :param criterion: loss function. :param n_inner_updates: number of inner updates. :param second_order: If True, it computes the second-order derivative of the inner update trajectory for the meta-loss. Otherwise, it computes the meta-loss with a first-order approximation. :param grad_clip_norm: gradient clipping norm. :param learn_lr: if True, it learns the LR for each batch of data. :param lr_alpha: LR for learning the main update's learning rate. :param sync_update: if True, it updates the meta-model with a fixed learning rate. Mutually exclusive with learn_lr and lr_alpha. :param alpha_init: initialization value for learnable LRs. :param max_buffer_size: maximum buffer size. The default storage policy is reservoir-sampling. :param buffer_mb_size: number of buffer samples in each step. """ super().__init__( model, optimizer, criterion, train_mb_size, train_epochs, eval_mb_size, device, plugins, evaluator, eval_every, peval_mode, ) self.n_inner_updates = n_inner_updates self.second_order = second_order self.grad_clip_norm = grad_clip_norm self.learn_lr = learn_lr self.lr_alpha = lr_alpha self.sync_update = sync_update self.alpha_init = alpha_init self.alpha_params: nn.ParameterDict = nn.ParameterDict() self.alpha_params_initialized: bool = False self.meta_losses: List[Tensor] = [] self.buffer = Buffer( max_buffer_size=max_buffer_size, buffer_mb_size=buffer_mb_size, device=device, ) self.model.apply(init_kaiming_normal)
def _before_training_exp(self, **kwargs): super()._before_training_exp(drop_last=True, **kwargs) # Initialize alpha-lr parameters if not self.alpha_params_initialized: self.alpha_params_initialized = True # Iterate through model parameters and add the corresponding # alpha_lr parameter for n, p in self.model.named_parameters(): alpha_param = nn.Parameter( torch.ones(p.shape) * self.alpha_init, requires_grad=True ) self.alpha_params[n.replace(".", "_")] = alpha_param # Create optimizer for the alpha_lr parameters self.optimizer_alpha = torch.optim.SGD( self.alpha_params.parameters(), lr=self.lr_alpha ) # update alpha-lr parameters for n, p in self.model.named_parameters(): n = n.replace(".", "_") # dict does not support names with '.' if n in self.alpha_params: if self.alpha_params[n].shape != p.shape: old_shape = self.alpha_params[n].shape # parameter expansion expanded = False assert len(p.shape) == len( old_shape ), "Expansion cannot add new dimensions" for i, (snew, sold) in enumerate(zip(p.shape, old_shape)): assert snew >= sold, "Shape cannot decrease." if snew > sold: assert not expanded, ( "Expansion cannot occur " "in more than one dimension." ) expanded = True exp_idx = i alpha_param = torch.ones(p.shape) * self.alpha_init idx = [ slice(el) if i != exp_idx else slice(old_shape[exp_idx]) for i, el in enumerate(p.shape) ] alpha_param[idx] = self.alpha_params[n].detach().clone() alpha_param = nn.Parameter(alpha_param, requires_grad=True) self.alpha_params[n] = alpha_param else: # Add new alpha_lr for the new parameter alpha_param = nn.Parameter( torch.ones(p.shape) * self.alpha_init, requires_grad=True ) self.alpha_params[n] = alpha_param # Re-init optimizer for the new set of alpha_lr parameters self.optimizer_alpha = torch.optim.SGD( self.alpha_params.parameters(), lr=self.lr_alpha ) def copy_grads(self, params_1, params_2): for p1, p2 in zip(params_1, params_2): if p2.grad is not None: p1.grad = p2.grad def inner_update_step(self, fast_params, x, y, t): """Update fast weights using current samples and return the updated fast model. """ logits = torch.func.functional_call(self.model, fast_params, (x, t)) loss = self._criterion(logits, y) # Compute gradient with respect to the current fast weights grads = list( torch.autograd.grad( loss, fast_params.values(), retain_graph=self.second_order, create_graph=self.second_order, allow_unused=True, ) ) # Clip grad norms grads = [ ( torch.clamp(g, min=-self.grad_clip_norm, max=self.grad_clip_norm) if g is not None else g ) for g in grads ] # New fast parameters new_fast_params = { n: param - alpha * grad if grad is not None else param for ((n, param), alpha, grad) in zip( fast_params.items(), self.alpha_params.parameters(), grads ) } return new_fast_params def _inner_updates(self, **kwargs): # Make a copy of model parameters for fast updates self.initial_fast_params = { n: deepcopy(p) for (n, p) in self.model.named_parameters() } # Keep reference to the initial fast params fast_params = self.initial_fast_params # Samples from the current batch batch_x, batch_y, batch_t = self.mb_x, self.mb_y, self.mb_task_id # Get batches from the buffer if self.clock.train_exp_counter > 0: buff_x, buff_y, buff_t = self.buffer.get_buffer_batch() mixed_x =[batch_x, buff_x], dim=0) mixed_y =[batch_y, buff_y], dim=0) mixed_t =[batch_t, buff_t], dim=0) else: mixed_x, mixed_y, mixed_t = batch_x, batch_y, batch_t # Split the current batch into smaller chuncks bsize_data = batch_x.shape[0] rough_sz = math.ceil(bsize_data / self.n_inner_updates) self.meta_losses = [torch.empty(0) for _ in range(self.n_inner_updates)] # Iterate through the chunks as inner-loops for i in range(self.n_inner_updates): batch_x_i = batch_x[i * rough_sz : (i + 1) * rough_sz] batch_y_i = batch_y[i * rough_sz : (i + 1) * rough_sz] batch_t_i = batch_t[i * rough_sz : (i + 1) * rough_sz] # We assume that samples for inner update are from the same task fast_params = self.inner_update_step( fast_params, batch_x_i, batch_y_i, batch_t_i ) # Compute meta-loss with the combination of batch and buffer samples logits_meta = torch.func.functional_call( self.model, fast_params, (mixed_x, mixed_t) ) meta_loss_i = self._criterion(logits_meta, mixed_y) self.meta_losses[i] = meta_loss_i def _outer_update(self, **kwargs): self.model.zero_grad() self.alpha_params.zero_grad() # Compute meta-gradient for the main model meta_loss = sum(self.meta_losses) / len(self.meta_losses) meta_loss.backward() self.copy_grads(self.model.parameters(), self.initial_fast_params.values()) # Clip gradients torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(self.model.parameters(), self.grad_clip_norm) if self.learn_lr: # Update lr for the current batch torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_( self.alpha_params.parameters(), self.grad_clip_norm ) self.optimizer_alpha.step() # If sync-update: update with self.optimizer # o.w: use the learned LRs to update the model if self.sync_update: self.optimizer.step() else: for p, alpha in zip( self.model.parameters(), self.alpha_params.parameters() ): # Use relu on updated LRs to avoid negative values if p.grad is not None: = - p.grad * F.relu(alpha) self.loss = meta_loss def _after_training_exp(self, **kwargs): self.buffer.update(self) super()._after_training_exp(**kwargs)
class Buffer: def __init__( self, max_buffer_size=100, buffer_mb_size=10, device=torch.device("cpu") ): self.storage_policy = ReservoirSamplingBuffer(max_size=max_buffer_size) self.buffer_mb_size = buffer_mb_size self.device = device def update(self, strategy): self.storage_policy.update(strategy) def __len__(self): return len(self.storage_policy.buffer) def get_buffer_batch(self): rnd_ind = torch.randperm(len(self))[: self.buffer_mb_size] buff = self.storage_policy.buffer.subset(rnd_ind) buff_x, buff_y, buff_t = [], [], [] for bx, by, bt in buff: buff_x.append(bx) buff_y.append(by) buff_t.append(bt) buff_x = torch.stack(buff_x, dim=0).to(self.device) buff_y = torch.tensor(buff_y).to(self.device).long() buff_t = torch.tensor(buff_t).to(self.device).long() return buff_x, buff_y, buff_t def init_kaiming_normal(m): if isinstance(m, nn.Conv2d): torch.nn.init.constant_(, 1.0) torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_( if m.bias is not None: elif isinstance(m, nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.constant_(, 1.0) torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_( if m.bias is not None: