Source code for avalanche.benchmarks.classic.endless_cl_sim

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 28-06-2021                                                             #
# Author: Timm Hess                                                            #
# E-mail:                                         #
# Website:                                                 #

This module contains the high-level EndlessCLSim scenario 
generator. It returns an iterable scenario object 
``GenericCLScenario`` given a number of configuration parameters.

from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.avalanche_dataset \
    import AvalancheDataset
from avalanche.benchmarks.datasets.endless_cl_sim.endless_cl_sim\
    import EndlessCLSimDataset
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Union, Optional, Any

from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from torchvision.transforms.transforms import Compose

from avalanche.benchmarks.classic.classic_benchmarks_utils \
    import check_vision_benchmark
from avalanche.benchmarks.datasets import \
from avalanche.benchmarks.generators import dataset_benchmark
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils import AvalancheDataset

_default_transform = Compose([

_scenario_names = ["Classes", "Illumination", "Weather"]

[docs]def EndlessCLSim( *, scenario: str = _scenario_names[0], patch_size: int = 64, sequence_order: Optional[List[int]] = None, task_order: Optional[List[int]] = None, train_transform: Optional[Any] = _default_transform, eval_transform: Optional[Any] = _default_transform, dataset_root: Union[str, Path] = None, semseg=False): """ Creates a CL scenario for the Endless-Continual-Learning Simulator's derived datasets, which are available at:, or custom datasets created from the Endless-Continual-Learning-Simulator's standalone application, available at: Both are part of the publication of `A Procedural World Generation Framework for Systematic Evaluation of Continual Learning ( If the dataset is not present in the computer, this method will automatically download and store it. All generated scenarios make use of 'task labels'. We regard a full dataset as one learning 'sequence', aligned to the terminology in the above paper, with 'subsequences' being the iterative learning tasks. Each subsequence is realized as one `AvalancheDataset` with ordering inforaced by task labels. :param scenario: Available, predefined, learning scenarios are: 'Classes': An learning scenario based on incremental availability of object class examples, 'Illumination': A learning scenario based on iteratively decreasing scene illumination. 'Weather': A learning scenario based on iteratively shifting weather conditions. :param patch_size: The dimension of the image-patches. Int in the case of image-patch classification, because the image-patches need to be quadratic. Tuple of integers for image segmentation tasks. :param sequence_order: List of intergers indexing the subsequences, enables reordering of the subsequences, especially subsequences can be omitted. Defaults to None, loading subsequences in their original order. :param task_order: List of intergers, assigning task labels to each respective subsequence. :param train_transform: The transformation to apply to the training data. Defaults to `_default_transform`, i.e. conversion ToTensor of torchvision. :param eval_transform: The transformation to apply to the eval data. Defaults to `_default_transform`, i.e. conversion ToTensor of torchvision. :param dataset_root: Absolute path indicating where to store the dataset. Defaults to None, which means the default location for 'endless-cl-sim' will be used. :param semseg: boolean to indicate the use of targets for a semantic segmentation task. Defaults to False. :returns: A properly initialized :class:`EndlessCLSim` instance. """ # Check scenario name is valid assert(scenario in _scenario_names), "The selected scenario is not "\ "recognized: it should be "\ "'Classes', 'Illumination', "\ "or 'Weather'." # Assign default dataset root if None provided if dataset_root is None: dataset_root = default_dataset_location('endless-cl-sim') # Download and prepare the dataset endless_cl_sim_dataset = EndlessCLSimDataset(root=dataset_root, scenario=scenario, transform=None, download=True, semseg=semseg) # Default sequence_order if None if sequence_order is None: sequence_order = list(range(len(endless_cl_sim_dataset))) # Default sequence_order if None if task_order is None: task_order = list(range(len(endless_cl_sim_dataset))) train_datasets = [] eval_datasets = [] for i in range(len(sequence_order)): train_data, eval_data = endless_cl_sim_dataset[sequence_order[i]] train_data.transform = train_transform eval_data.transform = eval_transform train_datasets.append( AvalancheDataset( dataset=train_data, task_labels=task_order[i] ) ) eval_datasets.append( AvalancheDataset( dataset=eval_data, task_labels=task_order[i] ) ) scenario_obj = dataset_benchmark(train_datasets, eval_datasets) return scenario_obj
__all__ = [ 'EndlessCLSim' ] if __name__ == "__main__": from import DataLoader from torchvision.transforms import ToPILImage, ToTensor import matplotlib.pyplot as plt scenario_obj = EndlessCLSim(scenario="Classes", sequence_order=[0, 1, 2, 3], task_order=[0, 1, 2, 3], semseg=True, dataset_root="/data/avalanche") # FIXME: check_vision_benchmark function is crashing -> this is not.. # check_vision_benchmark(scenario_obj) print('The benchmark instance contains', len(scenario_obj.train_stream), 'training experiences.') for i, exp in enumerate(scenario_obj.train_stream): dataset, t = exp.dataset, exp.task_label print(dataset, t) print(len(dataset)) dataloader = DataLoader(dataset, batch_size=300) print('Train experience', exp.current_experience) for batch in dataloader: x, y, *other = batch print('X tensor:', x.shape) print('Y tensor:', y.shape) if len(other) > 0: print('T tensor:', other[0].shape) img = ToPILImage()(x[0]) plt.title('Experience: ' + str(exp.current_experience)) plt.imshow(img) # break print("Done..")