Source code for avalanche.benchmarks.datasets.endless_cl_sim.endless_cl_sim

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 28-06-2021                                                             #
# Author: Timm Hess                                                            #
# E-mail:                                         #
# Website:                                                     #

""" Endless-CL-Sim Dataset """

from pathlib import Path
import glob
import os
from typing import Union
from warnings import warn
import sys
import json

import numpy as np
from PIL import Image

from import Dataset

from avalanche.benchmarks.datasets import default_dataset_location
from avalanche.benchmarks.datasets.endless_cl_sim import \
from avalanche.benchmarks.datasets.downloadable_dataset import \

class ClassificationSubSequence(Dataset):
    """Image-Patch Classification Subsequence Dataset"""

    def __init__(self, file_paths, targets, patch_size=64,
                 labelmap_path=None, transform=None, target_transform=None):
        Dataset containing image-patches and targets for one subsequence of
        an endless continual learning simulator's sequence, that has been
        converted for image-patch classification.

        :param file_paths: List that contains the paths to all images files
            that are part of this subsequence.
        :param targets: List that contains the targets (`object category 
            names` (str)) for each respective image.
        :param patch_size: Int defining the quadratic patch-size the 
            image-patches are resized to.
        :param labelmap_path: Path to a `labelmap.json` file that specifies
            a mapping from `object category names` to labels. 
        :param transform: Eventual transformations to be applied to the image 
        :param target_transform: Eventual transformations to be applied to the 
            target data.
        self.file_paths = file_paths
        self.targets = targets
        self.patch_size = patch_size
        self.transform = transform
        self.target_transform = target_transform

        self.labelmap = self._load_labelmap(labelmap_path)


    def _pil_loader(self, file_path):
        with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
            img ="RGB").resize(
                (self.patch_size, self.patch_size), Image.NEAREST)
        return img

    def _load_labelmap(self, path):
        # If path is None, load default labelmap
        if path is None:
            return endless_cl_sim_data.default_classification_labelmap

        # If path is valid, load labelmap from json file
        elif Path(path).exists():
            with open(path) as file:
                json_array = json.load(file)
                labelmap = json_array["SegmentationClasses"]
                return labelmap

        # Finally, raise value error
        raise ValueError(f"path: {path} does not exist!")

    def _convert_target(self, target):
        return self.labelmap[target]

    def __getitem__(self, index: int):
        img_path = self.file_paths[index]
        target = self._convert_target(self.targets[index])

        img = self._pil_loader(img_path)
        img = self.transform(img)

        if self.target_transform is not None:
            target = self.target_transform(target)

        return img, target

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.file_paths)

class VideoSubSequence(Dataset):
    """Video Subsequence Dataset"""

    def __init__(self, file_paths, target_paths, 
                 segmentation_file, classmap_file=None, patch_size=(240, 135), 
                 transform=None, target_transform=None):
        Dataset that contains the (image) data and semantic segmentation targets 
        for one subsequence of a video sequence. 

        :param file_paths: List containing the paths to all images files that 
            are part of this subsequence.
        :param target_paths: List containing the paths to all target files 
            corresponding to the `file_paths`. 
        :param segmentation_file: Path to a `segmentation.json` file that 
            specifies a mapping from label indices to object  
            (or object category) names. Defaults to None, which loads a 
            predefined default mapping.
        :param classmap_file: Path to a `classmap.json' file that specifies
            the mapping from object (or object category) names to a 
            respective label. Defaults to None, which loads a predefined
            default mapping.
        :param patch_size: Size of the images and target data to be resized to.
            Defaults to (240, 135).
        :param transform: Eventual transformations to be applied to the image 
        :param target_transform: Eventual transformations to be applied to the 
            target data.
        self.file_paths = file_paths
        self.targets = target_paths
        self.segmentation_file = segmentation_file
        self.classmap_file = classmap_file
        self.patch_size = patch_size
        self.transform = transform
        self.target_transform = transform

        # Init classmap
        self.classmap = self._load_classmap(classmap_file=self.classmap_file)

        # Init labelmap
        self.labelmap = self._load_labelmap(

    def _pil_loader(self, file_path, is_target=False):
        with open(file_path, "rb") as f:
            convert_identifier = "RGB"
            if is_target:
                convert_identifier = "L"
            img =
                (self.patch_size[0], self.patch_size[1]), Image.NEAREST)
        return img

    def _load_classmap(self, classmap_file):
        classmap = {}
        if classmap_file is None:
            classmap = endless_cl_sim_data.default_semseg_classmap_obj
        elif Path(classmap_file).exists():
            with open(classmap_file) as file:
                json_array = json.load(file)
                classmap = json_array["ClassMapping"]
            raise ValueError(f"classmap_file: {classmap_file} does not exist!")
        return classmap

    def _load_labelmap(self, labelmap_file):
        labelmap = {}
        if Path(labelmap_file).exists():
            with open(labelmap_file) as file:
                json_array = json.load(file)

                segMin = json_array[0]["ObjectClassMapping"]
                segMax = json_array[1]["ObjectClassMapping"]

                for key in segMin:
                    labelmap[key] = [segMin[key], segMax[key]]
            raise ValueError(f"labelmap_file: {labelmap_file} does not exist!")
        return labelmap

    def _get_label_name(self, label):
        for key in self.labelmap:
            min_val, max_val = self.labelmap[key]
            if min_val == max_val:
                if label == min_val:
                    return key
                if label >= min_val and label <= max_val:
                    return key
        raise ValueError(f"label: {label} could not be converted!")

    def _convert_target(self, target):
        Converts segmentation target (instance-segmented) according to classmap
        # Get all unique labels in target
        target = target.copy()
        unique_labels = torch.unique(torch.tensor(target)).numpy()

        for unique_label in unique_labels:
            # Get respective obj class label
            label_name = self._get_label_name(unique_label)
            class_label = self.classmap[label_name]
            # Convert instance label to object class label
            target[target == unique_label] = class_label
        return target

    def __getitem__(self, index: int):
        img_path = self.file_paths[index]
        target_path = self.targets[index]

        # Load image
        img = self._pil_loader(img_path, is_target=False)
        img = self.transform(img)

        # Load target
        target = self._pil_loader(target_path, is_target=True)
        target = self._convert_target(np.asarray(target))

        return img, target

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.file_paths)

[docs]class EndlessCLSimDataset(DownloadableDataset): """ Endless Continual Leanring Simulator Dataset """
[docs] def __init__( self, root: Union[str, Path] = None, *, scenario=None, patch_size=64, transform=None, target_transform=None, download=True, semseg=False, labelmap_path=None): """ Creates an instance of the Endless-Continual-Leanring-Simulator Dataset. This dataset is able to download and prepare datasets derived from the Endless-Continual-Learning Simulator, including settings of incremental classes, decrasing illumination, and shifting weather conditions, as described in the paper `A Procedural World Generation Framework for Systematic Evaluation of Continual Learning' ( Also custom datasets are supported when following the same structure. Such can be obtained from the Endless-CL-Simulator standalone application ( Please note: 1) The EndlessCLSimDataset does not provide examples directly, but SubsequenceDatasets (ClassificationSubSequence, VideoSubSequence). Each SubSequenceDataset will contain the samples for one respective sub sequence. 2) For video sequences currently only one sequence per dataset is supported! :param root: root for the datasets data. Defaults to None, which means that the default location for 'endless-cl-sim' will be used. :param scenario: identifier for the dataset to be used. Predefined options are 'Classes', for incremental classes scenario, 'Illumination', for the decreasing lighting scenario, and 'Weather', for the scenario of shifting weather conditions. To load a custom (non-predefined/downloadable) dataset, the identifier needs to be set to None. Defaults to None. :param patch_size: optional size of image data to be loaded. For classification the patch_size is of type `int`, because we only consider quadratic input sizes. If the `semseg` flag is set, the patch_size type is `tuple`, with `(width, height)`. :param transform: optional transformations to be applied to the image data. :param target_transform: optional transformations to be applied to the targets. :param download: boolean to automatically download data. Defaults to True. :param semseg: boolean to indicate the use of targets for a semantic segmentation task. Defaults to False. :param labelmap_path: path (str) to a labelmap.json file, that provides a dictionary mapping 'class-names'(str) to class-labels(int). The 'class-names' are derived from the sub-directory names for each subsequence. """ if root is None: root = default_dataset_location('endless-cl-sim') if scenario is None and download: raise ValueError("No scenario defined to download!") super(EndlessCLSimDataset, self).__init__( root, download=download, verbose=True) self.scenario = scenario self.patch_size = patch_size self.transform = transform self.target_transform = target_transform self.semseg = semseg self.labelmap_path = labelmap_path self.train_sub_sequence_datasets = [] self.test_sub_sequence_datasets = [] if self.semseg and self.patch_size == 64: self.patch_size = (240, 135) if self.semseg: assert isinstance(self.patch_size, tuple), \ "If semseg is False, patch_size needs to be of type `int`" else: assert isinstance(self.patch_size, int), \ "If semseg is True, patch_size needs to be of type `tuple`" # Download the dataset and initialize metadata self._load_dataset() return
def _get_scenario_data(self): """ Returns: tuple: ("", "download-url", "MD5-checksum") of a derived data to be used, as defined in """ data = # Video data if self.semseg: if self.scenario == "Classes": return data[3] if self.scenario == "Illumination": return data[4] if self.scenario == "Weather": return data[5] # Image-patch (classification) data if self.scenario == "Classes": return data[0] if self.scenario == "Illumination": return data[1] if self.scenario == "Weather": return data[2] raise ValueError("Provided 'scenario' parameter is not valid!") def _prepare_classification_subsequence_datasets(self, path) -> bool: """ Args: path (str): Path to the root of the data to be loaded. Returns: success (bool): Boolean wether the preparation was successfull. """ # Get sequence dirs sequence_paths = glob.glob(path + os.path.sep + "*" + os.path.sep) # For every sequence (train, test) for sequence_path in sequence_paths: sub_sequence_paths = glob.glob( sequence_path + os.path.sep + "*" + os.path.sep) # Get sub-sequence dirs (0,1,....,n) for sub_sequence_path in sub_sequence_paths: image_paths = [] targets = [] # Get class dirs class_name_dirs = [ for f in os.scandir( sub_sequence_path + os.path.sep) if f.is_dir()] # Load file_paths and targets for class_name in class_name_dirs: class_path = sub_sequence_path + class_name + os.path.sep for file_name in os.listdir(class_path): image_paths.append(class_path + file_name) targets.append(class_name) # Create sub-sequence dataset subsequence_dataset = ClassificationSubSequence( image_paths, targets, patch_size=self.patch_size, labelmap_path=self.labelmap_path, transform=self.transform, target_transform=self.target_transform) if "train" in (sequence_path.lower()): self.train_sub_sequence_datasets.append(subsequence_dataset) elif "test" in (sequence_path.lower()): self.test_sub_sequence_datasets.append(subsequence_dataset) else: raise ValueError( "Sequence path contains neighter 'train' nor \ 'test' identifier!") # Check number of train and test subsequence datasets are equal if self.verbose: print("Num train subsequences:", len(self.train_sub_sequence_datasets), "Num test subsequences:", len(self.test_sub_sequence_datasets)) assert(len(self.train_sub_sequence_datasets) == len(self.test_sub_sequence_datasets)) # Has run without errors if self.verbose: print("Successfully created subsequence datasets..") return True def _load_sequence_indices(self, sequence_file): sequence_indices = {} with open(sequence_file) as file: json_array = json.load(file) for i in range(len(json_array)): sequence_indices[i] = json_array[i]["Sequence"]["ImageCounter"] return sequence_indices def _prepare_video_subsequence_datasets(self, path) -> bool: """ Args: path (str): Path to the root of the data to be loaded. Returns: success (bool): Boolean wether the preparation was successfull. """ # Get sequence dirs sequence_paths = glob.glob(path + os.path.sep + "*" + os.path.sep) # For every sequence (train, test) for sequence_path in sequence_paths: # Get dir contents (data + files) data_contents = glob.glob(sequence_path + os.path.sep + "*") image_paths = [] target_paths = [] sequence_file = None segmentation_file = None # Get Color, Seg dirs for data_content in data_contents: # If directory if Path(data_content).is_dir(): dir_name = data_content.split(os.path.sep)[-1] if "Color" == dir_name: # Extend color path color_path = data_content + os.path.sep + "0" +\ os.path.sep # Get all files for file_name in sorted(os.listdir(color_path)): image_paths.append(color_path + file_name) elif "Seg" == dir_name: # Extend seg path seg_path = data_content + os.path.sep + "0" +\ os.path.sep # Get all files for file_name in sorted(os.listdir(seg_path)): target_paths.append(seg_path + file_name) # If file if Path(data_content).is_file(): if "Sequence.json" in data_content: sequence_file = data_content elif "Segmentation.json" in data_content: segmentation_file = data_content # Final checks if not len(image_paths) == len(target_paths): print("Not equal number of images and targets!") return False if sequence_file is None: print("No Sequence.json found!") return False if segmentation_file is None: print("No Segmentation.json found!") return False if self.verbose: print("All metadata checks complete!") sequence_indices = self._load_sequence_indices( sequence_file=sequence_file) if self.verbose: print("Sequence file loaded..") for i in range(len(sequence_indices)): last_index = sequence_indices[i] if (i+1) == len(sequence_indices): next_index = len(image_paths) else: next_index = sequence_indices[i+1] image_subsequence_paths = image_paths[last_index:next_index] target_subsequence_paths = target_paths[last_index:next_index] assert(len(image_subsequence_paths) == len(target_subsequence_paths)) # Create subsequence dataset subsequence_dataset = \ VideoSubSequence(image_subsequence_paths, target_subsequence_paths, segmentation_file, patch_size=self.patch_size, transform=self.transform, target_transform=self.target_transform) if "train" in (sequence_path.lower()): self.train_sub_sequence_datasets.append(subsequence_dataset) elif "test" in (sequence_path.lower()): self.test_sub_sequence_datasets.append(subsequence_dataset) else: raise ValueError( "Sequence path contains neighter 'train' nor \ 'test' identifiers!") return True def __getitem__(self, index): """ Args: index (int): Index Returns: tuple: (TrainSubSeqquenceDataset, TestSubSequenceDataset), the i-th subsequence data, as requested by the provided index. """ return self.train_sub_sequence_datasets[index], \ self.test_sub_sequence_datasets[index] def __len__(self): return len(self.train_sub_sequence_datasets) def _download_dataset(self) -> None: data_name = self._get_scenario_data() if self.verbose: print("Downloading " + data_name[1] + "...") file = self._download_file(data_name[1], data_name[0], data_name[2]) if data_name[1].endswith('.zip'): if self.verbose: print(f'Extracting {data_name[0]}...') extract_subdir = data_name[0].split(".")[0] extract_root = self._extract_archive(file, extract_subdir) # see all extracted files and extract all .zip again extract_root_file_list = glob.glob(str(extract_root) + "/*") for file_name in extract_root_file_list: sub_file_name = file_name.split("/")[-1] extract_subsubdir = extract_subdir + \ "/" + sub_file_name.split(".")[0] if self.verbose: print(f"Extracting: {sub_file_name} to {extract_subdir}") self._extract_archive( file_name, extract_subdir, remove_archive=True) if self.verbose: print("Extraction complete!") if self.verbose: print("All extractions complete!") def _load_metadata(self) -> bool: # If a 'named'-scenario has been selected if self.scenario is not None: # Get data name scenario_data_name = self._get_scenario_data() scenario_data_name = scenario_data_name[0].split(".")[0] # Check matching directory exists in endless_cl_sim_data match_path = None for data_name in name = data_name[0].split(".")[0] # Omit non selected directories if str(scenario_data_name) == str(name): # Check there is such a directory if (self.root / name).exists(): if match_path is not None: raise ValueError( "Two directories match the selected scenario!") match_path = str(self.root / name) if match_path is None: return False if not self.semseg: is_subsequence_preparation_done = \ self._prepare_classification_subsequence_datasets( match_path) else: is_subsequence_preparation_done = \ self._prepare_video_subsequence_datasets(match_path) if is_subsequence_preparation_done and self.verbose: print("Data is loaded..") else: return False return True # If a 'generic'-endless-cl-sim-scenario has been selected if not self.semseg: is_subsequence_preparation_done = \ self._prepare_classification_subsequence_datasets( str(self.root)) else: is_subsequence_preparation_done = \ self._prepare_video_subsequence_datasets( str(self.root)) if is_subsequence_preparation_done and self.verbose: print("Data is loaded...") else: return False # Finally return True def _download_error_message(self) -> str: scenario_data_name = self._get_scenario_data() all_urls = [ name_url[1] for name_url in scenario_data_name ] base_msg = \ '[Endless-CL-Sim] Error downloading the dataset!\n' \ 'You should download data manually using the following links:\n' for url in all_urls: base_msg += url base_msg += '\n' base_msg += 'and place these files in ' + str(self.root) return base_msg
if __name__ == "__main__": from import DataLoader import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from torchvision import transforms import torch _default_transform = transforms.Compose([ transforms.ToTensor()]) # data = EndlessCLSimDataset(scenario="Classes", root="/data/avalanche", # semseg=True, transform=_default_transform) data = EndlessCLSimDataset(scenario=None, download=False, root="/data/avalanche/IncrementalClasses_Video", semseg=True, transform=_default_transform) print("num subsequence:", len(data.train_sub_sequence_datasets)) sub_sequence_index = 0 subsequence = data.train_sub_sequence_datasets[sub_sequence_index] print( f"num samples in subsequence {sub_sequence_index} \ = {len(subsequence)}") dataloader = DataLoader(subsequence, batch_size=1) for i, (img, target) in enumerate(dataloader): print(i) print(img.shape) img = torch.squeeze(img) img = transforms.ToPILImage()(img) print("img size:", img.size) print("targets:", np.unique(target)) # plt.imshow(img) # break print("Done...") __all__ = [ 'EndlessCLSimDataset' ]