Source code for avalanche.evaluation.metric_definitions

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 30-12-2020                                                             #
# Author(s): Lorenzo Pellegrini, Antonio Carta, Andrea Cossu                   #
# E-mail:                                              #
# Website:                                                 #

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import TypeVar, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
from typing_extensions import Protocol
from .metric_results import MetricValue
from .metric_utils import get_metric_name, phase_and_task
from ..core import StrategyCallbacks

    from .metric_results import MetricResult
    from import BaseStrategy

TResult = TypeVar('TResult')
TAggregated = TypeVar('TAggregated', bound='PluginMetric')

[docs]class Metric(Protocol[TResult]): """ Definition of a standalone metric. A standalone metric exposes methods to reset its internal state and to emit a result. Emitting a result does not automatically cause a reset in the internal state. The specific metric implementation exposes ways to update the internal state. Usually, standalone metrics like :class:`Sum`, :class:`Mean`, :class:`Accuracy`, ... expose an `update` method. The `Metric` class can be used as a standalone metric by directly calling its methods. In order to automatically integrate the metric with the training and evaluation flows, you can use :class:`PluginMetric` class. The class receives events directly from the :class:`EvaluationPlugin` and can emits values on each callback. Usually, an instance of `Metric` is created within `PluginMetric`, which is then responsible for its update and results. See :class:`PluginMetric` for more details. """ def result(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[TResult]: """ Obtains the value of the metric. :return: The value of the metric. """ pass def reset(self, **kwargs) -> None: """ Resets the metric internal state. :return: None. """ pass
[docs]class PluginMetric(Metric[TResult], StrategyCallbacks['MetricResult'], ABC): """ A metric that can be used together with :class:`EvaluationPlugin`. This class leaves the implementation of the `result` and `reset` methods to child classes while providing an empty implementation of the callbacks invoked by the :class:`EvaluationPlugin`. Subclasses should implement the `result`, `reset` and the desired callbacks to compute the specific metric. Remember to call the `super()` method when overriding `after_train_iteration` or `after_eval_iteration`. An instance of this class usually leverages a `Metric` instance to update, reset and emit metric results at appropriate times (during specific callbacks). """
[docs] def __init__(self): """ Creates an instance of a plugin metric. Child classes can safely invoke this (super) constructor as the first experience. """ pass
@abstractmethod def result(self, **kwargs) -> Optional[TResult]: pass @abstractmethod def reset(self, **kwargs) -> None: pass def before_training(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_training_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_train_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_train_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_training_epoch(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_training_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_backward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_backward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_training_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_update(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_update(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_training_epoch(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_training_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_training(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_eval(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_eval_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_eval_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_eval(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_eval_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def before_eval_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_eval_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass def after_eval_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') \ -> 'MetricResult': pass
[docs]class GenericPluginMetric(PluginMetric[TResult]): """ This class provides a generic implementation of a Plugin Metric. The user can subclass this class to easily implement custom plugin metrics. """
[docs] def __init__(self, metric, reset_at='experience', emit_at='experience', mode='eval'): super(GenericPluginMetric, self).__init__() assert mode in {'train', 'eval'} if mode == 'train': assert reset_at in {'iteration', 'epoch', 'experience', 'stream'} assert emit_at in {'iteration', 'epoch', 'experience', 'stream'} else: assert reset_at in {'iteration', 'experience', 'stream'} assert emit_at in {'iteration', 'experience', 'stream'} self._metric = metric self._reset_at = reset_at self._emit_at = emit_at self._mode = mode
def reset(self, strategy) -> None: self._metric.reset() def result(self, strategy): return self._metric.result() def update(self, strategy): pass def _package_result(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> 'MetricResult': metric_value = self.result(strategy) add_exp = self._emit_at == 'experience' plot_x_position = strategy.clock.train_iterations if isinstance(metric_value, dict): metrics = [] for k, v in metric_value.items(): metric_name = get_metric_name( self, strategy, add_experience=add_exp, add_task=k) metrics.append(MetricValue(self, metric_name, v, plot_x_position)) return metrics else: metric_name = get_metric_name(self, strategy, add_experience=add_exp, add_task=True) return [MetricValue(self, metric_name, metric_value, plot_x_position)] def before_training(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().before_training(strategy) if self._reset_at == 'stream' and self._mode == 'train': self.reset() def before_training_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().before_training_exp(strategy) if self._reset_at == 'experience' and self._mode == 'train': self.reset(strategy) def before_training_epoch(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().before_training_epoch(strategy) if self._reset_at == 'epoch' and self._mode == 'train': self.reset(strategy) def before_training_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().before_training_iteration(strategy) if self._reset_at == 'iteration' and self._mode == 'train': self.reset(strategy) def after_training_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy') -> None: super().after_training_iteration(strategy) if self._mode == 'train': self.update(strategy) if self._emit_at == 'iteration' and self._mode == 'train': return self._package_result(strategy) def after_training_epoch(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().after_training_epoch(strategy) if self._emit_at == 'epoch' and self._mode == 'train': return self._package_result(strategy) def after_training_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().after_training_exp(strategy) if self._emit_at == 'experience' and self._mode == 'train': return self._package_result(strategy) def after_training(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().after_training(strategy) if self._emit_at == 'stream' and self._mode == 'train': return self._package_result(strategy) def before_eval(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().before_eval(strategy) if self._reset_at == 'stream' and self._mode == 'eval': self.reset(strategy) def before_eval_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().before_eval_exp(strategy) if self._reset_at == 'experience' and self._mode == 'eval': self.reset(strategy) def after_eval_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().after_eval_exp(strategy) if self._emit_at == 'experience' and self._mode == 'eval': return self._package_result(strategy) def after_eval(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().after_eval(strategy) if self._emit_at == 'stream' and self._mode == 'eval': return self._package_result(strategy) def after_eval_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().after_eval_iteration(strategy) if self._mode == 'eval': self.update(strategy) if self._emit_at == 'iteration' and self._mode == 'eval': return self._package_result(strategy) def before_eval_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy'): super().before_eval_iteration(strategy) if self._reset_at == 'iteration' and self._mode == 'eval': self.reset(strategy)
__all__ = ['Metric', 'PluginMetric', 'GenericPluginMetric']