Source code for avalanche.logging.wandb_logger

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 25-11-2020                                                             #
# Author(s): Diganta Misra, Andrea Cossu                                       #
# E-mail:                                              #
# Website:                                                 #
""" This module handles all the functionalities related to the logging of
Avalanche experiments using Weights & Biases. """

from typing import Union
from pathlib import Path
import os
import errno

import numpy as np
from numpy import array
from torch import Tensor
import torch
from torch import Tensor

from PIL.Image import Image
from matplotlib.pyplot import Figure

from avalanche.evaluation.metric_results import AlternativeValues, \
    MetricValue, TensorImage
from avalanche.logging import StrategyLogger

[docs]class WandBLogger(StrategyLogger): """ The `WandBLogger` provides an easy integration with Weights & Biases logging. Each monitored metric is automatically logged to a dedicated Weights & Biases project dashboard. External storage for W&B Artifacts (for instance - AWS S3 and GCS buckets) uri are supported. The wandb log files are placed by default in "./wandb/" unless specified. .. note:: TensorBoard can be synced on to the W&B dedicated dashboard. """
[docs] def __init__(self, project_name: str = "Avalanche", run_name: str = "Test", log_artifacts: bool = False, path: Union[str, Path] = "Checkpoints", uri: str = None, sync_tfboard: bool = False, save_code: bool = True, config: object = None, dir: Union[str, Path] = None, params: dict = None): """ Creates an instance of the `WandBLogger`. :param project_name: Name of the W&B project. :param run_name: Name of the W&B run. :param log_artifacts: Option to log model weights as W&B Artifacts. :param path: Path to locally save the model checkpoints. :param uri: URI identifier for external storage buckets (GCS, S3). :param sync_tfboard: Syncs TensorBoard to the W&B dashboard UI. :param save_code: Saves the main training script to W&B. :param config: Syncs hyper-parameters and config values used to W&B. :param dir: Path to the local log directory for W&B logs to be saved at. :param params: All arguments for wandb.init() function call. Visit to learn about all wand.init() parameters. """ super().__init__() self.import_wandb() self.project_name = project_name self.run_name = run_name self.log_artifacts = log_artifacts self.path = path self.uri = uri self.sync_tfboard = sync_tfboard self.save_code = save_code self.config = config self.dir = dir self.params = params self.args_parse() self.before_run()
def import_wandb(self): try: import wandb except ImportError: raise ImportError( 'Please run "pip install wandb" to install wandb') self.wandb = wandb def args_parse(self): self.init_kwargs = {"project": self.project_name, "name": self.run_name, "sync_tensorboard": self.sync_tfboard, "dir": self.dir, "save_code": self.save_code, "config": self.config} if self.params: self.init_kwargs.update(self.params) def before_run(self): if self.wandb is None: self.import_wandb() if self.init_kwargs: self.wandb.init(**self.init_kwargs) else: self.wandb.init()"Avalanche") def log_single_metric(self, name, value, x_plot): if isinstance(value, AlternativeValues): value = value.best_supported_value(Image, Tensor, TensorImage, Figure, float, int, self.wandb.viz.CustomChart) if not isinstance(value, (Image, Tensor, Figure, float, int, self.wandb.viz.CustomChart)): # Unsupported type return if isinstance(value, Image): self.wandb.log({name: self.wandb.Image(value)}) elif isinstance(value, Tensor): value = np.histogram(value.view(-1).numpy()) self.wandb.log({name: self.wandb.Histogram(np_histogram=value)}) elif isinstance(value, (float, int, Figure, self.wandb.viz.CustomChart)): self.wandb.log({name: value}) elif isinstance(value, TensorImage): self.wandb.log({name: self.wandb.Image(array(value))}) elif name.startswith("WeightCheckpoint"): if self.log_artifacts: cwd = os.getcwd() ckpt = os.path.join(cwd, self.path) try: os.makedirs(ckpt) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise suffix = '.pth' dir_name = os.path.join(ckpt, name+suffix) artifact_name = os.path.join('Models', name+suffix) if isinstance(value, Tensor):, dir_name) name = os.path.splittext(self.checkpoint) artifact = self.wandb.Artifact(name, type='model') artifact.add_file(dir_name, name=artifact_name) if self.uri is not None: artifact.add_reference(self.uri, name=artifact_name)
__all__ = [ 'WandBLogger' ]