Source code for avalanche.models.slda_resnet

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torchvision.models as models
from .utils import FeatureExtractorBackbone

[docs]class SLDAResNetModel(nn.Module): """ This is a model wrapper to reproduce experiments from the original paper of Deep Streaming Linear Discriminant Analysis by using a pretrained ResNet model. """
[docs] def __init__(self, arch='resnet18', output_layer_name='layer4.1', imagenet_pretrained=True, device='cpu'): """ :param arch: backbone architecture (default is resnet-18, but others can be used by modifying layer for feature extraction in `self.feature_extraction_wrapper' :param imagenet_pretrained: True if initializing backbone with imagenet pre-trained weights else False :param output_layer_name: name of the layer from feature extractor :param device: cpu, gpu or other device """ super(SLDAResNetModel, self).__init__() feat_extractor = models.__dict__[arch]( pretrained=imagenet_pretrained).to(device).eval() self.feature_extraction_wrapper = FeatureExtractorBackbone( feat_extractor, output_layer_name).eval()
@staticmethod def pool_feat(features): feat_size = features.shape[-1] num_channels = features.shape[1] features2 = features.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # 1 x feat_size x feat_size x # num_channels features3 = torch.reshape(features2, ( features.shape[0], feat_size * feat_size, num_channels)) feat = features3.mean(1) # mb x num_channels return feat def forward(self, x): """ :param x: raw x data """ feat = self.feature_extraction_wrapper(x) feat = SLDAResNetModel.pool_feat(feat) return feat