Source code for

import warnings
from copy import copy
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Union, Sequence, TYPE_CHECKING

from avalanche.evaluation.metrics import accuracy_metrics, loss_metrics
from import StrategyPlugin
from avalanche.logging import StrategyLogger, InteractiveLogger

    from avalanche.evaluation import PluginMetric
    from avalanche.logging import StrategyLogger
    from import BaseStrategy

[docs]class EvaluationPlugin(StrategyPlugin): """ Manager for logging and metrics. An evaluation plugin that obtains relevant data from the training and eval loops of the strategy through callbacks. The plugin keeps a dictionary with the last recorded value for each metric. The dictionary will be returned by the `train` and `eval` methods of the strategies. It is also possible to keep a dictionary with all recorded metrics by specifying `collect_all=True`. The dictionary can be retrieved via the `get_all_metrics` method. This plugin also logs metrics using the provided loggers. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *metrics: Union['PluginMetric', Sequence['PluginMetric']], loggers: Union['StrategyLogger', Sequence['StrategyLogger']] = None, collect_all=True, benchmark=None, strict_checks=False, suppress_warnings=False): """ Creates an instance of the evaluation plugin. :param metrics: The metrics to compute. :param loggers: The loggers to be used to log the metric values. :param collect_all: if True, collect in a separate dictionary all metric curves values. This dictionary is accessible with `get_all_metrics` method. :param benchmark: continual learning benchmark needed to check stream completeness during evaluation or other kind of properties. If None, no check will be conducted and the plugin will emit a warning to signal this fact. :param strict_checks: if True, `benchmark` has to be provided. In this case, only full evaluation streams are admitted when calling `eval`. An error will be raised otherwise. When False, `benchmark` can be `None` and only warnings will be raised. :param suppress_warnings: if True, warnings and errors will never be raised from the plugin. If False, warnings and errors will be raised following `benchmark` and `strict_checks` behavior. """ super().__init__() self.collect_all = collect_all self.benchmark = benchmark self.strict_checks = strict_checks self.suppress_warnings = suppress_warnings flat_metrics_list = [] for metric in metrics: if isinstance(metric, Sequence): flat_metrics_list += list(metric) else: flat_metrics_list.append(metric) self.metrics = flat_metrics_list if loggers is None: loggers = [] elif not isinstance(loggers, Sequence): loggers = [loggers] if benchmark is None: if not suppress_warnings: if strict_checks: raise ValueError("Benchmark cannot be None " "in strict mode.") else: warnings.warn( "No benchmark provided to the evaluation plugin. " "Metrics may be computed on inconsistent portion " "of streams, use at your own risk.") else: self.complete_test_stream = benchmark.test_stream self.loggers: Sequence['StrategyLogger'] = loggers if len(self.loggers) == 0: warnings.warn('No loggers specified, metrics will not be logged') if self.collect_all: # for each curve collect all emitted values. # dictionary key is full metric name. # Dictionary value is a tuple of two lists. # first list gathers x values (indices representing # time steps at which the corresponding metric value # has been emitted) # second list gathers metric values self.all_metric_results = defaultdict(lambda: ([], [])) # Dictionary of last values emitted. Dictionary key # is the full metric name, while dictionary value is # metric value. self.last_metric_results = {} self._active = True """If False, no metrics will be collected."""
@property def active(self): return self._active @active.setter def active(self, value): assert value is True or value is False, \ "Active must be set as either True or False" self._active = value def _update_metrics(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', callback: str): if not self._active: return [] metric_values = [] for metric in self.metrics: metric_result = getattr(metric, callback)(strategy) if isinstance(metric_result, Sequence): metric_values += list(metric_result) elif metric_result is not None: metric_values.append(metric_result) for metric_value in metric_values: name = x = metric_value.x_plot val = metric_value.value if self.collect_all: self.all_metric_results[name][0].append(x) self.all_metric_results[name][1].append(val) self.last_metric_results[name] = val for logger in self.loggers: getattr(logger, callback)(strategy, metric_values) return metric_values def get_last_metrics(self): """ Return a shallow copy of dictionary with metric names as keys and last metrics value as values. :return: a dictionary with full metric names as keys and last metric value as value. """ return copy(self.last_metric_results) def get_all_metrics(self): """ Return the dictionary of all collected metrics. This method should be called only when `collect_all` is set to True. :return: if `collect_all` is True, returns a dictionary with full metric names as keys and a tuple of two lists as value. The first list gathers x values (indices representing time steps at which the corresponding metric value has been emitted). The second list gathers metric values. a dictionary. If `collect_all` is False return an empty dictionary """ if self.collect_all: return self.all_metric_results else: return {} def reset_last_metrics(self): """ Set the dictionary storing last value for each metric to be empty dict. """ self.last_metric_results = {} def before_training(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_training') def before_training_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_training_exp') def before_train_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_train_dataset_adaptation') def after_train_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_train_dataset_adaptation') def before_training_epoch(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_training_epoch') def before_training_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_training_iteration') def before_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_forward') def after_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_forward') def before_backward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self.update_metrics = self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_backward') def after_backward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_backward') def after_training_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_training_iteration') def before_update(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_update') def after_update(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_update') def after_training_epoch(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_training_epoch') def after_training_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_training_exp') def after_training(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_training') def before_eval(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_eval') msgw = "Evaluation stream is not equal to the complete test stream. " \ "This may result in inconsistent metrics. Use at your own risk." msge = "Stream provided to `eval` must be the same of the entire " \ "evaluation stream." if self.benchmark is not None: for i, exp in enumerate(self.complete_test_stream): try: current_exp = strategy.current_eval_stream[i] if exp.current_experience != current_exp.current_experience: if not self.suppress_warnings: if self.strict_checks: raise ValueError(msge) else: warnings.warn(msgw) except IndexError: if self.strict_checks: raise ValueError(msge) else: warnings.warn(msgw) def before_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_eval_dataset_adaptation') def after_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_eval_dataset_adaptation') def before_eval_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_eval_exp') def after_eval_exp(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_eval_exp') def after_eval(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_eval') def before_eval_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_eval_iteration') def before_eval_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'before_eval_forward') def after_eval_forward(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_eval_forward') def after_eval_iteration(self, strategy: 'BaseStrategy', **kwargs): self._update_metrics(strategy, 'after_eval_iteration')
default_logger = EvaluationPlugin( accuracy_metrics(minibatch=False, epoch=True, experience=True, stream=True), loss_metrics(minibatch=False, epoch=True, experience=True, stream=True), loggers=[InteractiveLogger()], suppress_warnings=True) __all__ = [ 'EvaluationPlugin', 'default_logger' ]