Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 01-12-2020                                                             #
# Author(s): Antonio Carta                                                     #
# E-mail:                                              #
# Website:                                           #
import logging
import warnings

import torch
from import DataLoader
from typing import Optional, Sequence, Union, List

from torch.nn import Module, CrossEntropyLoss
from torch.optim import Optimizer

from avalanche.benchmarks.scenarios import Experience
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.data_loader import TaskBalancedDataLoader
from avalanche.models import DynamicModule
from avalanche.models.dynamic_optimizers import reset_optimizer
from avalanche.models.utils import avalanche_forward
from import Clock
from import default_logger
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from import EvaluationPlugin

    from avalanche.core import StrategyCallbacks
    from import StrategyPlugin

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BaseStrategy: """ Base class for continual learning strategies. BaseStrategy is the super class of all task-based continual learning strategies. It implements a basic training loop and callback system that allows to execute code at each experience of the training loop. Plugins can be used to implement callbacks to augment the training loop with additional behavior (e.g. a memory buffer for replay). **Scenarios** This strategy supports several continual learning scenarios: * class-incremental scenarios (no task labels) * multi-task scenarios, where task labels are provided) * multi-incremental scenarios, where the same task may be revisited The exact scenario depends on the data stream and whether it provides the task labels. **Training loop** The training loop is organized as follows:: train train_exp # for each experience adapt_train_dataset train_dataset_adaptation make_train_dataloader train_epoch # for each epoch # forward # backward # model update **Evaluation loop** The evaluation loop is organized as follows:: eval eval_exp # for each experience adapt_eval_dataset eval_dataset_adaptation make_eval_dataloader eval_epoch # for each epoch # forward # backward # model update """ DISABLED_CALLBACKS: Sequence[str] = () """Internal class attribute used to disable some callbacks if a strategy does not support them."""
[docs] def __init__(self, model: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, criterion=CrossEntropyLoss(), train_mb_size: int = 1, train_epochs: int = 1, eval_mb_size: int = 1, device='cpu', plugins: Optional[Sequence['StrategyPlugin']] = None, evaluator=default_logger, eval_every=-1): """ Init. :param model: PyTorch model. :param optimizer: PyTorch optimizer. :param criterion: loss function. :param train_mb_size: mini-batch size for training. :param train_epochs: number of training epochs. :param eval_mb_size: mini-batch size for eval. :param device: PyTorch device where the model will be allocated. :param plugins: (optional) list of StrategyPlugins. :param evaluator: (optional) instance of EvaluationPlugin for logging and metric computations. None to remove logging. :param eval_every: the frequency of the calls to `eval` inside the training loop. -1 disables the evaluation. 0 means `eval` is called only at the end of the learning experience. Values >0 mean that `eval` is called every `eval_every` epochs and at the end of the learning experience. """ self._criterion = criterion self.model: Module = model """ PyTorch model. """ self.optimizer: Optimizer = optimizer """ PyTorch optimizer. """ self.train_epochs: int = train_epochs """ Number of training epochs. """ self.train_mb_size: int = train_mb_size """ Training mini-batch size. """ self.eval_mb_size: int = train_mb_size if eval_mb_size is None \ else eval_mb_size """ Eval mini-batch size. """ self.device = device """ PyTorch device where the model will be allocated. """ self.plugins = [] if plugins is None else plugins """ List of `StrategyPlugin`s. """ if evaluator is None: evaluator = EvaluationPlugin() self.plugins.append(evaluator) self.evaluator = evaluator """ EvaluationPlugin used for logging and metric computations. """ self.clock = Clock() """ Incremental counters for strategy events. """ # WARNING: Clock needs to be the last plugin, otherwise # counters will be wrong for plugins called after it. self.plugins.append(self.clock) self.eval_every = eval_every """ Frequency of the evaluation during training. """ ################################################################### # State variables. These are updated during the train/eval loops. # ################################################################### self.experience = None """ Current experience. """ self.adapted_dataset = None """ Data used to train. It may be modified by plugins. Plugins can append data to it (e.g. for replay). .. note:: This dataset may contain samples from different experiences. If you want the original data for the current experience use :attr:`.BaseStrategy.experience`. """ self.dataloader = None """ Dataloader. """ self.mbatch = None """ Current mini-batch. """ self.mb_output = None """ Model's output computed on the current mini-batch. """ self.loss = None """ Loss of the current mini-batch. """ self.is_training: bool = False """ True if the strategy is in training mode. """ self.current_eval_stream = None """ Current evaluation stream. """ self._stop_training = False self._warn_for_disabled_plugins_callbacks() self._warn_for_disabled_metrics_callbacks()
@property def training_exp_counter(self): """ Counts the number of training steps. +1 at the end of each experience. """ warnings.warn( "Deprecated attribute. You should use self.clock.train_exp_counter" " instead.", DeprecationWarning) return self.clock.train_exp_counter @property def epoch(self): """ Epoch counter. """ warnings.warn( "Deprecated attribute. You should use self.clock.train_exp_epochs" " instead.", DeprecationWarning) return self.clock.train_exp_epochs @property def mb_it(self): """ Iteration counter. Reset at the start of a new epoch. """ warnings.warn( "Deprecated attribute. You should use " "self.clock.train_epoch_iterations" " instead.", DeprecationWarning) return self.clock.train_epoch_iterations @property def is_eval(self): """ True if the strategy is in evaluation mode. """ return not self.is_training @property def mb_x(self): """ Current mini-batch input. """ return self.mbatch[0] @property def mb_y(self): """ Current mini-batch target. """ return self.mbatch[1] @property def mb_task_id(self): """Current mini-batch task labels.""" assert len(self.mbatch) >= 3 return self.mbatch[-1] def criterion(self): """ Loss function. """ return self._criterion(self.mb_output, self.mb_y) def train(self, experiences: Union[Experience, Sequence[Experience]], eval_streams: Optional[Sequence[Union[Experience, Sequence[ Experience]]]] = None, **kwargs): """ Training loop. if experiences is a single element trains on it. If it is a sequence, trains the model on each experience in order. This is different from joint training on the entire stream. It returns a dictionary with last recorded value for each metric. :param experiences: single Experience or sequence. :param eval_streams: list of streams for evaluation. If None: use training experiences for evaluation. Use [] if you do not want to evaluate during training. :return: dictionary containing last recorded value for each metric name. """ self.is_training = True self._stop_training = False self.model.train() # Normalize training and eval data. if not isinstance(experiences, Sequence): experiences = [experiences] if eval_streams is None: eval_streams = [experiences] self._before_training(**kwargs) self._periodic_eval(eval_streams, do_final=False, do_initial=True) for self.experience in experiences: self.train_exp(self.experience, eval_streams, **kwargs) self._after_training(**kwargs) res = self.evaluator.get_last_metrics() return res def train_exp(self, experience: Experience, eval_streams=None, **kwargs): """ Training loop over a single Experience object. :param experience: CL experience information. :param eval_streams: list of streams for evaluation. If None: use the training experience for evaluation. Use [] if you do not want to evaluate during training. :param kwargs: custom arguments. """ self.experience = experience self.model.train() if eval_streams is None: eval_streams = [experience] for i, exp in enumerate(eval_streams): if not isinstance(exp, Sequence): eval_streams[i] = [exp] # Data Adaptation (e.g. add new samples/data augmentation) self._before_train_dataset_adaptation(**kwargs) self.train_dataset_adaptation(**kwargs) self._after_train_dataset_adaptation(**kwargs) self.make_train_dataloader(**kwargs) # Model Adaptation (e.g. freeze/add new units) self.model = self.model_adaptation() self.make_optimizer() self._before_training_exp(**kwargs) do_final = True if self.eval_every > 0 and \ (self.train_epochs - 1) % self.eval_every == 0: do_final = False for _ in range(self.train_epochs): self._before_training_epoch(**kwargs) if self._stop_training: # Early stopping self._stop_training = False break self.training_epoch(**kwargs) self._after_training_epoch(**kwargs) self._periodic_eval(eval_streams, do_final=False) # Final evaluation self._periodic_eval(eval_streams, do_final=do_final) self._after_training_exp(**kwargs) def _periodic_eval(self, eval_streams, do_final, do_initial=False): """ Periodic eval controlled by `self.eval_every`. """ # Since we are switching from train to eval model inside the training # loop, we need to save the training state, and restore it after the # eval is done. _prev_state = ( self.experience, self.adapted_dataset, self.dataloader, self.is_training) # save each layer's training mode, to restore it later _prev_model_training_modes = {} for name, layer in self.model.named_modules(): _prev_model_training_modes[name] = curr_epoch = self.clock.train_exp_epochs if (self.eval_every == 0 and (do_final or do_initial)) or \ (self.eval_every > 0 and do_initial) or \ (self.eval_every > 0 and curr_epoch % self.eval_every == 0): # in the first case we are outside epoch loop # in the second case we are within epoch loop for exp in eval_streams: self.eval(exp) # restore train-state variables and training mode. self.experience, self.adapted_dataset = _prev_state[:2] self.dataloader = _prev_state[2] self.is_training = _prev_state[3] # restore each layer's training mode to original for name, layer in self.model.named_modules(): prev_mode = _prev_model_training_modes[name] layer.train(mode=prev_mode) def stop_training(self): """ Signals to stop training at the next iteration. """ self._stop_training = True def train_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize `self.adapted_dataset`. """ self.adapted_dataset = self.experience.dataset self.adapted_dataset = self.adapted_dataset.train() @torch.no_grad() def eval(self, exp_list: Union[Experience, Sequence[Experience]], **kwargs): """ Evaluate the current model on a series of experiences and returns the last recorded value for each metric. :param exp_list: CL experience information. :param kwargs: custom arguments. :return: dictionary containing last recorded value for each metric name """ self.is_training = False self.model.eval() if not isinstance(exp_list, Sequence): exp_list = [exp_list] self.current_eval_stream = exp_list self._before_eval(**kwargs) for self.experience in exp_list: # Data Adaptation self._before_eval_dataset_adaptation(**kwargs) self.eval_dataset_adaptation(**kwargs) self._after_eval_dataset_adaptation(**kwargs) self.make_eval_dataloader(**kwargs) # Model Adaptation (e.g. freeze/add new units) self.model = self.model_adaptation() self._before_eval_exp(**kwargs) self.eval_epoch(**kwargs) self._after_eval_exp(**kwargs) self._after_eval(**kwargs) res = self.evaluator.get_last_metrics() return res def _before_training_exp(self, **kwargs): """ Called after the dataset and data loader creation and before the training loop. """ for p in self.plugins: p.before_training_exp(self, **kwargs) def make_train_dataloader(self, num_workers=0, shuffle=True, pin_memory=True, **kwargs): """ Data loader initialization. Called at the start of each learning experience after the dataset adaptation. :param num_workers: number of thread workers for the data loading. :param shuffle: True if the data should be shuffled, False otherwise. :param pin_memory: If True, the data loader will copy Tensors into CUDA pinned memory before returning them. Defaults to True. """ self.dataloader = TaskBalancedDataLoader( self.adapted_dataset, oversample_small_groups=True, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=self.train_mb_size, shuffle=shuffle, pin_memory=pin_memory) def make_eval_dataloader(self, num_workers=0, pin_memory=True, **kwargs): """ Initializes the eval data loader. :param num_workers: How many subprocesses to use for data loading. 0 means that the data will be loaded in the main process. (default: 0). :param pin_memory: If True, the data loader will copy Tensors into CUDA pinned memory before returning them. Defaults to True. :param kwargs: :return: """ self.dataloader = DataLoader( self.adapted_dataset, num_workers=num_workers, batch_size=self.eval_mb_size, pin_memory=pin_memory) def _after_train_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs): """ Called after the dataset adaptation and before the dataloader initialization. Allows to customize the dataset. :param kwargs: :return: """ for p in self.plugins: p.after_train_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs) def _before_training_epoch(self, **kwargs): """ Called at the beginning of a new training epoch. :param kwargs: :return: """ for p in self.plugins: p.before_training_epoch(self, **kwargs) def training_epoch(self, **kwargs): """ Training epoch. :param kwargs: :return: """ for self.mbatch in self.dataloader: if self._stop_training: break self._unpack_minibatch() self._before_training_iteration(**kwargs) self.optimizer.zero_grad() self.loss = 0 # Forward self._before_forward(**kwargs) self.mb_output = self.forward() self._after_forward(**kwargs) # Loss & Backward self.loss += self.criterion() self._before_backward(**kwargs) self.loss.backward() self._after_backward(**kwargs) # Optimization step self._before_update(**kwargs) self.optimizer.step() self._after_update(**kwargs) self._after_training_iteration(**kwargs) def _unpack_minibatch(self): """ We assume mini-batches have the form <x, y, ..., t>. This allows for arbitrary tensors between y and t. Keep in mind that in the most general case mb_task_id is a tensor which may contain different labels for each sample. """ assert len(self.mbatch) >= 3 for i in range(len(self.mbatch)): self.mbatch[i] = self.mbatch[i].to(self.device) def _before_training(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_training(self, **kwargs) def _after_training(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_training(self, **kwargs) def _before_training_iteration(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_training_iteration(self, **kwargs) def _before_forward(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_forward(self, **kwargs) def _after_forward(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_forward(self, **kwargs) def _before_backward(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_backward(self, **kwargs) def _after_backward(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_backward(self, **kwargs) def _after_training_iteration(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_training_iteration(self, **kwargs) def _before_update(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_update(self, **kwargs) def _after_update(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_update(self, **kwargs) def _after_training_epoch(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_training_epoch(self, **kwargs) def _after_training_exp(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_training_exp(self, **kwargs) def _before_eval(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_eval(self, **kwargs) def _before_eval_exp(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_eval_exp(self, **kwargs) def eval_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs): """ Initialize `self.adapted_dataset`. """ self.adapted_dataset = self.experience.dataset self.adapted_dataset = self.adapted_dataset.eval() def _before_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs) def _after_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_eval_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs) def eval_epoch(self, **kwargs): """Evaluation loop over the current `self.dataloader`.""" for self.mbatch in self.dataloader: self._unpack_minibatch() self._before_eval_iteration(**kwargs) self._before_eval_forward(**kwargs) self.mb_output = self.forward() self._after_eval_forward(**kwargs) self.loss = self.criterion() self._after_eval_iteration(**kwargs) def _after_eval_exp(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_eval_exp(self, **kwargs) def _after_eval(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_eval(self, **kwargs) def _before_eval_iteration(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_eval_iteration(self, **kwargs) def _before_eval_forward(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_eval_forward(self, **kwargs) def _after_eval_forward(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_eval_forward(self, **kwargs) def _after_eval_iteration(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.after_eval_iteration(self, **kwargs) def _before_train_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs): for p in self.plugins: p.before_train_dataset_adaptation(self, **kwargs) def model_adaptation(self, model=None): """Adapts the model to the current data. Calls the :class:`~avalanche.models.DynamicModule`s adaptation. """ if model is None: model = self.model for module in model.modules(): if isinstance(module, DynamicModule): module.adaptation(self.experience.dataset) return def forward(self): """Compute the model's output given the current mini-batch.""" return avalanche_forward(self.model, self.mb_x, self.mb_task_id) def make_optimizer(self): """Optimizer initialization. Called before each training experiene to configure the optimizer. """ # we reset the optimizer's state after each experience. # This allows to add new parameters (new heads) and # freezing old units during the model's adaptation phase. reset_optimizer(self.optimizer, self.model) def _warn_for_disabled_plugins_callbacks(self): self._warn_for_disabled_callbacks(self.plugins) def _warn_for_disabled_metrics_callbacks(self): self._warn_for_disabled_callbacks(self.evaluator.metrics) def _warn_for_disabled_callbacks( self, plugins: List["StrategyCallbacks"] ): """ Will log some warnings in case some plugins appear to be using callbacks that have been de-activated by the strategy class. """ for disabled_callback_name in self.DISABLED_CALLBACKS: for plugin in plugins: callback = getattr(plugin, disabled_callback_name) callback_class = callback.__qualname__.split('.')[0] if callback_class not in ( "StrategyPlugin", "PluginMetric", "EvaluationPlugin", "GenericPluginMetric", ): logger.warning( f"{plugin.__class__.__name__} seems to use " f"the callback {disabled_callback_name} " f"which is disabled by {self.__class__.__name__}" )
__all__ = ['BaseStrategy']