Source code for avalanche.benchmarks.classic.ex_model

# Copyright (c) 2022 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
#                                                                              #
# Date: 11-04-2022                                                             #
# Author(s): Antonio Carta                                                     #
# E-mail:                                              #
# Website:                                           #
"""Ex-Model Continual Learning benchmarks as defined in"""
import urllib

import os

import torch
from torch import nn
from import DataLoader
from torchvision.models import mobilenet_v2
from torchvision.transforms import (

from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.utils import concat_datasets
from avalanche.models import LeNet5, SlimResNet18
from ..datasets import default_dataset_location
from ..utils import concat_classification_datasets
from torchvision.transforms import Compose
from avalanche.evaluation.metrics import TaskAwareAccuracy
from . import SplitCIFAR10, CORe50, SplitMNIST
from avalanche.benchmarks import ExModelCLScenario, nc_benchmark
import copy

import urllib.request

# seeds from the original ex-model paper. Necessary to get the same class
# splits.
SEED_BENCHMARK_RUNS = [1234, 2345, 3456, 5678, 6789]

def _load_expert_models(scenario_name, base_model, run_id, len_stream):
    """Load ExML experts.

    If necessary, the model are automatically downloaded.
    # base_dir = f'/raid/carta/EXML_CLVISION_PRETRAINED_EXPERTS/{scenario_name}'
    base_dir = default_dataset_location(

    weburl = (

    experts_stream = []
    for i in range(len_stream):
        fname_i = f"{base_dir}/model_e{i}.pth"
        weburl_i = f"{weburl}/model_e{i}.pth"

        if not os.path.exists(fname_i):
            os.makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True)
            print(f"Downloading expert model {i}")
            urllib.request.urlretrieve(weburl_i, fname_i)

        model = copy.deepcopy(base_model)
        state_d = torch.load(fname_i)
    return experts_stream

def check_experts_accuracy(exml_benchmark):
    """Sanity check. Compute experts accuracy on the train stream."""
        "testing expert models on the original train stream",
    for i, exp in enumerate(exml_benchmark.expert_models_stream):
        model = exp.expert_model"cuda")
        acc = TaskAwareAccuracy()

        train_data = exml_benchmark.original_benchmark.train_stream[i].dataset
        for x, y, t in DataLoader(
            train_data, batch_size=256, pin_memory=True, num_workers=8
            x, y, t ="cuda"),"cuda"),"cuda")
            y_pred = model(x)
            acc.update(y_pred, y, t)
        print(f"(i={i}) Original model accuracy: {acc.result()}")"cpu")

[docs]class ExMLMNIST(ExModelCLScenario): """ExML scenario on MNIST data. The pretrained models and class splits are taken from """
[docs] def __init__(self, scenario="split", run_id=0): """Init. :param scenario: If 'split', use a class-incremental scenario with 5 experiences (2 classes each). If 'joint', use a single experience with all the classes. This should be used only as a baseline since it is not a continual scenario. :param run_id: an integer in [0, 4]. Each run uses a different set of expert models and data splits. """ assert scenario in { "split", "joint", }, "`scenario` argument must be one of {'split', 'joint'}." CURR_SEED = SEED_BENCHMARK_RUNS[run_id] transforms = Compose( [Resize(32), Normalize((0.1307,), (0.3081,))] ) if scenario == "split": benchmark = SplitMNIST( n_experiences=5, return_task_id=False, seed=CURR_SEED, train_transform=transforms, eval_transform=transforms, ) elif scenario == "joint": benchmark = SplitMNIST( n_experiences=1, return_task_id=False, seed=CURR_SEED, train_transform=transforms, eval_transform=transforms, ) else: assert False, "Should never get here." ll = len(benchmark.train_stream) base_model = LeNet5(10, 1) experts = _load_expert_models( f"{scenario}_mnist", base_model, run_id, ll ) super().__init__(benchmark, experts)
[docs]class ExMLCoRE50(ExModelCLScenario): """ExML scenario on CoRE50. The pretrained models and class splits are taken from """
[docs] def __init__(self, scenario="ni", run_id=0): """Init. :param scenario: The desired CoRE50 scenario. Supports 'nc', 'ni', and 'joint', which is the scenario with a single experience. :param run_id: an integer in [0, 4]. Each run uses a different set of expert models and data splits. """ assert scenario in { "ni", "joint", "nc", }, "`scenario` argument must be one of {'ni', 'joint', 'nc'}." core50_normalization = Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225] ) core50_train_transforms = Compose( [ RandomHorizontalFlip(p=0.5), RandomCrop(size=128, padding=1), RandomRotation(15), ToTensor(), core50_normalization, ] ) core50_eval_transforms = Compose( [CenterCrop(size=128), ToTensor(), core50_normalization] ) if scenario == "ni": benchmark = CORe50( scenario="ni", train_transform=core50_train_transforms, eval_transform=core50_eval_transforms, run=run_id, ) elif scenario == "nc": benchmark = CORe50( scenario="nc", train_transform=core50_train_transforms, eval_transform=core50_eval_transforms, run=run_id, ) elif scenario == "joint": core50nc = CORe50(scenario="nc") train_cat = concat_datasets( [e.dataset for e in core50nc.train_stream] ) test_cat = concat_datasets( [e.dataset for e in core50nc.test_stream] ) benchmark = nc_benchmark( train_cat, test_cat, n_experiences=1, task_labels=False ) else: assert False, "Should never get here." ll = len(benchmark.train_stream) base_model = mobilenet_v2() base_model.classifier = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(0.2), nn.Linear(base_model.last_channel, 50), ) experts = _load_expert_models( f"{scenario}_core50", base_model, run_id, ll ) super().__init__(benchmark, experts)
[docs]class ExMLCIFAR10(ExModelCLScenario): """ExML scenario on CIFAR10. The pretrained models and class splits are taken from """
[docs] def __init__(self, scenario="split", run_id=0): """Init. :param scenario: If 'split', use a class-incremental scenario with 5 experiences (2 classes each). If 'joint', use a single experience with all the classes. This should be used only as a baseline since it is not a continual scenario. :param run_id: an integer in [0, 4]. Each run uses a different set of expert models and data splits. """ assert scenario in { "split", "joint", }, "`scenario` argument must be one of {'split', 'joint'}." CURR_SEED = SEED_BENCHMARK_RUNS[run_id] if scenario == "split": benchmark = SplitCIFAR10( n_experiences=5, return_task_id=False, seed=CURR_SEED ) elif scenario == "joint": benchmark = SplitCIFAR10( n_experiences=1, return_task_id=False, seed=CURR_SEED ) else: assert False, "Should never get here." ll = len(benchmark.train_stream) base_model = SlimResNet18(10) experts = _load_expert_models( f"{scenario}_cifar10", base_model, run_id, ll ) super().__init__(benchmark, experts)
if __name__ == "__main__": """Sanity checks and automatic download test.""" check_experts_accuracy(ExMLMNIST(scenario="split")) check_experts_accuracy(ExMLMNIST(scenario="joint")) # check_experts_accuracy(ExMLCIFAR10(scenario='split')) # check_experts_accuracy(ExMLCIFAR10(scenario='joint')) # check_experts_accuracy(ExMLCoRE50(scenario='ni')) # check_experts_accuracy(ExMLCoRE50(scenario='nc')) # check_experts_accuracy(ExMLCoRE50(scenario='joint')) __all__ = ["ExMLMNIST", "ExMLCIFAR10", "ExMLCoRE50", "check_experts_accuracy"]