Source code for avalanche.evaluation.metrics.images_samples

from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Tuple

from torch import Tensor
from import DataLoader
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from torchvision.utils import make_grid

from avalanche.evaluation.metric_definitions import PluginMetric

from avalanche.evaluation.metric_results import (
from avalanche.evaluation.metric_utils import get_metric_name
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils import DefaultTransformGroups

    from typing import Literal
except ImportError:
    from typing_extensions import Literal

    from import SupervisedTemplate
    from avalanche.benchmarks.utils import make_classification_dataset

[docs]class ImagesSamplePlugin(PluginMetric): """Metric used to sample random images. Only images in strategy.adapted dataset are used. Images added in the dataloader (like the replay plugins do) are missed. By default data augmentation are removed. :param n_rows: The numbers of raws to use in the grid of images. :param n_cols: The numbers of columns to use in the grid of images. :param group: If True, images will be grouped by (task, label) :param mode: The plugin can be used at train or eval time. :param disable_augmentations: determines whether to show the augmented images or the raw images (default: True). :return: The corresponding plugins. """
[docs] def __init__( self, *, mode: Literal["train", "eval", "both"], n_cols: int, n_rows: int, group: bool = True, disable_augmentations: bool = True, ): super().__init__() = group self.n_rows = n_rows self.n_cols = n_cols self.mode = mode self.disable_augmentations = disable_augmentations self.images: List[Tensor] = [] self.n_wanted_images = self.n_cols * self.n_rows
def after_train_dataset_adaptation( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate" ) -> "MetricResult": if self.mode == "train" or self.mode == "both": return self._make_grid_sample(strategy) def after_eval_dataset_adaptation( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate" ) -> "MetricResult": if self.mode == "eval" or self.mode == "both": return self._make_grid_sample(strategy) def reset(self) -> None: self.images = [] def result(self) -> List[Tensor]: return self.images def __str__(self): return "images" def _make_grid_sample( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate" ) -> "MetricResult": self._load_sorted_images(strategy) return [ MetricValue( self, name=get_metric_name( self, strategy, add_experience=self.mode == "eval", add_task=True, ), value=TensorImage( make_grid( list(self.images), normalize=False, nrow=self.n_cols ) ), x_plot=strategy.clock.train_iterations, ) ] def _load_sorted_images(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate"): self.reset() self.images, labels, tasks = self._load_data(strategy) if self._sort_images(labels, tasks) def _load_data( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate" ) -> Tuple[List[Tensor], List[int], List[int]]: dataloader = self._make_dataloader( strategy.adapted_dataset, strategy.eval_mb_size ) images, labels, tasks = [], [], [] for batch_images, batch_labels, batch_tasks in dataloader: n_missing_images = self.n_wanted_images - len(images) labels.extend(batch_labels[:n_missing_images].tolist()) tasks.extend(batch_tasks[:n_missing_images].tolist()) images.extend(batch_images[:n_missing_images]) if len(images) == self.n_wanted_images: return images, labels, tasks def _sort_images(self, labels: List[int], tasks: List[int]): self.images = [ image for task, label, image in sorted( zip(tasks, labels, self.images), key=lambda t: (t[0], t[1]), ) ] def _make_dataloader( self, data: "make_classification_dataset", mb_size: int ) -> DataLoader: if self.disable_augmentations: data = data.replace_current_transform_group(_MaybeToTensor()) collate_fn = data.collate_fn if hasattr(data, "collate_fn") else None return DataLoader( dataset=data, batch_size=min(mb_size, self.n_wanted_images), shuffle=True, collate_fn=collate_fn, )
class _MaybeToTensor(ToTensor): """Convert a ``PIL Image`` or ``numpy.ndarray`` to tensor. Pytorch tensors are left as is. """ def __call__(self, pic): """ Args: pic (PIL Image or numpy.ndarray): Image to be converted to tensor. Returns: Tensor: Converted image. """ if isinstance(pic, Tensor): return pic return super().__call__(pic)
[docs]def images_samples_metrics( *, n_rows: int = 8, n_cols: int = 8, group: bool = True, on_train: bool = True, on_eval: bool = False, ) -> List[PluginMetric]: """ Create the plugins to log some images samples in grids. No data augmentation is shown. Only images in strategy.adapted dataset are used. Images added in the dataloader (like the replay plugins do) are missed. :param n_rows: The numbers of raws to use in the grid of images. :param n_cols: The numbers of columns to use in the grid of images. :param group: If True, images will be grouped by (task, label) :param on_train: If True, will emit some images samples during training. :param on_eval: If True, will emit some images samples during evaluation. :return: The corresponding plugins. """ plugins = [] if on_eval: plugins.append( ImagesSamplePlugin( mode="eval", n_rows=n_rows, n_cols=n_cols, group=group ) ) if on_train: plugins.append( ImagesSamplePlugin( mode="train", n_rows=n_rows, n_cols=n_cols, group=group ) ) return plugins
__all__ = ["images_samples_metrics", "ImagesSamplePlugin"]