Source code for avalanche.models.dynamic_modules

# Copyright (c) 2021 ContinualAI.                                              #
# Copyrights licensed under the MIT License.                                   #
# See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.                                 #
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# Date: 06-04-2020                                                             #
# Author(s): Antonio Carta                                                     #
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"""Dynamic Modules are Pytorch modules that can be incrementally expanded
to allow architectural modifications (multi-head classifiers, progressive
networks, ...).
import torch
from torch.nn import Module
import numpy as np

from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.flat_data import ConstantSequence
from avalanche.benchmarks.scenarios import CLExperience

[docs]class DynamicModule(Module): """Dynamic Modules are Avalanche modules that can be incrementally expanded to allow architectural modifications (multi-head classifiers, progressive networks, ...). Compared to pytoch Modules, they provide an additional method, `model_adaptation`, which adapts the model given the current experience. """ def adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience = None): """Adapt the module (freeze units, add units...) using the current data. Optimizers must be updated after the model adaptation. Avalanche strategies call this method to adapt the architecture *before* processing each experience. Strategies also update the optimizer automatically. .. warning:: As a general rule, you should NOT use this method to train the model. The dataset should be used only to check conditions which require the model's adaptation, such as the discovery of new classes or tasks. :param experience: the current experience. :return: """ if self.train_adaptation(experience) else: self.eval_adaptation(experience) def train_adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience): """Module's adaptation at training time. Avalanche strategies automatically call this method *before* training on each experience. """ pass def eval_adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience): """Module's adaptation at evaluation time. Avalanche strategies automatically call this method *before* evaluating on each experience. .. warning:: This method receives the experience's data at evaluation time because some dynamic models need it for adaptation. For example, an incremental classifier needs to be expanded even at evaluation time if new classes are available. However, you should **never** use this data to **train** the module's parameters. """ pass
[docs]class MultiTaskModule(DynamicModule): """Base pytorch Module with support for task labels. Multi-task modules are ``torch.nn.Module`` for multi-task scenarios. The ``forward`` method accepts task labels, one for each sample in the mini-batch. By default the ``forward`` method splits the mini-batch by task and calls ``forward_single_task``. Subclasses must implement ``forward_single_task`` or override `forward. If ``task_labels == None``, the output is computed in parallel for each task. """
[docs] def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.max_class_label = 0 self.known_train_tasks_labels = set() """ Set of task labels encountered up to now. """
def adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience = None): """Adapt the module (freeze units, add units...) using the current data. Optimizers must be updated after the model adaptation. Avalanche strategies call this method to adapt the architecture *before* processing each experience. Strategies also update the optimizer automatically. .. warning:: As a general rule, you should NOT use this method to train the model. The dataset should be used only to check conditions which require the model's adaptation, such as the discovery of new classes or tasks. :param experience: the current experience. :return: """ curr_classes = experience.classes_in_this_experience self.max_class_label = max(self.max_class_label, max(curr_classes) + 1) if self.train_adaptation(experience) else: self.eval_adaptation(experience) def eval_adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience): pass def train_adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience = None): """Update known task labels.""" task_labels = experience.task_labels self.known_train_tasks_labels = self.known_train_tasks_labels.union( set(task_labels) ) def forward( self, x: torch.Tensor, task_labels: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """compute the output given the input `x` and task labels. :param x: :param task_labels: task labels for each sample. if None, the computation will return all the possible outputs as a dictionary with task IDs as keys and the output of the corresponding task as output. :return: """ if task_labels is None: return self.forward_all_tasks(x) if isinstance(task_labels, int): # fast path. mini-batch is single task. return self.forward_single_task(x, task_labels) else: unique_tasks = torch.unique(task_labels) out = torch.zeros(x.shape[0], self.max_class_label, device=x.device) for task in unique_tasks: task_mask = task_labels == task x_task = x[task_mask] out_task = self.forward_single_task(x_task, task.item()) assert len(out_task.shape) == 2, ( "multi-head assumes mini-batches of 2 dimensions " "<batch, classes>" ) n_labels_head = out_task.shape[1] out[task_mask, :n_labels_head] = out_task return out def forward_single_task( self, x: torch.Tensor, task_label: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """compute the output given the input `x` and task label. :param x: :param task_label: a single task label. :return: """ raise NotImplementedError() def forward_all_tasks(self, x: torch.Tensor): """compute the output given the input `x` and task label. By default, it considers only tasks seen at training time. :param x: :return: all the possible outputs are returned as a dictionary with task IDs as keys and the output of the corresponding task as output. """ res = {} for task_id in self.known_train_tasks_labels: res[task_id] = self.forward_single_task(x, task_id) return res
[docs]class IncrementalClassifier(DynamicModule): """ Output layer that incrementally adds units whenever new classes are encountered. Typically used in class-incremental benchmarks where the number of classes grows over time. """
[docs] def __init__( self, in_features, initial_out_features=2, masking=True, mask_value=-1000, ): """ :param in_features: number of input features. :param initial_out_features: initial number of classes (can be dynamically expanded). :param masking: whether unused units should be masked (default=True). :param mask_value: the value used for masked units (default=-1000). """ super().__init__() self.masking = masking self.mask_value = mask_value self.classifier = torch.nn.Linear(in_features, initial_out_features) au_init = torch.zeros(initial_out_features, dtype=torch.bool) self.register_buffer("active_units", au_init)
@torch.no_grad() def adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience): """If `dataset` contains unseen classes the classifier is expanded. :param experience: data from the current experience. :return: """ in_features = self.classifier.in_features old_nclasses = self.classifier.out_features curr_classes = experience.classes_in_this_experience new_nclasses = max(self.classifier.out_features, max(curr_classes) + 1) # update active_units mask if self.masking: if old_nclasses != new_nclasses: # expand active_units mask old_act_units = self.active_units self.active_units = torch.zeros(new_nclasses, dtype=torch.bool) self.active_units[: old_act_units.shape[0]] = old_act_units # update with new active classes if self.active_units[curr_classes] = 1 # update classifier weights if old_nclasses == new_nclasses: return old_w, old_b = self.classifier.weight, self.classifier.bias self.classifier = torch.nn.Linear(in_features, new_nclasses) self.classifier.weight[:old_nclasses] = old_w self.classifier.bias[:old_nclasses] = old_b def forward(self, x, **kwargs): """compute the output given the input `x`. This module does not use the task label. :param x: :return: """ out = self.classifier(x) if self.masking: out[..., torch.logical_not(self.active_units)] = self.mask_value return out
[docs]class MultiHeadClassifier(MultiTaskModule): """Multi-head classifier with separate heads for each task. Typically used in task-incremental benchmarks where task labels are available and provided to the model. .. note:: Each output head may have a different shape, and the number of classes can be determined automatically. However, since pytorch doest not support jagged tensors, when you compute a minibatch's output you must ensure that each sample has the same output size, otherwise the model will fail to concatenate the samples together. These can be easily ensured in two possible ways: - each minibatch contains a single task, which is the case in most common benchmarks in Avalanche. Some exceptions to this setting are multi-task replay or cumulative strategies. - each head has the same size, which can be enforced by setting a large enough `initial_out_features`. """
[docs] def __init__( self, in_features, initial_out_features=2, masking=True, mask_value=-1000, ): """Init. :param in_features: number of input features. :param initial_out_features: initial number of classes (can be dynamically expanded). :param masking: whether unused units should be masked (default=True). :param mask_value: the value used for masked units (default=-1000). """ super().__init__() self.masking = masking self.mask_value = mask_value self.in_features = in_features self.starting_out_features = initial_out_features self.classifiers = torch.nn.ModuleDict() # needs to create the first head because pytorch optimizers # fail when model.parameters() is empty. # masking in IncrementalClassifier is unaware of task labels # so we do masking here instead. first_head = IncrementalClassifier( self.in_features, self.starting_out_features, masking=False ) self.classifiers["0"] = first_head self.max_class_label = max(self.max_class_label, initial_out_features) au_init = torch.zeros(initial_out_features, dtype=torch.bool) self.register_buffer("active_units_T0", au_init)
@property def active_units(self): res = {} for tid in self.known_train_tasks_labels: mask = getattr(self, f"active_units_T{tid}") au = torch.arange(0, mask.shape[0])[mask].tolist() res[tid] = au return res @property def task_masks(self): res = {} for tid in self.known_train_tasks_labels: res[tid] = getattr(self, f"active_units_T{tid}") return res def adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience): """If `dataset` contains new tasks, a new head is initialized. :param experience: data from the current experience. :return: """ super().adaptation(experience) curr_classes = experience.classes_in_this_experience task_labels = experience.task_labels if isinstance(task_labels, ConstantSequence): # task label is unique. Don't check duplicates. task_labels = [task_labels[0]] for tid in set(task_labels): tid = str(tid) # head adaptation if tid not in self.classifiers: # create new head new_head = IncrementalClassifier( self.in_features, self.starting_out_features ) self.classifiers[tid] = new_head au_init = torch.zeros( self.starting_out_features, dtype=torch.bool ) self.register_buffer(f"active_units_T{tid}", au_init) self.classifiers[tid].adaptation(experience) # update active_units mask for the current task if self.masking: # TODO: code below assumes a single task for each experience # it should be easy to generalize but it may be slower. if len(task_labels) > 1: raise NotImplementedError( "Multi-Head unit masking is not supported when " "experiences have multiple task labels. Set " "masking=False in your " "MultiHeadClassifier to disable masking." ) au_name = f"active_units_T{tid}" curr_head = self.classifiers[tid] old_nunits = self._buffers[au_name].shape[0] new_nclasses = max( curr_head.classifier.out_features, max(curr_classes) + 1 ) if old_nunits != new_nclasses: # expand active_units mask old_act_units = self._buffers[au_name] self._buffers[au_name] = torch.zeros( new_nclasses, dtype=torch.bool ) self._buffers[au_name][ : old_act_units.shape[0] ] = old_act_units # update with new active classes if self._buffers[au_name][curr_classes] = 1 def forward_single_task(self, x, task_label): """compute the output given the input `x`. This module uses the task label to activate the correct head. :param x: :param task_label: :return: """ task_label = str(task_label) out = self.classifiers[task_label](x) if self.masking: au_name = f"active_units_T{task_label}" curr_au = self._buffers[au_name] nunits, oldsize = out.shape[-1], curr_au.shape[0] if oldsize < nunits: # we have to update the mask old_mask = self._buffers[au_name] self._buffers[au_name] = torch.zeros(nunits, dtype=torch.bool) self._buffers[au_name][:oldsize] = old_mask curr_au = self._buffers[au_name] out[..., torch.logical_not(curr_au)] = self.mask_value return out
[docs]class TrainEvalModel(DynamicModule): """ TrainEvalModel. This module allows to wrap together a common feature extractor and two classifiers: one used during training time and another used at test time. The classifier is switched when `self.adaptation()` is called. """
[docs] def __init__(self, feature_extractor, train_classifier, eval_classifier): """ :param feature_extractor: a differentiable feature extractor :param train_classifier: a differentiable classifier used during training :param eval_classifier: a classifier used during testing. Doesn't have to be differentiable. """ super().__init__() self.feature_extractor = feature_extractor self.train_classifier = train_classifier self.eval_classifier = eval_classifier self.classifier = train_classifier
def forward(self, x): x = self.feature_extractor(x) return self.classifier(x) def train_adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience = None): self.classifier = self.train_classifier def eval_adaptation(self, experience: CLExperience = None): self.classifier = self.eval_classifier
__all__ = [ "DynamicModule", "MultiTaskModule", "IncrementalClassifier", "MultiHeadClassifier", "TrainEvalModel", ]