Source code for

from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

from copy import deepcopy
import torch
from import DataLoader
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import MultiStepLR

from avalanche.benchmarks.utils import classification_subset, \
from avalanche.benchmarks.utils.data_loader import ReplayDataLoader
from import SupervisedPlugin
from import (
from avalanche.models.dynamic_modules import MultiTaskModule
from avalanche.models.bic_model import BiasLayer

    from import SupervisedTemplate

[docs]class BiCPlugin(SupervisedPlugin): """ Bias Correction (BiC) plugin. Technique introduced in: "Wu, Yue, et al. "Large scale incremental learning." Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. 2019" Implementation based on FACIL, as in: """
[docs] def __init__( self, mem_size: int = 2000, batch_size: int = None, batch_size_mem: int = None, task_balanced_dataloader: bool = False, storage_policy: Optional["ExemplarsBuffer"] = None, val_percentage: float = 0.1, T: int = 2, stage_2_epochs: int = 200, lamb: float = -1, lr: float = 0.1, ): """ :param mem_size: replay buffer size. :param batch_size: the size of the data batch. If set to `None`, it will be set equal to the strategy's batch size. :param batch_size_mem: the size of the memory batch. If `task_balanced_dataloader` is set to True, it must be greater than or equal to the number of tasks. If its value is set to `None` (the default value), it will be automatically set equal to the data batch size. :param task_balanced_dataloader: if True, buffer data loaders will be task-balanced, otherwise it will create a single dataloader for the buffer samples. :param storage_policy: The policy that controls how to add new exemplars in memory :param val_percentage: hyperparameter used to set the percentage of exemplars in the val set. :param T: hyperparameter used to set the temperature used in stage 1. :param stage_2_epochs: hyperparameter used to set the amount of epochs of stage 2. :param lamb: hyperparameter used to balance the distilling loss and the classification loss. :param lr: hyperparameter used as a learning rate for the second phase of training. """ # Replay (Phase 1) super().__init__() self.mem_size = mem_size self.batch_size = batch_size self.batch_size_mem = batch_size_mem self.task_balanced_dataloader = task_balanced_dataloader if storage_policy is not None: # Use other storage policy self.storage_policy = storage_policy assert storage_policy.max_size == self.mem_size else: # Default self.storage_policy = ExperienceBalancedBuffer( max_size=self.mem_size, adaptive_size=True ) # Train Bias (Phase 2) self.val_percentage = val_percentage self.stage_2_epochs = stage_2_epochs self.T = T self.lamb = lamb self.mem_size = mem_size = lr self.seen_classes = set() self.class_to_tasks = {} self.bias_layer = {} self.model_old = None self.val_buffer = {}
@property def ext_mem(self): return self.storage_policy.buffer_groups # a Dict<task_id, Dataset> def before_training(self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", *args, **kwargs): assert not isinstance(strategy.model, MultiTaskModule), \ "BiC only supported for Class Incremetnal Learning (single head)" def before_train_dataset_adaptation( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", **kwargs ): new_data = strategy.experience.dataset task_id = strategy.experience.current_experience cl_idxs = {k : [] for k in new_data.targets.uniques} for idx, target in enumerate(new_data.targets): cl_idxs[target].append(idx) for c in cl_idxs.keys(): self.class_to_tasks[c] = task_id self.seen_classes.update(cl_idxs.keys()) lens = self.get_group_lengths(len(self.seen_classes)) class_to_len = {} for class_id, ll in zip(self.seen_classes, lens): class_to_len[class_id] = ll train_data = [] for class_id in cl_idxs.keys(): ll = class_to_len[class_id] new_data_c = classification_subset( new_data, cl_idxs[class_id][:ll]) if class_id in self.val_buffer: old_buffer_c = self.val_buffer[class_id] old_buffer_c.update_from_dataset(new_data_c) old_buffer_c.resize(strategy, ll) else: new_buffer = ReservoirSamplingBuffer(ll) new_buffer.update_from_dataset(new_data_c) self.val_buffer[class_id] = new_buffer train_data.append(classification_subset( new_data, cl_idxs[class_id][ll:])) # resize buffers for class_id, class_buf in self.val_buffer.items(): class_buf.resize( strategy, class_to_len[class_id] ) strategy.experience.dataset = concat_classification_datasets(train_data) def before_training_exp( self, strategy: "SupervisedTemplate", num_workers: int = 0, shuffle: bool = True, **kwargs ): """ Dataloader to build batches containing examples from both memories and the training dataset """ task_id = strategy.experience.current_experience if task_id not in self.bias_layer: self.bias_layer[task_id] = BiasLayer( strategy.device, list(strategy.adapted_dataset.targets.uniques) ) if len(self.storage_policy.buffer) == 0: # first experience. We don't use the buffer, no need to change # the dataloader. return batch_size = self.batch_size if batch_size is None: batch_size = strategy.train_mb_size batch_size_mem = self.batch_size_mem if batch_size_mem is None: batch_size_mem = strategy.train_mb_size strategy.dataloader = ReplayDataLoader( strategy.adapted_dataset, self.storage_policy.buffer, oversample_small_tasks=True, batch_size=batch_size, batch_size_mem=batch_size_mem, task_balanced_dataloader=self.task_balanced_dataloader, num_workers=num_workers, shuffle=shuffle, ) def after_forward(self, strategy, **kwargs): for t in self.bias_layer.keys(): strategy.mb_output = self.bias_layer[t](strategy.mb_output) def after_eval_forward(self, strategy, **kwargs): for t in self.bias_layer.keys(): strategy.mb_output = self.bias_layer[t](strategy.mb_output) def before_backward(self, strategy, **kwargs): # Distill task_id = strategy.experience.current_experience if self.model_old is not None: out_old = self.model_old( out_new = strategy.model( old_clss = [] for c in self.class_to_tasks.keys(): if self.class_to_tasks[c] < task_id: old_clss.append(c) loss_dist = self.cross_entropy(out_new[:, old_clss], out_old[:, old_clss]) if self.lamb == -1: lamb = len(old_clss) / len(self.seen_classes) return (1.0 - lamb) * strategy.loss + lamb * loss_dist else: return strategy.loss + self.lamb * loss_dist def after_training_exp(self, strategy, **kwargs): self.model_old = deepcopy(strategy.model) task_id = strategy.experience.current_experience self.storage_policy.update(strategy, **kwargs) if task_id > 0: list_subsets = [] for _, class_buf in self.val_buffer.items(): list_subsets.append(class_buf.buffer) stage_set = concat_classification_datasets(list_subsets) stage_loader = DataLoader( stage_set, batch_size=strategy.train_mb_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=4) bic_optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( self.bias_layer[task_id].parameters(),, momentum=0.9) scheduler = MultiStepLR(bic_optimizer, milestones=[50, 100, 150], gamma=0.1, verbose=False) # Loop epochs for e in range(self.stage_2_epochs): total, t_acc, t_loss = 0, 0, 0 for inputs in stage_loader: x = inputs[0].to(strategy.device) y_real = inputs[1].to(strategy.device) outputs = strategy.model(x) for t in self.bias_layer.keys(): outputs = self.bias_layer[t](outputs) loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy( outputs, y_real) _, preds = torch.max(outputs, 1) t_acc += torch.sum(preds == t_loss += loss.item() * x.size(0) total += x.size(0) loss += 0.1 * ((self.bias_layer[task_id].beta.sum() ** 2) / 2) bic_optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() bic_optimizer.step() scheduler.step() if (e + 1) % (int(self.stage_2_epochs / 4)) == 0: print('| E {:3d} | Train: loss={:.3f}, S2 acc={:5.1f}% |' .format(e + 1, t_loss / total, 100 * t_acc / total)) def cross_entropy(self, outputs, targets): """Calculates cross-entropy with temperature scaling""" logp = torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(outputs/self.T, dim=1) pre_p = torch.nn.functional.softmax(targets/self.T, dim=1) return -torch.mean(torch.sum(pre_p * logp, dim=1)) * self.T * self.T def get_group_lengths(self, num_groups): """Compute groups lengths given the number of groups `num_groups`.""" max_size = int(self.val_percentage * self.mem_size) lengths = [max_size // num_groups for _ in range(num_groups)] # distribute remaining size among experiences. rem = max_size - sum(lengths) for i in range(rem): lengths[i] += 1 return lengths