Source code for avalanche.core

from abc import ABC
from typing import TypeVar, Generic
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from import BaseTemplate

CallbackResult = TypeVar("CallbackResult")
Template = TypeVar("Template", bound="BaseTemplate")

[docs]class BasePlugin(Generic[Template], ABC): """ABC for BaseTemplate plugins. A plugin is simply an object implementing some strategy callbacks. Plugins are called automatically during the strategy execution. Callbacks provide access before/after each phase of the execution. In general, for each method of the training and evaluation loops, `StrategyCallbacks` provide two functions `before_{method}` and `after_{method}`, called before and after the method, respectively. Therefore plugins can "inject" additional code by implementing callbacks. Each callback has a `strategy` argument that gives access to the state. In Avalanche, callbacks are used to implement continual strategies, metrics and loggers. """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
def before_training(self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs): """Called before `train` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_training_exp(self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs): """Called before `train_exp` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_training_exp(self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs): """Called after `train_exp` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_training(self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs): """Called after `train` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_eval( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `eval` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_eval_exp( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `eval_exp` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_eval_exp( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `eval_exp` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_eval(self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `eval` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass
[docs]class BaseSGDPlugin(BasePlugin[Template], ABC): """ABC for BaseSGDTemplate plugins. See `BaseSGDTemplate` for complete description of the train/eval loop. """ def before_training_epoch( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `train_epoch` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_training_iteration( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before the start of a training iteration by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_forward( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `model.forward()` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_forward( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `model.forward()` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_backward( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `criterion.backward()` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_backward( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `criterion.backward()` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_training_iteration( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after the end of a training iteration by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_update( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `optimizer.update()` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_update( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `optimizer.update()` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_training_epoch( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `train_epoch` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_eval_iteration( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before the start of a training iteration by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_eval_forward( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `model.forward()` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_eval_forward( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `model.forward()` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_eval_iteration( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after the end of an iteration by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass
[docs]class SupervisedPlugin(BaseSGDPlugin[Template], ABC): """ABC for SupervisedTemplate plugins. See `BaseTemplate` for complete description of the train/eval loop. """ def before_train_dataset_adaptation( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `train_dataset_adapatation` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_train_dataset_adaptation( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `train_dataset_adapatation` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def before_eval_dataset_adaptation( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called before `eval_dataset_adaptation` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass def after_eval_dataset_adaptation( self, strategy: Template, *args, **kwargs ) -> CallbackResult: """Called after `eval_dataset_adaptation` by the `BaseTemplate`.""" pass